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 〃So then we have not; it would seem; gotten what you said entirely out of context。 〃
 Kahlan could see tears in Richard's eyes。 〃Why are you asking me these questions!〃
 〃Why do you want the object of magic?〃
 〃To stop Darken Rahl!〃
 〃And how will getting this object stop him?〃
 Richard leaned back a little。 His eyes went wide。 He understood。 A tear ran down his cheek。 〃Because; if I can get the object; and keep it from him;〃 he whispered; 〃he will die。 I will kill him in that way。〃
 〃What you are really asking us; then; is; for our aid in killing another。〃 There voices echoed around her in the darkness。
 Richard only nodded。
 〃That is why we are asking you these questions。 You are asking for our aid in killing。 Do you not think it fair we should know what kind of person it is we would be helping in his attempt to kill?〃 Sweat was rolling off Richard's face。 〃I guess so。〃 He closed his eyes。
 〃Why do you want to kill this man?〃
 〃Many reasons。〃
 〃Why do you want to kill this man?〃
 〃Because he tortured and killed my father。 Because he has tortured and killed many others。 Because he will kill me if I don't kill him。 Because he will torture and kill many more if I don't kill him。 It is the only way to stop him。 He cannot be reasoned with。 I have no option but to kill him。〃
 〃Consider the next question carefully。 Answer with the truth; or this gathering will end。〃
 Richard nodded。
 〃What is the reason; above all others; why you want to kill this man?〃
 Richard looked down and closed his eyes again。 〃Because;〃 he whispered at last; tears running down his face; 〃if I don't kill him; he will kill Kahlan。〃
 Kahlan felt as if she had been hit in the stomach。 She could barely bring herself to translate the words。 There was a long silence。 Richard sat naked; in more ways than one。 She was angry at the spirits for doing this to him。 She was also deeply distraught by what she was doing to him。 Shar had been right。
 〃If Kahlan were not a factor; would you still try to kill this man? 》;
 〃Absolutely。 You asked the reason above all others。 I told you。〃
 〃What is the object of magic you seek?〃 they asked suddenly。
 〃Does that mean you agree with my reasons for killing?〃
 〃No。 It means that for our own reasons; we have decided to answer your question。 If we can。 What is the object of magic you seek? 〃
 〃One of the three boxes of Orden。〃
 When Kahlan translated; the spirits suddenly howled as if in pain。 〃We are not allowed to answer that question。 The boxes of Orden are in play。 This gathering is over。 〃
 The elders' eyes began to close。 Richard jumped to his feet。 〃You would let Darken Rahl kill all those people when you have the power to help?〃 〃Yes。 〃
 〃You would let him kill your descendants? Your living flesh and blood? You aren't spirit ancestors to our people; you are spirit traitors!〃
 〃Not true。 〃
 〃Then tell me!〃
 〃Not allowed。 〃
 〃Please! Don't leave us without your help。 Let me ask another question?〃
 〃We are not allowed to disclose where the boxes of Orden are。 It is forbidden。 Think; and ask another question。 〃
 Richard sat down; pulling his knees up。 He rubbed his eyes with the tips of his fingers。 The symbols painted all over him made him look like some kind of wild creature。 He put his face in his hands; thinking。 His head snapped up。
 〃You can't tell me where the boxes are。 Are there any other restrictions?〃
 〃Yes。 〃
 〃How many boxes does Rahl already have?〃
 〃Two。 〃
 He looked at the elders evenly。 〃You have just disclosed where two of the boxes are。 That is forbidden;〃 he reminded them。 〃Or maybe it is simply a gray shade of intent?〃
 〃That information is not restricted。 Your question?〃
 Richard leaned forward like a dog on scent。 〃Can you tell me who knows where the last box is?〃
 Richard already knew the answer to this question; she suspected。 She recognized his manner of slicing the loaf the other way。
 〃We know the name of the person who has the box; and the names of several other people nearby; but we cannot tell you the names because that would be the same as telling you where it is。 That is forbidden。 〃
 〃Then; can you tell me the name of a person; other than Rahl; who is not in possession of the last box; who is not near it; but who knows where it is?〃
 〃There is one we can name。 She knows where the box is。 If we tell you her name; that would not lead you to the box; only to her This is allowed。 It will be up to you; not us; to get whatever information you might。 〃
 〃That is my question; then: who is it? Name her。〃
 When they uttered the name; Kahlan froze with a jolt。 She didn't translate。 The elders shook at the mere name; spoken aloud。
 〃Who is it? What's her name'?〃 Richard demanded of her。
 Kahlan looked up at him。
 〃We are as good as dead;〃 she whispered。
 〃Why? Who; is it?〃
 Kahlan sank back; into herself。 〃It is the witch woman; Shota。〃
 〃And do you know where she is?〃
 Kahlan nodded; her brow wrinkled in terror。 〃In the Agaden Reach。〃 She whispered the name as if even the words tasted of poison。 〃Not even a wizard would dare to go into the Reach。〃
 Richard studied the visage of fear in her face; and looked to the elders as they shook。
 〃Then we go to Agaden Reach; to this witch woman; Shota;〃 he said in an even voice; 〃and find out where the box is。〃
 〃We wish you kind fates; 〃 the spirits said; through the Bird Man。 〃The lives of our descendants depend upon you。 〃
 〃Thank you for your help; honored ancestors;〃; Richard said。 〃I will do my best to stop Rahl。 To help our people。〃
 〃You must use your head。 That is Darken Rahl's way。 Meet him on his terms; and you will lose。 It will not be easy。 You will have to suffer; as will our people; as will other people; before you have even a chance to succeed。 And in all probability; you will still fail。 Heed our warning; Richard With The Temper。 〃
 〃I will remember the things you say。 I pledge to do my best。〃
 〃Then we will test the truth of your pledge。 There is something else we would tell you。 〃 They paused for a moment。 〃Darken Rahl is here。 He looks for you。 〃
 Kahlan translated in a rush; jumping to her feet。 Richard came up beside her。
 〃What! He is here now? Where is he; what is he doing'?〃
 〃He is in the center of the village。 He is killing people。 〃
 Fear raged through Kahlan。 Richard took a step forward。 '‘I have to get out of here。 I have to get my sword。 I have to try to stop him!〃
 〃If you wish。 But hear us out first。 Sit; 〃 they manded。
 Richard and Kahlan sank back down; looking wide…eyed at each other; clutching each other's hands。 Tears welled up in her eyes。 〃Hurry; then;〃 Richard said。
 〃Darken Rahl wants you。 Your sword cannot kill him。 Tonight; the balance of power is on his side。 If you go out there; he will kill you。 You will have no chance。 None。 In order to win; you must change the balance of power; something you cannot do this night。 
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