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allowing him to ponder the significance of this。
 〃Anyway; then the gars started ing over the boundary
 They killed a lot of people before everyone learned to stay inside at night。〃
 〃But how did they get across the boundary?〃
 〃It was weakening; only no one knew it。 As it weakened; it faded from the top first; so the gars could fly over。 In the spring it faded pletely away。 Then the People's Peace Army; Darken Rahl's army; marched right into the bigger cities。 Instead of fighting him; crowds of Midlanders threw flowers at them wherever they went。 People who didn't throw flowers were hung。〃
 Richard stared wide…eyed。 〃The army killed them?〃
 She looked at him hard。 〃No。 The flower throwers did。 Said they were a threat to peace; so they killed them。 The People's Peace Army never had to lift a finger。 The movement said that proved Darken Rahl only wanted peace; since his army didn't kill the dissenters。 After a time; the army stepped in and stopped the killing。 Instead; the dissenters were sent to the schools of enlightenment to learn about the greatness of Father Rahl; about what a man of peace he is。〃
 〃And did they learn at these schools of enlightenment how great Darken Rahl is?〃
 〃No one is as fanatical as a convert。 Most just sit around all day; chanting his name。〃
 〃So the Midlands didn't fight back?〃
 〃Darken Rahl went before the council and' asked them to join him in an alliance of peace。 Those who did were held up as champions of harmony。 Those who did not were held up as traitors; and publicly executed on the spot by Darken Rahl himself。〃
 〃How did 。 。 。
 She held up her hand and closed her eyes。 〃Darken Rahl has a curved knife he keeps at his belt。 He takes great pleasure in using it。 Please; Richard; do not ask me to tell you what he did to those men。 My stomach cannot bear its recounting。〃
 〃I was going to ask how the wizards reacted to all this。〃
 〃Oh。 Well; it started to open their eyes。
 〃Rahl then outlawed the use of all magic and declared anyone using it an insurrectionist。 You must understand that in the Midlands magic is a part of many people; many creatures。 It would 
 be like saying you are a criminal for having two arms and two legs; and must have them cut them off。 Then he outlawed fire。〃
 His eyes came up from the soup。 〃Fire? Why?〃
 〃Darken Rahl does not explain his orders。 But wizards use fire。 Even so he does not fear wizards。 He has more power than his father ever did; more than any wizard。 His followers give all kinds of reasons; the main one being that it was used against Darken Rahl's father; so fire is a sign of disrespect to the house of Rahl。〃
 〃That's why you wanted to sit in front of a fire。〃
 She nodded。 〃To have a fire in the wrong place in the Midlands; without the approval of Darken Rahl or his followers; is to invite death。〃 She pushed at the dirt with a stick。 〃Maybe in Westland; too。 Your brother seems close to outlawing fire。 Maybe 。 。 。〃
 He cut her off。 〃Our mother was burned to death in a fire。〃 His tone was a hot warning。 〃That's why Michael is concerned about fire。 That's the only reason。 And he never said anything about outlawing it; only that he wanted to do something so others wouldn't be hurt like she was。 There's nothing wrong with wanting people 。not to be hurt。〃
 She looked up at him from under her eyebrows。 〃He didn't seem to care about hurting you。〃
 Richard let his anger die as he took a deep breath。 〃I know it seemed that way; but you don't understand him。 That's just his way。 I know it isn't his intention to hurt me。〃 Richard pulled his knees up and folded his arms across them。。 〃After our mother died; Michael spent more and more time with his friends。 He would make friends with anyone he thought was important。 Some of them were pompous and arrogant。 Father didn't like some of Michael's friends; and told him so。 They would argue about it。
 〃One time Father came home with a vase that had these little figures sculpted around the top; like they were dancing on the rim。 He was proud of it。 He said it was old; and he thought he could get a gold piece for it。 Michael said he could get more。 They argued; and finally Father let Michael take the vase to sell。 Michael came back and threw four gold pieces on the table。 My father just stared at them for the longest time。 Then he said; in a real quiet voice; that the vase wasn't worth four gold pieces; and wanted to know what Michael had told the people。 Michael said he told them what they wanted to hear。 Father reached out to pick up the four coins; and Michael slapped his hand over them。 He picked up three and said only one was for my father; because one was all he expected to get。 Then he said; ‘That is the value of my friends; George。'
 〃Mat was the first time Michael called him 'George。' My father never let him sell anything for him again。
 〃But do you know what Michael did with the money? The next time my father left on a trip; he paid off most of the family debts。 He didn't even buy anything for himself。
 〃Sometimes Michael is crude in the way he does things; like today when he told everyone about our mother; and pointed at me; but I know 。 。 。 I know that he has everyone's best interests at heart。 He doesn't want anyone hurt by fire。 That's all; he just doesn't want anyone to go through what we did。 He is only trying to do what is best for everyone。〃
 Kahlan didn't look up。 She pushed at the dirt a moment more and then tossed the stick in the fire。 〃I'm sorry; Richard。 I shouldn't be so suspicious。 I know how much it hurts to lose your mother。 I'm sure you're right。〃 Finally; she looked up。 〃Forgive me?〃
 Richard smiled and gave her a nod。 〃Of course。 I guess if I had been through all you have; I would be quick to think the worst; too。 I'm sorry I jumped on you。 If you will forgive my tone; I'll let you finish the soup。〃
 She nodded her agreement with a smile as he handed her the last of the soup。
 He wanted to hear the rest of her story; but he waited and watched her eat for a while before he asked; 〃So have the D'Haran forces conquered all of the Midlands?〃
 〃The Midlands is a big place; the People's Peace Army occupies only a few of the larger cities。 People in many areas ignore the alliance。 Rahl does not really care。 He considers it a petty problem。 His attention has been diverted to something else。 The wizards found out his real goal was the magic the great wizard had warned the council about; the magic they had mishandled for their own avarice。 With the magic Darken Rahl seeks; he will be master of all; without having to fight anyone。
 〃Five of the wizards realized they had been wrong; that the great wizard was right after all。 The sought to gain redemption in his eyes; and save the Midlands; and Westland; from what will happen if Darken Rahl gains the magic he seeks。 So they searched for the great wizard; but Rahl hunts him also。〃
 〃You said five wizards。 How many are there?〃
 〃There were seven: the great wizard and his six students。 The old one has vanished; one of the others sold his services to a queen; a ver
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