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 The rock abruptly solidified and Zedd stepped atop it; into the light。 The brightness faded to a faint glow that swirled like smoke。 Before him stood two apparitions; mere shadows of form。 Where sharpness should have been; their shapes softened like a dim memory; yet they were still recognizable; and the sight of them brought a quickness to Zedd's heart。
 His mother's voice came hollow and distant。 〃What troubles you; son? Why have you called us after so many years?〃 Her arms stretched out to him。
 Zedd's arms reached out; but could not touch her。 〃I am troubled by what the Mother Confessor tells me。〃
 〃She speaks the truth。〃
 He closed his eyes and nodded as his arms lowered with hers。 〃It's true; then; all my students; save Giller; are dead。〃
 〃You are the only one left to protect the Mother Confessor。〃 She drifted closer。 〃You must appoint the Seeker。〃
 〃The High Council sowed these seeds;〃 he protested; frowning。 〃Now you want me to help? They turned my advice away。 Let them live and die by their own greed。〃
 Zedd's father floated closer。 〃My son; why were you angry with your students?〃
 Zedd scowled。 〃Because they put themselves before their duty to help their people。〃
 〃I see。 And how is this different from what you do now?〃 The echo of his voice hung in the air。
 Zedd's fists tightened。 〃My help was offered; but turned away。〃
 〃And when has it not been so; that there would be those who were blind; or foolish; or greedy? Would you let them have their way over you so easily? Would you let them so simply prevent you from helping those who would be helped? Your abandonment of the people may have a reason that seems just to you; unlike the actions of your students; but the results are the same。 In the end they saw their mistake; and did the right things; the things you taught them。 Learn from your students; son。〃
 〃Zeddicus;〃 his mother said; 〃would you let Richard die too; and all the other innocents? Appoint the Seeker。〃
 〃He's too young。〃
 She shook her head with a gentle smile。 〃He will not get the chance to grow older。〃
 〃He has not passed my final test。〃
 〃Darken Rahl hunts Richard。 The cloud that shadows him was sent by Rahl to track him。 The snake vine was put in the jar by Darken Rahl; in the expectation that Richard would search for it; and it would bite him。 The snake vine wasn't meant to kill; Rahl sought to have him put to sleep by the fever until he could e for him。〃 Her form drifted closer; her voice being more loving。 〃You know in your heart you have been watching him; hoping he would show himself to be the one。〃
 〃To what avail?〃 Zedd closed his eyes; his chin sinking to his chest。 〃Darken Rahl has the three boxes of Orden。〃
 〃No;〃 his father said; 〃he has only two。 He still seeks the third。〃
 Zedd's eyes snapped open; his head jerked up。 〃What! He doesn't have them all?〃
 〃No;〃 his mother said; 〃but he soon will。〃
 〃And the book? Surely he must have the Book of Counted Shadows?〃
 〃No。 He searches for it。〃
 Zedd put a finger to his chin; thinking。 〃Then there's a chance;〃 he whispered。 〃What sort of fool would put the boxes of Orden in play before he had all three; and the book?〃
 His mother's features sharpened into a look of ice。 〃A very dangerous one。 He travels the underworld。〃 Zedd stiffened; and his breath caught in his throat。 His mother's eyes seemed to pierce him。 〃That is how he was able to cross the boundary and recover the first box: by traveling the underworld。 That is how he was able to begin the undoing of the boundary: from within the underworld。 He mands some in it; more with his every ing。 If you choose to help; be warned: do not go through the boundary; or send the Seeker through。 Rahl expects it。 If you enter; he will have you。 The Mother Confessor came through only because he did not expect it。 He will not make the same mistake again。〃
 〃But then how am I to get us to the Midlands? I can't help if I can't get to the Midlands。〃 Zedd's voice was tense with frustration。
 〃We're sorry; but we don't know。 We believe there must be a way; but it is not known to us。 That is why you must appoint the Seeker。 If he is the right one; he will find a way。〃 Their forms began to shimmer; to fade
 〃Wait! I must have the answers to my questions! Please; don't leave me!〃
 〃We're sorry; it is not our choice; we are called back behind the veil。〃
 〃Why is Rahl after Richard? Please help me。〃
 His father's voice was weak and distant。 〃We don't know。 You must search for the answers yourself。 We have trained you well。 You are more talented than we ever were。 Use what you were taught and what you feel。 We love you; son。 Until this is settled; one way or the other; we cannot e to you again。 With Orden in play; ing again could tear the veil。〃
 His mother kissed her hand and held it out to him as he did the same in return; and then they were gone。
 Zeddicus Zu'1 Zorander; the great and honorable wizard; stood alone on the wizard's rock his father had given him; and stared out into the night; thinking wizard's thoughts。
 〃Nothing is ever easy;〃 he whispered
 RICHARD CAME AWAKE WITH a start。 Warm midday light filled the room; and the wonderful; tangy aroma of spice soup filled his lungs。 He was in his room at Zedd's house。 He looked up at the familiar knots in the wood walls; and the faces he always made them into in his mind stared back。 The door to the front room stood shut。 A chair waited next to the bed; empty。 He sat up; pushing the covers down; and saw that he still wore his dirty clothes。 He felt for the tooth under his shirt and sighed in relief when he found it still there; safe。 A short stick held the window open a few inches; letting in fresh air and the sound of Kahlan's laughter。 Zedd must be telling stories; he thought。 Richard looked at his left hand。 It was wrapped but no longer sore when he flexed his fingers。 His head didn't hurt anymore; either。 In fact; he felt wonderful。 Hungry; but wonderful。 He amended that to dirty; in filthy clothes; and hungry; but wonderful。
 A tub of bathwater; soap; and clean towels sat in the center of the small room。 A clean outfit of his forest garb was folded and stacked neatly on the chair。 The bathwater looked deliciously inviting。 He dipped his hand in and found the water warm。 Zedd must have known when he would wake。 Knowing Zedd as well as he did; that didn't surprise him。
 Richard undressed and slipped into the weling water。 The soap smelled almost as good to him as the soup。 He liked to stay in the tub for a good long soak; but he felt too wide awake for soaking; and was eager to be outside with the other two。 Unwrapping the hand; he was surprised to find how much it had healed overnight。
 When he came out; Kahlan and Zedd were sitting at the table waiting for him。 Kahlan's dress was freshly washed; he noticed; and she looked bathed; too。 Her hair was clean and glistened in the sunlight。 Green eyes sparkled up at him。 A big bowl of soup waited for him next to her at the table; along with cheese and fresh bread。
 〃I wouldn't
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