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 〃So; what are you?〃
 〃I am a Confessor。〃
 Richard knew that word。
 Every muscle in his body went stiff。 His breath caught in his throat。 The Book of Counted Shadows suddenly flooded through。 his mind。 Verification of the truth of the words of the Book of Counted Shadows; if spoken by another; rather than read by the one who mands the boxes; can only be insured by the use of a Confessor 。 。 。 。
 His mind raced; as if flipping the pages in his mind's eye; scanning the words; trying to remember the whole book; trying to remember if Confessor was mentioned again。 No; it wasn't。 He knew every word in the book; and Confessor was in it only once; at the beginning。 He could remember puzzling over what a Confessor could be。 He hadn't even been sure; before; that it was a person。 He felt the weight of the tooth hanging around his neck。
 Kahlan frowned at the look on his face。 〃Do you know what a Confessor is?〃
 〃No;〃 he managed。 〃I heard the word before; that's all 。 。 。 from my father。 But I don't know what it means。〃 He struggled to regain control of himself。 〃So; what does it mean; to be a Confessor?〃
 Kahlan pulled her knees up; hugging her arms around them; withdrawing just a little。 〃It's a power; magic power; that is passed from mother to daughter; going back almost as far as there have been the lands; back beyond the dark time。〃
 Richard didn't know what the 〃dark time〃 was; but didn't interrupt。 〃It is something we are born with; magic that is part of us; and cannot be separated from us any more than you could be separated from your heart。 Any woman who is a Confessor will bear children who are Confessors。 Always。 But the power is not the same in all of us; in some it is weaker; in some; stronger。〃
 〃So you can't get rid of it; even if you wanted to。 But what sort of magic is it?〃
 She looked away; to the fire。 〃It's a power invoked by touch。 It's always there; inside us。 We don't bring it out to use it; instead; we must always hold it in; and use it by releasing our grip of it; relaxing our hold and letting it e forth。〃
 〃Sort of like holding your stomach in?〃
 She smiled at his analogy。 〃Sort of。〃
 〃And what does this power do?〃
 She twisted the corner of her cloak。 〃It does not reveal itself well in words。 I never thought it would be this troublesome to explain; but to someone who is not from the Midlands; well; it's difficult to put into words。 I have never had to do this before; and I'm not even sure it can be done; accurately。 It's a little like trying to explain fog to a blind person。〃
 She nodded and stole a look into his eyes。
 〃It is the power of love。〃
 Richard almost laughed。 〃And I'm supposed to be afraid of the power of love?〃
 Kahlan's back stiffened; indignation flared in her eyes: indignation and the kind of timeless look Adie and Shota had flashed him; one that said that his words were disrespectful; that even his small smile was insolent。 It was a countenance he was not used to seeing her direct at him。 He felt a cold realization that Kahlan was not used to having anyone smile about her power; and who she was。 Her look said more to him about her power than any words could have。 Whatever her magic was; it was definitely not something to be smiled about。 His small grin withered。 When she seemed sure he was not about to say anything else flippant; she went on。
 〃You don't understand。 Do not take it lightly。〃 Her eyes narrowed。 〃Once touched by it; you are no longer the person you were。 You are changed forever。 Forevermore you are devoted to the one who touches you; to the exclusion of all else。 What you wanted; what you were; who you were; no longer ‘means anything to you。 You would do anything for the one who touches you。 Your life is no longer yours; it is hers。 Your soul is no longer yours; it is hers。 The person you were no longer exists。〃
 Richard felt bumps on the skin of his arms。 〃How long does this; this; magic; whatever it is; how long does it last?〃
 〃As long as the one I touch is alive;〃 she said evenly。
 Richard felt the chill run the rest of the way through him。 〃So; it's sort of like you bewitch people?〃
 She let out a breath。 〃Not exactly; but if it helps you to understand; I guess you could put it that way。 But the touch of a Confessor is much more。 Much more powerful; and final。 A bewitching could be removed。 My touch cannot。 Shota was bewitching you; even though you did not realize it。 It's an incremental thing。 Witches cannot help it; it's their way。 But your anger; and the anger from the sword; protected you。
 〃The touch of my power is all at once; and final。 Nothing could protect you。 The person I touch cannot be brought back; because once I touch them; that person is no longer there。 That person is gone forever。 Their free will is gone forever。 One reason I was afraid to go to Shota was because witches hate Confessors。 They are fiercely jealous of our power; jealous that once touched; the person is totally devoted。 The one touched by a Confessor would do anything she says。〃 She gave him a hard look。 〃Anything。〃
 Richard felt his mouth go dry as his thoughts scattered in every direction at once; trying desperately to hold on to his hopes; his dreams。 The only way he could hold it together; and gain time to think; was to ask questions。 〃Does it work on everyone?〃
 〃Everyone human。 Except Darken Rahl。 The wizards warned me that the magic of Orden protects him from our touch。 He has nothing to fear from me。 On those who are not human; it mostly doesn't work because they don't have the capacity for passion; which the magic requires in order to work。 A gar; for example; would not be changed by my touch。 It works on some other creatures; but not exactly the same as it does a human。〃
 He watched her from under his eyebrows。 〃Shar? You touched her; didn't you?〃
 Kahlan nodded and leaned back a little; the slump _ settling back into her shoulders。 〃Yes。 She was dying; and lonely。 She was suffering the pain of being away from her kind; the pain of dying alone。 She asked me to touch her。 My touch took her fear; and replaced it with a love for me that left no room for her own pain; for her own loneliness。 Nothing was left of her except her love for me。〃
 〃What about when I first met you; when the quad was chasing us? You touched one of those men too; didn't you?〃
 Kahlan nodded; leaning back the rest of the way against the log; pulling her cloak around her; looking into the fire。 〃Even though they are sworn to kill me; once I touch one of them; they are mine;〃 she said with finality。 〃They will fight to the death to protect me。 That is the reason Rahl sends four men to kill a Confessor; it's expected she will touch one; then there are three left to kill him; and her。 It takes the three left because the one will fight so fiercely he usually kills one; often two; but that still leaves at least one to kill the Confessor。 On a rare occasion; he will kill the remaining three。 That happened to me with the quad that chased me before the wizards sent me across the boundary。 A quad is the most econo
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