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ave sworn to protect the Seeker with my life。 The payment has e due。〃 Tears ran down her face; through the dust on her cheeks。
 As he watched her turn and vanish into the darkness; Richard felt as if a plug inside him had been pulled and his whole self was draining away。
 He went to the fire; slid his back down the log until he sat on the ground。 He pulled his knees up with his arms around them; put his face against them; and cried as he had never cried
 RACHEL SAT ON HER little chair behind the Princess; knocking her knees together; thinking about how she would get the Princess to put her out so she could take the box away with her and never e back。 She kept thinking about the loaf of bread with the box in it; waiting for her in the garden。 She was afraid; but excited; too。 Excited that she was going to be helping all those people so they wouldn't get their heads chopped off。 It was the first time she had ever felt like an important person。 She twisted the hem of her dress。 She could hardly wait to get away。
 All the lords and ladies were drinking their special drink。 They all seemed happy to be doing it。 Giller was standing behind the Queen with her other advisors。 He was talking quietly to the court artist。 She didn't like the artist; he scared her; he always smiled funny at her。 And he only had one hand。 She had heard the servants talking before; that they were afraid the artist would draw a picture of them。
 The people started getting scared looks on their faces。 They were looking at the Queen。 They started to stand up。 Rachel looked over at the Queen and saw that the people weren't looking at her; they were looking at something else; behind her。 Her eyes got wide when she saw the two big men。
 They were the biggest men she had ever seen。 Their shirts didn't have sleeves but their arms had metal bands on them; with sharp things sticking out。 The men had big muscles all over; and yellow hair。 They looked like the meanest men she had ever seen; meaner even than any of the dungeon guards。 The men looked around the room at the people; then went and stood on each side of the big archway behind the Queen and folded their arms。 The Queen huffed and turned around in her chair to see what was happening。
 A man with blue eyes; and long yellow hair and white robes; and a gold…handled knife at his belt; came through the archway。 He was the handsomest…looking man she had ever seen。 He smiled at the Queen。 She jumped to her feet。
 〃What an unexpected surprise!〃 she said in her nicest dog voice。 〃We are honored。 But we weren't expecting you until tomorrow。〃
 The man again smiled a pretty smile at her。 〃I couldn't wait to get here; to see your lovely face again。 Forgive me for being early; Your Majesty。〃
 The Queen giggled as she held her hand out for him to kiss。 She was always having people kiss her hand。 Rachel was surprised at what the nice…looking man had said。 She never knew anyone who thought the Queen was lovely。 The Queen took his hand in hers and brought him forward。
 〃Lords and ladies; may I introduce Father Rahl。〃
 Father Rahl! She looked around to see if anyone had seen her jump; taut no one had; they were all looking at Father Rahl。 She was sure he was going to look at her; and see that she was going to run away with the box。 She looked at Giller; but he didn't look back。 His face was white。 Father Rahl was here before she had run away with the box! What was she going to do?
 She was going to do what Giller had told her to do; that's what。 She was going to be brave and save all those people。 She had to think of a way to get out。
 Father Rahl looked around at all the people who were standing up now。 The little dog barked。 He turned to the source of the sound and it stopped barking; instead it began to whine softly。 He turned back to the people。 It got real quiet。
 〃Dinner is over。 You will excuse us now;〃 he said in a soft voice。
 Everyone started whispering。 His blue eyes watched。 The whispering stopped and they started to leave; first slow; then faster。 Father Rahl looked at some of the royal advisors; and they left; looking glad to be doing it。 A few he didn't look at; including Giller; stayed。 Princess Violet stayed; too; and Rachel tried to stay behind her so she wouldn't be noticed。 The Queen smiled and held her arm out to the table。
 〃Won't you sit; Father Rahl; I'm sure you have had a strenuous journey。 Let us bring you something to eat。 We have a lovely roast tonight。〃
 He looked at her with blue eyes that didn't blink。 〃I don't approve of butchering helpless animals and then consuming their flesh。〃
 Rachel thought the Queen was going to choke。 〃Well; then 。 。 。 we also have a lovely turnip soup; and some other things; I'm sure 。 。 。 there must be something 。 。 。 if there isn't; the cooks; will make whatever 。 。 。〃
 〃Perhaps some other time。 I am not here to eat; I am here for your contribution to the alliance。〃
 〃But 。。。 this is sooner than expected; we haven't finished drawing up the agreements; there are many papers to be signed; and you will want to have them looked over first; surely。〃
 〃I will be only too happy to sign anything you have ready; and offer my word that I will sign whatever additional documents you might have drawn up。 I trust your honesty to deal with me fairly。〃 He smiled。 〃You don't have any intention of tricking me somehow with these agreements; do you?〃
 〃Well; no; Father Rahl; of course not。 Of course not。〃
 〃There you have it; then。 Why would I need anyone to look over these papers; if you are being fair with me? You are being fair; you say?〃
 〃Well; of course I am。 I guess there is no need 。 。 。 but this is most unusual。〃
 〃So is our alliance。 Let's be on with it; then。〃
 〃Yes。 Yes; of course。〃 She turned to one of her advisors。 〃Go get whatever of the alliance treaty you have ready and bring it。 Bring ink and pens。 And my seal。〃 He bowed and left。 The Queen turned to Giller。 〃Wherever you have secreted the box; go and get it。〃
 He bowed。 〃Of course; Your Majesty。〃 Rachel felt alone and afraid when she saw him go through the door; his silver robes flying behind him。
 While they waited; the Queen introduced the Princess to Father Rahl。 Rachel stood behind Princess Violet's chair after she went to have her hand kissed。 Father Rahl bowed to her and kissed her hand and told her how she was as pretty as her mother。 The Princess grinned and grinned and held the hand he had kissed to her breast。
 The advisor came back with his helpers; they each carried armfuls of papers。 They moved plates aside and laid the papers all over the head table; pointing to where the Queen and Father Rahl should sign their names。 One of the helpers dripped red wax on the papers; and the Queen pressed her seal into it。 Father Rahl said he didn't have a seal; and that his written name would do; that he was sure he would recognize his own writing in the future。 When Giller came back; he stood off to the side and waited until they finished。 The men started gathering up all the papers; arguing with each other about which order they went 
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