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 Zedd watched Richard's eyes。 This was a lesson; the way the old man had taught Richard since he was young。 〃You have learned something; my boy?〃
 Richard nodded。 〃Life for the strongest。 There is no sympathy for the slain; only admiration for the winner's strength。〃
 〃But people don't think that way;〃 Kahlan said; unable to hold her tongue。
 Zedd gave a sly smile。 〃No?〃 He pointed to a small; withered tree near them。 〃Look at this tree; dear one。〃 He pointed to the big pine。 〃And this。 Tell me which you admire more。〃
 〃This one;〃 she said; pointing at the big pine。 〃It's a beautiful tree。〃
 〃This one。 You see? People do think this way。 It's beautiful; you said。 You chose the tree that murders; not the one murdered。〃 Zedd smiled triumphantly。 〃The way of nature。〃
 Kahlan; folded her arms。 〃I knew I should have kept my mouth shut。〃
 〃You may keep your mouth closed if you wish; but don't close your mind。 To defeat Darken Rahl; we must understand him to know how to destroy him。〃
 〃This is how he's winning so much territory;〃 Richard said; tapping his finger on the hilt of his sword。 〃He's letting others do it for him; giving them a cause; then all he has to worry about is going after the boxes。 There is no one to interfere。〃
 Zedd nodded。 〃He uses the Wizard's First Rule to do most of the work for him。 This is what makes our job so hard。 He gets people on his side because people don't care about the truth; they do his bidding because they believe what they want to; and fight to the death for these beliefs; despite how false they are。〃
 Richard slowly stood; looking off into the night。 〃All this time; I thought we were fighting evil。 Evil on the loose; run amok。 But that's not it at all。 What we're up against is more like a plague。 A plague of fools。〃
 〃You have gotten it right; my boy。 A plague of fools。〃
 〃Directed by Darken Rahl;〃 Kahlan noted。
 Zedd peered at her a moment。 〃If someone digs a hole; and it fills with rainwater; where is the fault? Is it the rain's fault? Or is it the fault of the person who digs the hole? Is it Darken Rahl's fault; or the fault of those who dig the hole; and let him rain in?〃
 〃Maybe both;〃 Kahlan said。 〃That leaves us with a lot of Enemies。〃
 Zedd lifted a finger。 〃And very dangerous ones。 Fools who won't see the truth are deadly。 As a Confessor; perhaps you have already learned this lesson; yes?〃 She nodded。 〃They don't always do what you think they will; or should; and you can be caught off guard。 People you don't think should be trouble can kill you quick。〃
 〃This doesn't change anything;〃 Kahlan said。 〃If Rahl gets all the boxes; and opens the right one; he is the one who will kill us all。 He is still the head to the snake; it is still this head we must remove。〃
 Zedd shrugged。 〃You are correct。 But we must stay alive to have a chance to kill this snake; and there are plenty of small snakes that can kill us first。〃
 〃This is a lesson we already learned;〃 Richard said。 〃But as Kahlan said; it doesn't change anything。 We must still get the box to kill Rahl。〃 He sat down again; next to her。
 Zedd's face turned deadly serious。 〃Just remember: Darken Rahl can kill you;〃 he pointed a bony finger at Richard; then Kahlan; 〃and you;〃 then at himself; 〃and me…easy。〃
 Richard sat back a little。 〃Then; why hasn't he?〃
 Zedd lifted an eyebrow。 〃Do you go around a room; and kill all the flies in it? No。 You ignore them。 They don't merit your attention。 Until they bite。 Then you swat them。〃 He leaned closer to the two of them。 〃We are about to bite him。〃 Richard and Kahlan gave each other a sideways glance。
 〃Wizard's First Rule。〃 Richard felt a trickle of sweat run down his back。 〃I'll remember。〃
 〃And don't repeat it to anyone;〃 the wizard admonished。 〃Wizard's Rules are for none but a wizard to know。 The Wizard's Rules may seem cynical or trivial to you; but they are powerful weapons if you know how to use them; because they are true。 Truth is power。 I have told you two because I'm the head of the wizards; and I think it important for you to understand。 You must know what Rahl is doing; since it is the three of us who must stop him。〃
 Richard and Kahlan both nodded their oath。
 〃It's late。〃 Zedd yawned。 〃I have been traveling a long time to reach you。 We will talk more later。〃
 Richard jumped up。 〃I'll take first watch。〃 He had something to do; and wanted it done before anything else happened。 〃Use my blankets; Zedd。〃
 〃Done。 I'll take second watch。〃 Second watch of three was the least pleasant: it split your sleeping in two。 Kahlan began to protest。 〃I spoke first; dear one。〃
 Richard pointed to the rock outcropping where he would be; after he scouted the area; and headed off。 His mind churned with a thousand thoughts; but with one above all the rest。 The night was still; and cold; yet not unfortably so。 He left his cloak open as he picked his way through the trees; intent on where he was going。 Night creatures called to one another; but he hardly noticed。 At one point; he scrambled to the top of a boulder and peered back through the gaps in the trees; watching the fire; waiting until he saw the other two roll themselves in the blankets; then he slid off the rock and continued on toward the sound of rushing water。
 At the edge of the river; he cast about until he found a chunk of driftwood big enough for his purpose。 Richard remembered Zedd telling him that he must have the courage to do what was necessary for their goal; and he must be prepared to kill any one of them if it came to that。 Richard knew Zedd; and he knew that Zedd wasn't just making a point…he meant what he said。 He 。knew that Zedd was capable of killing him; or; more important; Kahlan
 He took the tooth from his shirt; pulling the leather cord over his head。 He held the triangular shaped tooth in his hand; feeling the weight of it; looking at it in the moonlight; and thought about his father。 The tooth was the only way for Richard to prove to Zedd that his father wasn't a thief; that he had taken the book to keep it from Darken Rahl。 Richard wanted so badly to tell Zedd; to tell him that his father had been a hero; had given his life to stop Rahl and died a hero to protect them all。 He wanted his father to be remembered for what he had done。 He wanted to tell Zedd。
 But he couldn't。
 The wizard wanted the Book of Counted Shadows destroyed。 Richard was the Book of Counted Shadows now。 Shota had warned him that Zedd would use the wizard's; fire against him; but that he had a chance to beat him。 Perhaps this was the way。 To destroy the book; Zedd would have to kill him。 Richard didn't care about himself; he had nothing to live for; he no longer cared if he died。
 But he did care if Kahlan died。 If Zedd knew that Richard had the book inside him; he would make him tell what it said; and then he would know that to make sure the book was true; Rahl would have to use a Confessor。 And there was only one Confessor left alive。 Kahlan。 If Zedd knew; he would kill her to prevent Rahl from getting the knowledge。
 Richard couldn't allow the chance o
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