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ach him when he was strong enough; when he was old enough。 And before it could kill him。 It had been a futile effort。 It had e to no good end。 Zedd guessed that he had always known Richard had the gift; was someone special。 Everyone who knew Richard knew he was someone special。 Rare。 The mark of magic。
 Zedd wept as he recalled the time he had enjoyed with Richard。 They had been good years。 None had been better in his life。 The years away from the magic。 To have someone love him without fear; and only for himself。 To be a friend。
 Richard read out the book without hesitation or a single falter。 Zedd marveled that he knew it so perfectly; and caught himself being proud; but then wished Richard weren't so talented。 Much of what he recited was about things already finished with; such as removing the covers from the boxes; but Darken Rahl didn't stop him or hurry him over those sections for fear that he might miss something。 He let Richard recite it at his own pace; and stood mute; listening carefully。 Occasionally; Rahl had him repeat a section; to be sure he had it right; and stood absorbed in thought as Richard told of sun angles; of clouds; of wind patterns。
 The afternoon wore on; Richard reciting; Rahl standing before him listening; Michael with a knife at Kahlan's throat; the two guards holding her arms; Chase frozen in place; his hand halfway to his sword; and Zedd sitting on the ground; doomed; locked in his invisible prison。 Zedd realized that the procedure for opening the boxes was going to take longer than he would have thought。 It would take all night。 There were enchantments to be drawn。 That was the reason Darken Rahl needed so much sorcerer's sand。 The boxes had to be placed just so; the winter's first sun touching them; dictating their position once they each cast a shadow。
 Each box; although they looked identical; cast a different shadow。 As the sun sank lower in the sky; the fingers of shadows grew away from each box。 One of the boxes cast a single finger of shadow; another cast two fingers of shadow; and the third cast three。 Now he knew why it was called the Book of Counted Shadows。
 At the proper places in the book; Darken Rahl had Richard stop while the enchantments were drawn in the sorcerer's sand。 Some of the spells were called by names Zedd had never heard before。 But Rahl had。 He drew without hesitation。 When darkness fell; he lit torches in a ring around the sand。 Under the light of the torches; he drew the enchantments as they were called for。 Everyone stood in silence; watching as he carefully drew in the sand。 Zedd was impressed by his level of skill at drawing the charms; and was more than a little uneasy at seeing underworld runes。
 The geometric patterns were plex; and Zedd knew they must be done without error; and in the proper order; each line drawn at the proper time; in the proper sequence。 They could not be corrected or erased and started over if there was a mistake。 A mistake was death。
 Zedd had known wizards who had spent years studying a spell before they would dare to attempt drawing it in sorcerer's sand; for fear of making a fatal mistake。 Darken Rahl didn't look to be having the slightest trouble。 His steady hand moved with precision。 Zedd had never seen a wizard of his talents。 At least; he thought bitterly; they would be killed by the best。 He couldn't help admiring the level of mastery。 It was a magnitude of proficiency he had never witnessed before。
 All of this endeavor was simply to tell which box was the one Rahl wanted; he could open one at any time; the book stated。 Zedd knew from other books of instruction that all this effort was a precaution against the magic being used easily。 No one was simply going to decide to be the master of the world。 and read how in a book of magic。 Zedd; as much as he knew; didn't have the required knowledge to carry out the instructions。 Darken Rahl had been studying for this moment almost his whole life。 His father had probably begun the instruction when he was young。 Zedd wished the wizard's fire that had killed his father had killed Darken Rahl; too。 He considered that thought a moment; and then took it back。
 At dawn; after all the enchantments were drawn; the boxes were placed on them; each box; distinguished by the number of shadows it threw; was placed on a specific drawing。 Spells were cast。 As the rays of sun from the second day of winter lit the stone; the boxes were placed on the altar once more。 Zedd was amazed to see that the boxes that had thrown a particular number of shadows the day before now threw a different number… another precaution。 As directed; the boxes were rearranged so the one throwing a single shadow was to the left; the one that threw two was in the center; and the one that threw three was to the right。
 Darken Rahl stared at the black boxes。 〃Continue。〃 ‘
 Without hesitation; Richard went on。 〃Once so arranged; Orden is at the ready to be manded。 Where one shadow is insufficient to gain the power to sustain the life of the player; and three more than can be tolerated by all life; the balance is struck by opening the box with two shadows; one shadow for yourself; and one for the world that would be yours to mand by the power of Orden。 One world under one mand is marked by the box with two shadows。 Open it to gain your reward。 〃
 Darken Rahl's face turned slowly to Richard。 〃Go on。〃
 Richard blinked。 〃Rule as you have chosen。 That is the end。〃
 〃There 。 must be more。〃
 〃No; Master Rahl。 Rule as you have chosen。 That's the end; the last words。〃
 Rahl grabbed Richard's throat。 〃Did you learn it all? The entire book?〃
 〃Yes; Master Rahl。〃
 Rahl's face reddened。 〃That can't be right! That isn't the right box! The box with two shadows is the one that will kill me! I told you; I learned that much! I learned which one will kill me!〃
 〃I have told you every word true。 Every single word。〃
 Darken Rahl released his throat。 〃I don't believe you。〃 He looked to Michael。 〃Cut her throat。〃
 Richard fell to his knees with a scream。 〃Please! You gave me your word! You said if I told you; you wouldn't harm her! Please! I have told you the truth!〃
 Rahl held his hand up to Michael; but kept his eyes on Richard。 〃I don't believe you。 Unless you tell me the truth; right now; I will cut her open。 I will kill your mistress。〃
 〃No!〃 Richard screamed。 〃I have told you the truth! I can't tell you anything different; it would be a lie!〃
 〃Last chance; Richard。 Tell me the truth; or she dies。〃
 〃I can't tell you anything differently;〃 Richard cried。 〃Anything different would be a lie。 I have told you every word true。〃
 Zedd came to his feet。 He watched the knife at Kahlan's throat; her; green eyes were wide; he watched Darken Rahl。 Rahl had obviously found some of the information from a source other than the Book of Counted Shadows; and that information was in conflict with the information in the book。 This was not unmon; surely Darken Rahl must know that。 When there was a conflict; the information in the instruction book for that specific magic must always take precedence。 To do otherwise was a
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