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o do with my crop; how to divide the product of my labor among others。〃
 Rachel wished the man would keep still。 He was going to get his head chopped off。 The people and the Queen thought he was funny; though。
 〃And my family goes cold;〃 he said; and his face looked even more angry; 〃because we aren't allowed to have fire。〃 He pointed at a few of the fireplaces。 〃But here there is fire; to warm the people who tell me we are all equal now; how there will no longer be some put before others and I must therefore not be allowed to keep what is mine。 Isn't it odd; that the people who tell me how we are to all be the same under the alliance with Darken Rahl and do no work other than to divide up the fruit of my labors; are all well fed; and warm; and have fine clothes on their backs。 But my family goes hungry and cold。〃
 Everyone laughed。 Rachel didn't laugh。 She knew what it was like to be hungry; and cold
 〃Lords and ladies;〃 the Queen said; with a chuckle。 〃did I not promise you royal entertainment? The drink of enlightenment lets us see what a selfish fool this man truly is。 Just think; he actually believes it is right to profit while others starve。 He would put his profit above the lives of his fellow man。 For his greed; he would murder the hungry。〃
 Everyone laughed with the Queen。
 The Queen smacked her hand down on the table。 Plates jumped and a few glasses fell over; spilling a red stain across the white tablecloth。 Everyone fell quiet; except the little dog; who barked at the man。 〃This is the kind of greed that will be ended; when the People's Peace Army es to help rid us of these human leeches that suck us all dry!〃 The Queen's round face was as red as the stains on the tablecloth。
 Everyone cheered and clapped for a long time。 The Queen sat back; smiling at last。
 The man's face was as red as hers。 〃Odd; isn't it; now that all the farmers; the workers in town; are all working for the mon good; that there isn't enough good to go around; like there used to be; or enough food。〃
 The Queen jumped to her feet。 〃Of course not!〃 she shouted。 〃Because of greedy people like you!〃 She took some deep breaths; until her face wasn't quite so red; then turned to the Princess。 〃Violet dear; you must learn matters of state sooner or later。 You must learn how to serve the public good for all our people。 Therefore; I will put this matter in your hands; so you may gain experience。 What would you do with this traitor to our people? You choose; dear; and it will be done。〃
 Princess Violet stood。 Smiling; she looked around at the people。
 〃I say;〃 she said; as she leaned forward a little; across the table; to look at the big man in chains; 〃I say; off with his head!〃
 Everyone cheered and clapped again。 Guards dragged the man away as he called them names Rachel didn't understand。 She was sad for him; and for his family。
 After the assembled crowd talked for a while longer; they all decided to go watch the man get his head chopped off。 When the Queen left and Princess Violet turned to her and said it was time to go watch; Rachel stood up in front of her with fists at her side
 〃You're really mean。 You're really mean to say to chop off that man's head。〃
 The Princess put her hands on her hips。 〃Is that so? Well you can just spend the night outside tonight!〃
 〃But Princess Violet; it's so cold out tonight!〃
 〃Well; while you're freezing you can just think about how you dared speak to me in that tone! And so you remember the next time; you are to stay out all day tomorrow; and tomorrow night; too!〃 Her face looked mean; like the Queen's did sometimes。 〃That should teach you some respect。〃
 Rachel started to say something else; then she remembered the trouble doll; and that she wanted to go out。 The Princess pointed at the archway toward the door。
 〃Go on。 Right now; with no supper。〃 She stomped her foot。
 Rachel looked at the ground; to pretend she was sad。 〃Yes; Princess Violet;〃 she said; as she curtsied。
 She walked with her head down; through the archway and down the big hall with all the rugs hung on the high walls。 She liked to look at the pictures on the rugs; but she kept her head down this time; in case the Princess was watching; she didn't want to look happy about being put out。 Guards; wearing shiny armor breastplates and swords and holding pikes; opened the great; tall; iron doors for her without saying anything。 They never said anything to her when they let her out; or when they let her back in。 They knew she was the Princess's playmate: a nobody。
 When she got outside; she tried not to walk too fast; in case anyone was watching。 The stone was as cold as ice on her bare feet。 Carefully; and with each hand under the other armpit to keep her fingers warm; she went down the wide steps and terraces; taking them one at a time so she wouldn't fall; at last reaching the cobblestone walk at the bottom。 More guards patrolled outside; but they ignored her。 They saw her all the time。 The closer she got to the gardens; the faster she walked。
 Rachel slowed on the main garden path; waiting until the guards' backs were turned。 The trouble doll was right where Giller had said it would be。 She put the fire stick in her pocket; then hugged the doll to her as tight as she could before hiding it behind her back。 She whispered to it; a warning to be still。 She couldn't wait to get to her wayward pine so she could tell the doll how mean Princess Violet was to have that man's head chopped off。 She looked around in the darkness。
 There was no one watching; no one to see her take the doll。 At the outer wall; more men were patrolling the high walks; and the Queen's guards were at the gate; standing stiffly in their armor。 They wore their fancy uniforms over the armor; sleeveless red tunics with the Queen's mark; a black wolf's head; emblazoned in the center。 As they lifted the heavy iron bar and two of them pulled the squeaky door open for her; they didn't even look to see what she had behind her back。 When she heard the clang of the bar dropping back in place; and turned around to see the backs of the guards on the wall; then at last she smiled and started to run; it was a long way。
 In a high tower; dark eyes watched her go。 Watched her pass through the heavy guard without raising the slightest suspicion; or interest; like a breath through fangs; through the outer wall garden gate that had kept determined armies out; and traitors in; watched her cross the bridge where hundreds of foes had died in battle; yet failed to gain; watched her rim across the fields; barefoot; unarmed; innocent; and into the forest。 To her secret place。
 Furious; Zedd slapped his hand to the cold metal plate。 The massive stone door slowly grated closed。 He had to step over the bodies of D'Haran guards as he walked to the low wall。 His fingers came to rest on the familiar; smooth stone as he leaned forward; looking out over the sleeping city below。
 From this high wall on the mountainside; the city looked peaceful enough。 But he had already slipped through the darkened streets and seen the troops everywhere。 Troops t
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