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r found my egg。 You said you would think of a plan。 What is it?〃
 Richard glanced over at the mouth of the cave。 The Shadrin's cave; Kahlan had told him。 〃We need a diversion; something to distract them while we get the egg。〃
 〃While you get the egg;〃 Scarlet corrected; with a little flame to make her point。
 He looked over at the cave again。 〃One of my friends told me the cave goes all the way through; to where the egg is。 Maybe I could go through; snatch the egg; and bring it back。〃
 〃Get going。〃
 〃Shouldn't we discuss if it's a good idea? Maybe we could think of something better。 I've also heard there might be something in the cave。〃
 Scarlet brought her angry eye closer to him。 〃Something in the cave?〃 She snaked her head around to the opening and sent a horrific blast of fire into the darkness。 Her head came back。 〃Now there's nothing in the cave。 Go get my egg。〃
 The cave was miles long。 Richard knew the fire wouldn't have harmed anything farther back。 He also knew he had given his word。 Collecting cane reeds growing nearby; he bound them together with a sinewy vine into several bundles。 He held one bundle up to Scarlet as she watched him
 〃Light the end of this for me?〃
 The dragon pursed her lips and blew a thin stream of flame across the end of the cane reeds。
 〃You wait here;〃 he told her。 〃Sometimes it's better to be small than big。 I won't be spotted so easily。 I'll think of something; and get the egg; and bring it back through the cave。 It's a long way。 It may take until morning before I'm back。 I don't know how close the gars will be behind me; so we might need to leave in a hurry。 Stay sharp; all right?〃 He hooked his pack over a spine on her back。 〃Keep this for me。 I don't want to carry more than I have to。〃
 Richard didn't know if a dragon could look worried; but he thought she did。
 〃Be careful with the egg? It will hatch soon; but if the shell is broken now; before it is time 。 。 。〃
 Richard gave her a reassuring smile。 〃Don't worry; Scarlet。 We're going to get it back。〃
 She waddled to the cave entrance behind him; poking her head in; watching him disappear inside。
 〃Richard Cypher;〃 she called after him; her voice echoing; 〃if you try to run away; I'll find you; and if you e back without the egg; you will wish the gars had killed you; because I will cook you slow; starting at your feet。〃
 Richard stared back at the hulk filling the cave entrance。 〃I have given my word。 If the gars get me; I'll try to kill enough of them so you can get the egg and escape。〃
 Scarlet grunted。 〃Try not to let that happen。 I still want to eat you when this is done。〃
 Richard smiled and went into the darkness。 The blackness swallowed up the light of the torch; making him feel as if he were walking into nothingness。 Only a small spot of ground before him was lit。 As he went on; the floor of the cave sloped downward; descending into cold; still air。 A ceiling of rock appeared; and walls; as the way narrowed into a tunnel that snaked deeper。 The tunnel opened into a huge room。 The path led along a narrow ledge at the edge of a still; green lake。 Flickering torchlight showed a jagged ceiling and walls of smooth stone。 The ceiling sloped downward as he went into a wide; low passage。 He had to bend over to pass through。 For a good hour; he walked; hunched over; his neck starting to hurt from holding it sideways。 Occasionally he pressed the torch to the rock ceiling to shed its ash and keep it burning brightly。
 The darkness was oppressive; it surrounded him; followed him; sucked him deeper; calling him onward with unseen sights。 Delicate; colorful formations of rock grew like vegetation; flowering and blossoming from solid rock。 Sparkling crystals flashed at him as he passed with the torch; its flame the only sound; echoing back to him from the blackness。
 Richard went through rooms of astounding beauty。 Into the darkness rose immense columns of rippled stone; some ending before they reached their destination; with mates hanging down trying to meet them halfway。 Crystalline sheets flowed over the walls in places; like melted jewels。
 Some passages were clefts in the rock he had to squeeze through; others holes he had to traverse on hands and knees。 The air had an odd…lack of smell。 This was a place of perpetual night; no light; nothing alive; ever touched it。 As he walked on and on; warm from the effort; the chill of the air made steam rise from his skin。 When he held the torch near his other hand; he could see vapor rise from each finger; like life's energy draining away。 Although it wasn't frigid; the way winter was frigid; it was the kind of cold that would bleed a person of all their heat if they stayed here long enough。 A slow sucking death。 Without the light he would be lost in a matter of minutes。 This was a place that could kill the unwary; or the unlucky。 Richard checked the torch and extra cane reeds often。
 Eternal night wore on slowly。 Richard's legs were tired from the constant climbing and descending。 In fact; all of him was tired。 He hoped the cave would end soon; it seemed he had walked the whole night。 He had no idea of time。
 The rock closed around him。 The flat shelf of the roof lowered until he was walking hunched over again; and lowered more until he was on his hands and knees; the ground cold and wet with slimy mud that smelled of rot。 It was the first thing he had smelled in a long time。 His hands were cold with the wet; stinking mud。
 The way diminished to a single small opening; a black hole in the torchlight。 Richard didn't like how small it looked。 Air moaned through the passage; making the flame flap and whip。 He held the torch into the hole; but could see nothing but blackness beyond。 He pulled back the torch; wondering what he should do。 It was an awfully small hole; flat on the top and bottom; and he had no idea how long it was; or what was through on the other side。 Air was ing through; so it must lead to the other end of the cave; to the gars; the egg; but he didn't like how small it was。
 Richard backed away。; There might be other routes from farther back; in one of the other rooms; but how much time could he waste searching; only to fail? He came back to the hole; staring at it with rising dread。
 Trying not to think about his fear; he took off the sword; held it with the spare reeds and torch out ahead of himself; and pushed into the hole。 He was immediately frightened of the way the rock pressed against him; top and bottom。 Arms straight out; head turned sideways; he wriggled his way in deeper。 The closeness increased; making him wiggle and snake his way; inches at a time。 Cold stone pressed against his back and chest。 He couldn't take a deep breath。 The smoke from the torch burned his eyes。
 He squeezed deeper; tighter。 He rocked his shoulders forward and back; pulling one leg a few inches; then the other; feeling like a snake trying to shed its skin。 The torch showed only blackness ahead。 Anxiety gripped him。 Just get through; he told himself; just push ahead and get through。
 With the toes of his boots braced against rock; Richard ga
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