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he pressed herself against him; hugging his chest; squeezing; the hardness of the leather making every wound it pressed against flare anew in pain。
 Richard had no idea how long this torture lasted。 Much of the time; he wasn't aware of anything but the pain; as if it were a living thing; there with him。 He was only aware that at some point; he knew he would do anything she said; no matter what it was; if only she would stop hurting him。 He looked away from the Agiel。 The mere glimpse of it made tears well up in his eyes。 Denna was right about herself; she never tired or became bored with what she did。 It seemed to constantly fascinate her; keep her amused; satisfied。 The only thing that。 seemed to make her happier than hurting him was when he begged her to stop。 He would have begged more; to make her happy; but most of the time he was incapable of talking。 Simply breathing was almost more than he could handle。
 He no longer tried to keep the pressure off his wrists; and hung limp; delirious。 He thought she stopped for a while; but he hurt so much from what she had already done that he wasn't sure。 The sweat in his eyes was blinding him; the sweat running into the wounds caused them to burn。
 When his head cleared somewhat; she returned; walking behind him。 He braced for what he knew was ing。 Instead; she grabbed a fistful of hair and jerked his head back。
 〃Now; my pet; I'm going to show you something new。 I'm going to show you how kind a mistress I really am。〃 She pulled his head back; hard; until the pain made him tense the muscles in his neck to resist the pressure。 She put the Agiel against his throat。 〃Stop fighting me; or I won't take it away。〃
 Blood was running into his mouth; he relaxed his neck muscles; allowing her to pull as hard as she wanted。
 〃Now; my pet; listen very carefully。 I'm going to put the Agiel in your right ear。〃 Richard almost choked with fear。 She jerked his head back to make him stop it。 〃It's different from putting it anywhere else。 It hurts a lot more。 But you must do exactly as I say。〃 Her mouth was right by his ear; she whispered to him like a lover。 〃In the past; when I have had a sister Mord…Sith with me; we would both put our Agiel in the man's ears at the same time。 He would make a scream unlike any other。 The sound of it is intoxicating。 I get chills just thinking about it。〃
 〃But; it would also kill him。 We were never successful at using two Agiel at the same time in that particular way without killing him。 We kept trying; but they always died。 Be thankful I am your mistress; there are others who still try。〃
 〃Thank you; Mistress Denna。〃 He wasn't sure what he was thanking her for; but he didn't want…her to do whatever it was she had planned
 〃Pay attention;〃 she whispered harshly。 Her voice softened again。 〃When I do this; you must not move。 If you move; it will damage things inside you。 It won't kill you; but it will cause irrevocable disability。 Some men who move go blind; some are no longer able to move anything on one side of their body; some can't talk anymore; or walk。 But in all who move; something is spoiled。 I want you fully functional。 Mord…Sith who are more cruel than I don't tell their pets not to move; they just do it without warning them。 So you see? I am not so cruel as you thought。 Still; only a few of the men I do it to are able to hold still。 Even though I warn them; they still jerk; and then they are left impaired。〃
 Richard couldn't hold back from crying。 〃Please; Mistress Denna; please don't do it; please。〃
 He could feel the breath of her smile。 She ran her wet tongue into his ear; kissed it。 〃But I want to; my pet。 Don't forget; hold still; don't move。〃
 Richard clenched his teeth; but nothing could have prepared him for it。 His head felt as it had been turned to glass and shattered into a thousand pieces。 His fingernails cut into his palms。 All sense of time shattered apart with everything else。 He was in a wasteland of agony with no beginning; no end。 Every nerve in his body seared with razor…sharp; burning misery。 He had no idea how long she held the Agiel there; but when she took it away; his screams echoed from the stone walls。
 When he finally went limp; she kissed his ear and whispered breathlessly in it。 〃That was a simply delightful scream; my pet。 I've never heard one better。 Except a scream in death; of course
 You did very well; my pet; you never moved an inch。〃 She kissed his neck tenderly; then his ear again。 〃Shall we try the other side?〃
 Richard sagged in the shackles。 He couldn't even cry。 She pulled his head back harder as she moved to the other side of him。
 When she was finally finished with him; and unhooked the chain; he collapsed to the floor。 He didn't think himself capable of moving; but when she motioned him up with the Agiel; the mere sight of it made him do as she wanted。 。
 〃That's all for today; my pet。〃 Richard thought he might die of joy。 〃I'm going to get some sleep。 Today was only a part day; tomorrow we will get in a full day of training。 You will find a full day more painful。〃
 Richard was too exhausted to care about tomorrow。 He wanted only to lie down。 Even the stone floor would feel like the best bed he had ever slept in。 He looked at it longingly。
 Denna brought the chair over; took the chain that hung from his collar; and hooked it over the iron peg in the beam。 He watched in confusion; too weary to try to figure out her intent。 When finished; she walked toward the door。 Richard realized there wasn't enough slack to allow him to lie down。
 〃Mistress Denna; how am I to sleep?〃
 She turned and gave him a condescending smile。 〃Sleep? I don't recall telling you that you were allowed to sleep。 Sleep is a privilege you earn。 You have not earned it。 Don't you remember this morning; when you had that nasty vision of killing me with your sword? Don't you remember I told you that you would be sorry you did it? Good night; my pet。〃
 She started to leave; but turned back。 〃And if you have any thoughts of simply pulling the chain off the peg and letting the pain make you pass out; I wouldn't try it if I were you。 I changed the magic。 It will not allow you to pass out anymore。 If you pull the chain off; or fall down accidentally; and that pulls it off; I will not be here to help you。 You will be all alone; for the night; with the pain。 Think about that; if you get sleepy。〃
 She turned on her heels and left; taking the torch with her。
 Richard stood in the dark; crying。 After a time; he forced himself to stop; and thought of Kahlan。 That was something pleasant Denna couldn't take away from him。 At least not tonight。 He made himself feel good by thinking of how she was safe; and had people to protect her。 Zedd; and Chase; and soon Michael's army。 He envisioned her where she must be; at a camp somewhere; right now; with Siddin and Rachel; taking care of them; telling them stories; making them laugh。
 He smiled at the vision of her in his mind。 He savored the memory of her kiss; the feel of her against him。 Even if he wasn't with her; she could still make him smile; make him happy。 What happened t
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