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 〃I do not e here on behalf of the Queen。 I e here on behalf of the truth。〃
 〃The truth! The truth is none of us has done a thing! Except maybe speaking up against the new laws。 And since when is speaking up against your family starving; or freezing to death; a capital crime? The Queen's tax collectors came and took most of my crops; they barely left enough to feed my family。 When I sold the precious little I could spare; they said I was overcharging people。 The prices of everything are going wild。 I'm doing nothing more than trying to survive。 Yet I am to be beheaded for price gouging。 These men in here with me are all innocent farmers; or tradesmen; or merchants。 We are all to die for trying to earn a living from our work。〃
 Kahlan looked to the men in the corner。 〃Do any of you wish to make a confession to prove your innocence?〃
 There were hushed whispers。 A gaunt man in the darkness stood and came forward。 His frightened eyes looked out at them from the gloom。 〃I do。 I have done nothing; yet I am to be beheaded; my wife and children left to fend for themselves。 I will give a confession。〃 He pushed his arm through the bars; reaching for her。 〃Please; Mother Confessor; take my confession。〃
 More men stood; ing forward; all asking to give a confession。 Soon; they were all at the bars; begging to give a confession。 Kahlan and Zedd exchanged a grim look。
 〃In my whole life I have seen only three men ask to give a confession;〃 she whispered to the wizard。
 〃Kahlan?〃 The familiar voice came from the cell on the other side; from the darkness。
 Kahlan gripped the bars with spread fingers。 〃Siddin? Siddin!〃 She spun to the guards。 〃These men have all given the Mother Confessor their confessions; I find them all to be innocent。 Open the bars!〃
 〃Now; hold on。 I can't be letting all these men out。〃
 Richard drew the sword in an arc as he spun。 The sword crashed a swath through the iron bars; and shards of hot steel and sparks filled the air。 He spun around and kicked the iron door shut behind the startled guards。 He had the sword at their faces before a single one of them managed to clear an axe from his belt。
 〃Open the bars or I will slice you in half and take the keys from your belt that way!〃
 The shaking guard with the keys jumped to do as he was told。 The door swung open and Kahlan rushed in; going back into the darkness。 She came back holding a frightened Siddin in her arms; holding his head against her shoulder。 She whispered in his ear; calming him。 Siddin jabbered back in the Mud People language。 She smiled and told him things he smiled back at。 As she came out; the guard was opening the other cell door。 She held Siddin in one arm; and with her free hand she grabbed the guard's shirt collar。
 〃The Mother Confessor finds all these men innocent。〃 Her voice was as hard as the iron around her。 〃They are to be released upon my order。 You three are to… escort them to safety; outside the city。〃 He was a head shorter than she; she pulled his face closer to hers。 〃If you fail in any way; you will answer to me。〃
 He nodded vigorously。 〃Yes; Mother Confessor。 I understand。 It will be done as you say。 On my word。〃
 〃On your life;〃 she corrected
 She released him。 The prisoners poured out of the cells; falling to their knees around her; crying; taking the hem of her dress in their hands; kissing it。 She shooed them away。
 〃Enough of that。 Be on your way; all of you。 Just remember; Confessors serve no one。 They serve only the truth。〃
 They all swore they would remember; and followed the guards out。 Richard saw that many of their shirts were shredded; or streaked with dried blood; their backs covered with welts。
 Before they entered the room where the Queen waited; Kahlan stopped and put Siddin into Zedd's arms。 With her hands she smoothed his hair; then her dress; and with a deep breath; her face。
 〃Just keep in mind what we are here for; Mother Confessor;〃 the wizard said。
 She gave him a nod; put her chin up; and strode into the room with the Queen。 Queen Milena waited where they had left her; her entourage still with her。 The Queen's eyes caught on Siddin。
 〃I trust you have found everything in order; Mother Confessor?〃
 Kahlan's face stayed calm; but her voice had a cold edge to it。 〃Why is this child in your dungeon?〃
 The Queen's hands spread wide。 〃Well; I'm not sure。 I believe I remember he was found stealing; and was put there until his parents could be found; that's all。 I can assure you; it was nothing more than that。〃
 Kahlan regarded her coolly。 〃I have found all the prisoners innocent; and ordered them released。 I trust you are pleased to find I have saved you from executing innocent men; and will see to it that their families are pensated for the trouble this ‘error' has caused。 If an ‘error' such as this is repeated; the next time I return I will not only empty the prison; I will also empty the throne。〃
 Richard knew he wasn't seeing Kahlan putting on a show to get the box; he was seeing her doing her job。 This was why the wizards created the Confessors。 This was who she was: the Mother Confessor。
 The Queen's eyes opened wide。 〃Why 。 。。 yes。 Of course。 I have some overly ambitious army manders; and they must have done this。 I had no knowledge of it。 Thank you 。 。 。 for saving us from making a grave mistake。 I will personally see to it that it is taken care of; just as you wish。 Which; of course; is no less than I would have done myself had I 。 。 。〃
 Kahlan cut her off。 〃We will be leaving now。〃
 The Queen's face brightened。 〃Leaving? Oh; what a shame。 We were all so looking forward to the honor of your presence at dinner。 I'm so sorry you must go。〃
 〃I have other pressing business。 Before I go。 I wish to speak with my wizard。〃
 〃Your wizard?〃
 〃Giller;〃 she hissed。
 For the briefest of moments; the Queen's eyes flicked toward the ceiling。 〃Well 。 。 。 that would not be 。 。 。 possible。〃
 Kahlan leaned closer to her。 〃Make it possible。 Right now。〃
 The color drained from the Queen's face。 〃Please believe me; Mother Confessor; you wouldn't want to see Giller in his present condition。〃
 〃Right now;〃 Kahlan repeated。
 Richard loosened the sword in its scabbard just enough to catch her attention。
 〃Very well。 He is 。 。 。 upstairs。〃
 〃You will wait here until I am finished with him。〃
 The Queen looked at the floor。 〃Of course; Mother Confessor。〃 She turned to one of the men in the pantaloons。 〃Show her the way。〃
 The man led them up the grand stairway to the top floor; and down several halls; then up a spiral stone stairway to the top room in a tower; finally stopping with a weak look at a heavy wooden door on the landing。 Kahlan dismissed him。 He bowed; glad to leave。 Richard opened the door; they entered; and he closed it behind them。
 Kahlan gasped and hid her face against Richard's shoulder。 Zedd pressed Siddin's face to his robes。
 The room was destroyed。 pletely。 The roof was gone; as if it had been blasted away; letting in the sunlight and sky。 Only a few of the exposed bea
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