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 Zedd lifted an eyebrow。 〃Really 。 。 。
 Kahlan nodded。 〃In return for ‘saving' her; she granted him a wish。 He used it to save us。 He made her spare our lives。 Richard wouldn't back down。 Shota was not happy。 She said that if he ever es back to Agaden Reach; she will kill him。〃
 〃That boy never fails to amaze me。 He really picked the information over my life?〃
 She was a little surprised by his smile。 She nodded。 〃He jumped right in front of the wizard's fire。 He…used his sword to turn it away。〃
 Zedd rubbed his chin。 〃How wondrous: That's precisely what he should have done。 I had always feared he wouldn't be able to do what was necessary; if it came right down to it。 I guess I need fear no longer。 Then what?〃
 Kahlan looked down at her hands。 〃I Wanted Shota to kill me; but she wouldn't; because she had granted him the wish。 Zedd; I 。 。 。 I couldn't stand the thought of doing that to him。 I begged him to kill me。 I didn't want to live to carry out the prophecy; to hurt him。〃
 She paused; and for a moment silence hung between them
 〃He wouldn't do it。 So I tried to。 For days I tried。 He took my knife away; he tied me up at night; he watched me every second。 I felt like I had lost my mind。 Maybe for a time; I had。 At last; he convinced me that we couldn't know what the prophecy meant; or even that it wasn't he who would turn against us; and would have to be killed in order to defeat Darken Rahl。 He made me see that I couldn't act on a prophecy we didn't yet understand。〃
 〃I'm very sorry; dear one; that I had to make you tell me; and for what you two have been through。 But Richard is right。 Prophecies are dangerous things to take too seriously。〃
 〃But a witch woman's prophecies are always true; aren't they
 〃Yes。〃 He shrugged as he spoke softly。 〃But not always in the way 。you think。 Sometimes; prophecies can even be self fulfilling。〃
 She gave him a puzzled look。 〃Really?〃
 〃Sure。 Just imagine; for the sake of illustration; that I tried to kill you because I wanted to protect Richard; from this prophecy ing true。 He sees this; we fight; one of us wins; say it's him。 That part of the prophecy is fulfilled; so he fears the other part will be too; and thinks he must kill you。 You don't want to be killed; so you touch him to protect yourself。 There you have it; prophecy fulfilled。
 〃The problem is; it's a self…fulfilling prophecy。 Without it; none of these things would have happened。 There was no outside influence other than the prophecy。 Prophecies are always true; but we seldom know how。〃 He gave her a look as if asking of she understood。
 〃I always thought prophecies were to be taken seriously。〃
 〃They are; but only by those who understand such things; prophecies are dangerous。 The wizards guard books of prophecies; as you know。 When I was at my Keep; I reread some of the pertinent books。 But I don't understand most of them。 There used to be wizards who did nothing else but study the books of prophecies。 There are prophecies in them I have read that would scare you blind; if you knew them。 They sometimes make even me wake at night in a sweat。 There are things in them I think might be about Richard; that frighten me; and there are things in them I know are about Richard; but I don't know what they will turn out to mean; and I dare not act on what I have read。 We can't always know what the prophecies mean; and so they must be kept secret。 Some of these could cause great trouble if people heard them。〃
 Kahlan's eyes were wide。 〃Richard is in the books of prophecies? I have never met anyone before who was in the books。〃
 He gave her an even gaze。 〃You are in the books too。〃
 〃Me! My name is in the books of prophecies!〃
 〃Well; yes and no。 That's not how it works。 You seldom know for sure。 But in this case; I do。 It says things like; ‘The last Mother Confessor' this; and ‘The last Mother Confessor' that; but there can be no doubt who the last Mother Confessor is。 It is you; Kahlan。 There can also be no doubt who ‘the Seeker who mands the wind against the heir to D'Hara' is。 It is Richard。 Heir to D'Hara is Rahl。〃
 〃mands the wind! What does that mean?〃
 〃I haven't the slightest idea。〃
 Kahlan frowned and looked down as she picked at the rock。 〃Zedd; what does it say about me in the books of prophecies?〃
 He was watching her when her eyes came back up。 〃I'm sorry; dear one; I can't tell you that。 You would be too frightened to ever sleep again。〃
 She nodded。 〃I feel very foolish now; for wanting to kill myself because of Shota's prophecy。 To keep it from ing true; I mean。 You must think me stupid。〃
 〃Kahlan; until it es to be; we can't know。 But you shouldn't feel foolish。 It could be that it's just as it says; that Richard is the only one with a chance; and you will betray us; and take him; and thus give victory to Rahl。 There is a chance you should have done it to save us all。〃
 〃You are not making me feel any better。〃
 〃It could also be that Richard will somehow be a traitor; and you will save us all。〃
 She gave him a dark look。 〃Either way; I don't like it。〃
 〃Prophecies are not meant for people to see。 They can cause more trouble than you could believe; there have been wars over them。 Even I don't understand most of them。 If we had the wizards of old; the experts in the prophecies; maybe they could help us; but without them to guide us; it is best to leave Shota's prophecy be。 The first page of one of the books of prophecies says: ‘Take these Prophecies to mind; not to heart。' It is the only thing on the whole page; in a book half as big as a good…size table。 Each letter is gilded。 It is that important。
 〃The prophecy from Shota is different somehow; from those in books; isn't it?〃
 〃Yes。 Prophecy given directly from one to another; is meant to be an aid to that person。 Shota was trying to help Richard。 Shota herself wouldn't even know how it is meant to help; though; she was only the channel。 Someday; it may mean something to Richard; it may aid him。 There is no way to tell; though: I was hoping I would be able to understand it; and help him。 He doesn't take to riddles。 Unfortunately; it is of the kind called a Forked Prophecy; and I can be of no aid。〃
 〃Forked; that means it can go different ways?〃
 〃Yes。 It could mean what it says; or just about anything else。 Forked Prophecies are almost always useless。 Hardly better than a guess。 Richard was right in his choice not to be guided by it。 I would like to think it's because I have taught him well; but it could be his instinct。 He had the instincts of a Seeker。〃
 〃Zedd; why don't you just tell him these things; like you have told me? Doesn't he have a right to know all this?〃
 Zedd stared off into the night for a long time。 〃It's difficult to explain。 You see; Richard has a feel for things。〃 He made an odd frown。 〃Have you ever shot a bow?〃
 Kahlan smiled。 She drew her knees up; folded her fingers together over them; and rested her chin on her fingers。 〃Girls are not supposed to do such things。 So I took it up as a diversion when I was young。 Before I began taking con
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