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nst him。 Even if he wasn't with her; she could still make him smile; make him happy。 What happened to him didn't matter。 She was safe。 That was all that counted。 Kahlan; and Zedd; and Chase; were safe; and they had the last box。 Darken Rahl was going to die; and Kahlan was going to live。
 After it was over; what did it matter what happened to him? He might as well be dead。 Denna; or Darken Rahl; would see to that。 He had only to endure the pain until then。 He could do that。 What did it matter? Nothing Denna could do could match the pain of knowing that he couldn't be with Kahlan。 The woman he loved。 The woman he loved; who would choose another。
 He was glad he was going to be dead before then。 Maybe he could do something to hurry it along; it certainly didn't take much to make Denna angry。 If he moved the next time she put the Agiel in his ear; he would be permanently impaired; then maybe he would be of…no use to her。 Maybe she would kill him then。 He had never felt so alone in his life。
 〃I love you; Kahlan;〃 he whispered into the dark。
 As Denna had promised; the next day was worse。 She seemed well rested; and anxious to work off some of her energy at the task of breaking him。 He knew there was one thing he had control over; a choice in。 He waited for her to use the Agiel in his ear again; so he could jerk his head with all his strength; and cause serious damage; but she never did; as if she sensed what he might do。 That gave him a shred of hope; it was something he had made her do。 He had made her not use the Agiel in that way。 She didn't have all the control she thought she did; he still was able to force her to do something by his own choice。 The thought heartened him。 The thought of how he had locked his self…respect; his dignity; away in his secret room gave him the ability to do what was necessary。 He let himself do as she wished; when she wished it。
 The only time Denna paused was a few times to sit at the table to eat。 She would watch him while she slowly ate fruit; smiling to herself when he moaned。 He was given nothing to eat; only water from a cup she held for him after she was finished with her meal。
 At the end of the day she hooked his chain to the beam again and made him stand for the night。 He didn't bother to ask why; it didn't matter。 She was going to do as she wished and there was nothing he could do to change it。
 In the morning when she returned with the torch; he was still standing; but barely。 She seemed in a good mood。
 〃I want a good…morning kiss。〃 She smiled。 〃I expect you to return it。 Show me how happy you are to see your mistress。〃
 He did his best; but had to concentrate on how pretty her braid was。 The embrace ignited the flames of pain in the wounds she pressed against。 When she was finished; and the hurt left him shaking; she pulled the chain off the peg and tossed it on the floor。
 〃You are learning to be a good pet。 You have earned two hours of sleep。〃
 He collapsed to the floor; asleep before the sound of her footsteps faded。
 He discovered that being awakened by the Agiel was a terror all its own。 The brief sleep had done little to revive him。 He needed much more than he had been allowed。 He vowed to himself that he would struggle with all his might to get through the entire day without making。 a single mistake; to do exactly。 as she wished; and maybe she would grant him a whole night's sleep。
 He put his effort into doing everything she wished; hoping he would please her。 He was hoping; too;。 that he would be given something to eat。 He hadn't eaten since she had captured him。 He wondered which he wanted more…sleep; or food。 He decided that what he wanted the most was for the pain to stop。 Or for him to be allowed to die
 He was at the end of his strength; felt his life slipping away from him; and awaited the end with longing。 Denna seemed to sense his waning endurance; and eased up; giving him more time to recover; taking longer breaks。 He didn't care; he knew it was never going to end; he was lost。 He surrendered his will to live; to go on; to hold out。 She cooed to him soothingly; stroking his face; as he hung in the shackles; resting。 She spoke encouragingly to him; told him not to give up; and promised that when fie was broken; it would be better。 He just listened; not even able to cry。
 When at last she unhooked the shackles from the beam; he thought it must be night again; he had no sense of time anymore。 He waited for her to hook up the chain; or throw it on the floor and tell him he could sleep。 She did neither。 She instead hooked it over the chair; told him to stand; and left。 When she returned; she was carrying a bucket。
 〃On your knees; my pet。〃 She sat in the chair next to him; took a brush from the hot soapy water; and started scrubbing him。 The stiff bristles brought a pain all of their own as they worked into his wounds。 〃We have a dinner invitation。 I have to get you cleaned up。 I rather like the smell of your sweat; your fear; but I'm afraid it would offend the guests。〃
 She worked with an odd sort of tenderness。 It reminded him of the way a person would care for a dog。 He fell against her; unable to hold himself up。 He wouldn't lean against her for support if he had the strength not to; but he didn't。 She let him stay where he was as she scrubbed。 He wondered who the dinner invitation was from; but didn't ask。
 Denna told him anyway。 〃Queen Milena herself has asked us to join her and her guests for dinner。 Quite an honor; for someone as low as you; wouldn't you say?〃。
 He only nodded; not having enough strength to speak。
 Queen Milena。 So they were in her castle。 He guessed that didn't surprise him。 Where else would she have had time to take him? When she was finished; she allowed him one hour of sleep; to rest for dinner。 He slept at her feet。
 She woke him with her boot instead of the Agiel。 He almost cried at her mercy and heard himself thanking her profusely for her kindness to him。 She gave him instructions as to his behavior。 He would have his chain hooked to her belt; and was to keep his eyes to her; speak to no one unless they spoke to him first; and then only if he looked to her first for permission to answer。 He would not be allowed to sit at the table; but would sit on the floor; and if he behaved himself; he would be given something to eat。
 He promised to do as she wished。 The idea of sitting on the floor sounded wonderful to him: to be able to rest; and not have to stand; or be hurt。 And to be allowed something to eat; at last。 He would make sure he did nothing to displease her; or to keep her from giving him food。
 Richard's brain was in a fog as he followed behind Denna; attached to her by the chain on his collar; concentrating on keeping the proper amount of slack。 The manacles were off his wrists; but the cuts from them were red and swollen; and throbbed painfully。 He vaguely remembered some of the rooms they passed through。
 In the room with other people; Denna stopped as she strode around; talking briefly with finely dressed people。 Richard kept his eyes on her braid。 The braid had obviously been done o
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