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 〃Yes; they have protection; a lot; in fact; but it's not as difficult as it sounds。 A Confessor touches one person; maybe a guard; then she has an ally; he takes her to another; he is taken; soon she is inside。 Each person she touches can get her close to one of higher rank; and gains her more allies。 Working her way up through the trusted positions and advisors; she can be at the king or queen sooner than you would think; and often before so much as an eyebrow is raised; much less an alarm。 Any Confessor could do it。 The Mother Confessor even easier。
 〃The Mother Confessor with a band of her sisters would sweep through a castle like the plague。 Not that such an effort is without danger; many Confessors died; but the goal was seen as worth it。 This is the reason no land is closed to a Confessor; though it may be to every other。
 〃Closing a land to a Confessor is tantamount to an admission of guilt; and is sufficient cause for the leader to be taken from power。 This is why the Mud People; for example; allow me in; even though they do not often let other outsiders in。 Not allowing a Confessor access would raise questions and suspicions。 A leader involved in any sort of plot would gladly grant a Confessor free access; to try to hide their involvement in any subversion。
 〃In those times; there were some among the Confessors who were more than willing to use their power as they wanted; to root out wrongdoing; as they saw it。 The wizards exerted their influence to bring this under control; but the Confessors' zeal showed the people what a Confessor was capable of。 But these were different times。〃
 Taking a ruler from power。 Different times or not; Richard found all this hard to take; to justify。 〃What gave these Confessors the right?〃
 She shook her head slowly。 〃What we are doing now; you and 1; is it much different from what has been done in the past? Taking a ruler from power? We all do what we think we must; what we think is right。〃
 He shifted his weight unfortably。 〃I see your point;〃 he admitted。 〃Have you done this before? Removing a ruler?〃
 She shook her head。 〃Still; the leaders of the lands are all keen to avoid my attention。 It is much the same way with the Seeker。 At least; it used to be; before you and I were born。 Then; Seekers were more feared and respected than Confessors。〃 She gave him a meaningful look。 〃They; too; have dethroned kings。 Now; though; because the Old One was ignored; and the sword had bee a political favor; they are seen as less; little more than pawns; thieves。〃
 〃I'm not sure that has changed;〃 Richard said; more to himself than to her。 〃Much of the time; I feel as if I am nothing more than a pawn; being moved by others。 Even by Zedd; and 。 。 。〃
 He shut his mouth and didn't finish; she did it for him。
 〃And by me。〃
 〃I don't mean it that way。 It's just that; sometimes; I wish I had never heard of the Sword of Truth。 But at the same time; I can't allow Rahl to win; so I'm stuck with my duty。 I guess I have no choice; and that's what I hate。〃
 Kahlan smiled sadly as she folded her legs under her。 〃Richard; as you e to understand what I am; I hope you can remember it's the same with me。 I; too; have no choice。 But with me; it's worse; because I was born with my power。 At least when this is all done; you can give the sword back if you want。 I am a Confessor 。for as long as I live。〃 She paused; then added; 〃Since I have e to know you; I would pay any price to be able to give it up; and just be a normal woman。〃
 Richard didn't know what to do with his hands; so he picked up a stick and started drawing lines in the dirt。 〃I still don't understand; why are you called ‘Confessors'? What does ‘Confessor' mean?〃 He was 。able to look up at her only with great difficulty。
 Kahlan took on an expression of pain that made him feel sorry for her。 〃It is what we do。 We are the final arbiters of truth。 It is the reason the wizards gave us the power; back in times long forgotten。 It is how we serve the people。〃
 〃Final arbiter of truth;〃 he repeated with a frown。 〃Something like a Seeker。〃
 She nodded。 〃Seekers and Confessors are linked in purpose。 In a way; we are the opposite ends of the same magic。 The wizards of long ago were almost like rulers; and they became frustrated by the corruption about them。 They hated the lies and deception。 They wanted a way to prevent corrupt leaders from using their power to deceive and subvert the people。 You see; these unscrupulous leaders would simply accuse their political enemies of a crime; and have them executed for it; at once dishonoring them and eliminating them。
 〃The wizards wanted a way to put a stop to this。 They needed a way that left no room for doubt。 So they created a magic; and gave it a life of its own。 They created the Confessors from a select group of women。 They picked the women carefully; because once brought to life in these women; the power had a life of its own; and would pass to their offspring…forever。〃 She looked down at the stick; idly watching him draw lines。 〃We use our power to find the truth; when the truth is important enough。 Mostly; now; it is used to make sure a person sentenced to death is really guilty。 When a person is condemned to death; we touch them; and then; once。 they are ours; we have them confess。〃
 Richard found himself leaning over; the stick frozen in place。 He forced himself to move it as she went on。
 〃Once touched; even the most vile of murderers will do as we mand; and will confess his crimes。 Occasionally; the courts are not sure they have the _ right man; and so a Confessor is called in to find the truth。 In most lands; the law states that none can be put to death without first giving a confession; so all can be sure they are putting the right man to death; and not letting the guilty escape; and that it's not an act of political revenge。
 〃Some peoples of the Midlands won't use a Confessor; the Mud People; for example。 They don't want what they see as outside interference。 But they still fear us; because they know what we can do。 We respect the wishes of these people; there is no law forcing them to use our services。 But still; we would force it on them if we suspected there was deception involved。 Most lands; though; do use us。 They find it expedient。
 〃The Confessors were the ones who first uncovered the plotting and subversion taking place on behalf of Darken Rahl。 Discovering important truths; such as this; is the very reason wizards created Confessors; and Seekers; in the first place。 Darken Rahl was not happy we discovered his scheming。
 〃In rare cases; someone who is to be put…to death without the use of a Confessor will call for a Confessor to be brought in; so that he may give a true confession; and thus prove his innocence。 In all of the Midlands; this is the right of the condemned。〃
 Her voice became softer; weaker。 〃I hate that the most。 No one who is guilty would call for a Confessor; it would only prove them to be guilty。 Even before I touch these men; I know they are innocent; but I must do it anyway。 If you ever saw the look in their eyes when I touch them 。 。 。 you wou
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