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is last spring。 Six。 They're fine pups; almost grown now。 It's a fine life; hard; but fine。 Thank you; Mistress; for releasing me。〃
 〃I'm so glad; Brophy。 But why are you here? Why aren't you back with your family?〃
 〃Well; when you were ing down out of the Rang'Shada; you passed near my den。 I sensed your presence。 I found I could smell you。 The urge to protect you was too strong to overe。 I know you are in danger; and I can't be at peace in my pack until I know you're safe。 I must protect you。〃
 〃Brophy;〃 she protested; 〃we're fighting to stop Darken Rahl。 It's too dangerous for you to be with us。 I don't want you to lose your life。 You have already sacrificed too much to Darken Rahl; through Demmin Nass。〃
 〃Mistress; when I was changed to the wolf; it removed most of my need for you; my need to please you。 Yet I would still die for you。 It is still extremely difficult for me to go against your wishes。 But in this; I must。 I will not leave you to danger。 I must protect you; or I could never be at peace。 mand me to leave if you will; but I will not go。 I will shadow you until you are safe from Darken Rahl。〃
 〃Brophy;〃 Richard said。 The wolf looked over to him。 〃I too want Kahlan protected; so she can do her job and help stop Rahl。 I would be honored to have you along。 You have already proven your value and your heart。 If you can help protect her; you just ignore what she says and go right on protecting her。〃
 Brophy looked up at her。 Kahlan smiled at him。 〃He is the Seeker。 I'm sworn on my life to protect him; as is Zedd。 If that is his word; then I must go along。〃
 Brophy's muzzle opened in surprise。 〃He mands you? He mands the Mother Confessor?〃
 〃He does。〃
 The wolf shook his head。 〃Wonder of wonders。〃 He licked his lips。 〃By the way; I would like to thank you for the food you have left me。〃
 Kahlan frowned。 〃What are you talking about?〃
 〃Whenever he trapped food; he always left some for me。〃
 〃You did?〃 she asked。
 Richard shrugged。 〃Well; I knew he was out there; and I didn't know what he was; but I didn't think he meant us harm。 So I left him food; to let him know we didn't mean him any harm either。〃 He smiled at the wolf。 〃But when you came at me back there; I surely thought I had made a mistake。 Thank you again。〃
 Brophy seemed unfortable with the gratitude; and stood。 〃I have been here long enough。 I have woods to patrol。 There might be things about。 The three of you need not stand watch with Brophy on the job。〃
 Richard pushed a stick at the fire; watching the sparks swirl into the air。 〃Brophy; what was it like when Kahlan touched you? When she released her power into you。〃
 No one spoke。 Richard looked into the wolf's yellow eyes。 Brophy's head turned to Kahlan。
 〃Tell him;〃 she whispered in a broken voice。
 Brophy lay back down; folding one paw over the other; his head held high。 He was silent for a long time before he spoke
 〃It's hard to remember everything of that time; but I will try to explain it the best I can。〃 His head cocked a little to one side。 〃Pain。 I remember the pain。 It was exquisite; beyond anything you could imagine。 The first thing I remember after the pain is fear。 Overpowering fear I might be breathing wrong; and it would somehow displease her。 I almost died from fear that I would displease her。 And then when she told me what she wanted to know; it was a flush of the greatest joy I had ever known。 Joy; because then I knew what I could do to please her。 I was overjoyed that she had made a request of me; that there was something I could do to satisfy her。 That's What I remember the most; the desperate; frantic need to do as she wanted; to satisfy her; and make her happy。 Nothing else was in my mind; only to please her。 To be in her presence was beyond bliss。 The pleasure of being in her presence made me cry with elation。
 〃She told me to tell the truth; and I was so happy; because I knew I could do that。 I was thrilled to have a task within my power。 I started talking as fast as I could; to tell her all the truth I could。 She had to tell me to slow down; because she couldn't understand me。 If I had had a knife; I would have used it on myself for displeasing her。 Then she told me it was all right; and 1 cried because she was not displeased with me。 I told her what happened。〃 His ears wilted a little。 〃After I told her I hadn't killed the boy; I remembered she put her hand on my arm…the touch nearly made me faint with pleasure and she said she was sorry。 I misunderstood。 I thought she meant she was sorry I hadn't killed the boy。 I begged her to let me go kill another boy for her。〃 Tears ran from the corners of the wolf's eyes。 〃Then she explained that what she meant was that she was sorry for me; for me being accused wrongly of the murder。 I remember crying uncontrollably; because she had shown me a kindness; she was sorry for me; she cared for me。 I remember what it felt like to be near her; to be in her presence。 I guess it was a feeling of love; but words are so hollow; next to the power of the wanting of her。〃
 Richard stood。 He could only make himself take the briefest of glances at Kahlan; at her tears。 〃Thank you; Brophy。〃 He had to pause a moment to make sure his voice wouldn't fail him。 〃It's late。 We better get some sleep; tomorrow is an important day。 I'm going to take my watch。 Good night。〃
 Brophy stood。 〃You three sleep。 I will stand watch tonight。〃
 Richard swallowed the lump。 〃I appreciate that; but I will stand my watch。 If you wish; you may guard my back。〃
 He turned and started to leave。
 〃Richard;〃 Zedd called out to him。 Richard stopped without turning。 〃What bone is it; that your father gave you?〃
 Richard's mind raced in a panic。 Please; Zedd; he said to himself; if you have ever believed a lie I have told you; believe this one。 〃You must remember it。 It was that little round one。 You've seen it before; I know you have。〃
 〃Oh。 Yes; I guess I must have。 Good night。〃
 Wizard's First Rule。 Thank you; my old friend; he thought to himself; for teaching me how to protect Kahlan's life。
 He walked on into the night; his head pounding with pain; from without; and from within
 THE city of TAMARANG couldn't hold all the people who wanted in; there were simply too many。 People ing from every direction; seeking protection and safety; had overflowed to the countryside around the established quarters。 Tents and shacks had sprung up on the bare ground outside the city walls and out onto the hills。 In the morning; people had flowed down from the hills into the impromptu market quarter outside the walls。 People who had e from other towns; villages; and cities lined up in streets laid out in haphazard fashion at makeshift stands; selling whatever they had。 Vendors sold everything from old clothes to fine jewelry。 Fruits and vegetables were stacked at other stands。
 There were barbers and healers and fortune…tellers; people who had paper …and wanted to draw your face; and people who had leeches and wanted to draw your blood。 Wine and spirits were for sale everywhere。 Despite the circumstances of the
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