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 Zedd chuckled。 〃That would be quite the magic! Beyond me; I'm afraid。 No; dear one; I only tricked them into thinking I had。 Simply convinced them of the truth of it; let their own minds do the work。〃
 Richard turned to the wizard。 〃A trick? It was just a trick? I thought you had done real magic。〃 He seemed somehow disappointed。
 Zedd shrugged。 〃Sometimes if a trick is done properly; it can work better than magic。 In fact; I would go so far as to say a good trick is real magic。〃
 〃But still; it was just a trick。〃
 The wizard held up a finger。 〃Results; Richard。 That's what counts。 Your way; those men would have all lost their heads。〃
 Richard grinned。 〃Zedd; I think some of them would have preferred that over what you did to them。〃 Zedd chuckled。 〃So is that what you wanted us to watch and learn? That a trick can work as well as magic?〃
 〃Yes; but also something more important。 As I said; this was a stew stirred by a hidden hand; the hand of Darken Rahl。 But he has made a mistake tonight; it is a mistake to use insufficient force to finish the job。 In so doing; you give your enemy a second chance。 That is the lesson I want you to learn。 Learn it well; you may not get a second chance when your time es。〃
 Richard frowned。 〃I wonder why he did it then?〃
 Zedd shrugged。 〃I don't know。 Maybe because he doesn't have enough power in this land yet; but then it also was a mistake to try; because it only served to warn us。〃
 They started toward the door。 There was a lot of work to do before they could sleep。 Richard began going through the list in his head but was distracted by an odd feeling。
 Suddenly; realization washed over him like cold water。 Richard inhaled in a gasp。 He spun around; eyes wide; and grabbed a fistful of Zedd's robes。
 〃We have to get out of here! Right now!〃
 〃Zedd! Darken Rahl…isn't stupid! He wants us to feel safe; to feel confident! He knew we were smart enough to beat those men; one way or another。 In fact he wanted us to; so we would sit around congratulating ourselves while he es for us himself。 He doesn't fear you…you said he's stronger than a wizard…he doesn't fear the sword; and he doesn't fear Kahlan。 He's on his way here right now! His plan is to get us all at the same time; right now; this very night! He hasn't made a mistake; this was his plan。 You said it yourself; sometimes a trick is better than magic。 That's what he's doing; this was all a trick to distract us!〃
 Kahlan's face went white。 〃Zedd; Richard is right。 This is how Rahl thinks; the mark of his way。 He likes to do things in a manner you do not expect。 We have to get out of here this very minute。〃
 〃Bags! I have been an old fool! You are right。 We must leave now; but I can't leave without my rock。〃 He started off around the house。
 〃Zedd; there's no time!〃
 The old man was already running up the hill; robes and hair flying; off into the darkness。 Kahlan followed Richard into the house。 They had been lulled into laziness。 He couldn't believe how foolish he had been to underestimate Rahl。 Snatching up his pack from the corner by the hearth; he ran into his room; checking under his shirt for the tooth。 Finding it safe; he came back with his forest cloak。 Richard threw it around Kahlan's shoulders and took a quick glance around to see if there was anything else he could grab; but there was no time to think; nothing worth their lives; so he took her by the aim and headed for the door。 Outside; in the grass in front of the house; Zedd was already back; breathing hard。
 〃What about the rock?〃 Richard asked。 There was no way Zedd could lift it; much less carry it。
 〃In my pocket;〃 the wizard said with a smile。 Richard couldn't spare the time to wonder at this。 The cat was suddenly there; somehow aware of their urgency; rubbing up against their legs。 Zedd picked it up。 〃Can't leave you here; Cat。 There's trouble ing。〃 Zedd lifted the flap of Richard's pack and tucked 'the cat inside。
 Richard had an uneasy feeling。 He looked about; scanning the darkness; seeking something out of place; something hidden。 He saw nothing; but felt eyes watching。
 Kahlan noticed his searching。 〃What's wrong?〃
 Even though he could see nothing; he felt the eyes。 It must be his fear; he decided。 〃Nothing。 Let's go。〃
 Richard led them through a sparsely wooded area he knew well enough to walk blindfolded; to the trail he wanted; and turned south。 They moved along quickly in silence; with the exception of Zedd muttering occasionally about how stupid he had been。 After a while; Kahlan told him he was too reproachful of himself。 They had all been fooled; and each felt the sting of blame; but they had made good their escape; and that was all that mattered。
 It was an easy trail; almost a road; and the pany of three walked side by side; Richard in the middle; Zedd to his left; Kahlan to his right。 The cat poked his head up from Richard's backpack and looked about as they walked。 It was a mode of travel he had enjoyed since he was a kitten。 The moonlight was enough to light their way。 Richard saw a few wayward pines looming against the sky; but he knew there could be no stopping。 They had to get away from here。 The night was cold but he was warm enough with the effort of their rapid pace。 Kahlan wrapped his cloak tightly around herself。
 After about a half hour Zedd brought them to a halt。 He reached into his robes and pulled out a small handful of powder。 He threw it back down the path; the way they had e。 Silver sparkles shot from his hand and followed their trail back into the darkness。 The sparkles tinkled as they went; disappearing around a bend。
 Richard started back up the trail。 〃What was that?〃
 〃Just a little magic dust。 It will cover our trail; so Rahl won't know where we went。〃
 〃He still has the cloud to follow us with。〃
 〃Yes; but that will only give him a general area。 If we keep moving; it will be of little use to him。 It's only when you stop; like you did at my house; that he can hunt you。〃
 They continued on to the south; the trail taking them through sweet…smelling pines and higher into the hill country。 At the top of a rise they all turned suddenly at a roaring sound behind。 Off beyond the dark expanse of the forest; in the distance; they saw an immense column of flame shooting skyward; yellows and reds reaching up into the blackness。
 〃It's my house。 Darken Rahl is there。〃 Zedd smiled。 〃He looks 1 to be angry。〃
 Kahlan touched his shoulder。 〃I'm sorry; Zedd。〃
 〃Don't be; dear one。 It's just an old house。 It could have been us。〃
 Kahlan turned to Richard as they started out again。 〃Do you know where we are going?〃
 Richard; abruptly realized he did。 〃I do。〃 He smiled to himself; glad to be telling the truth。
 The three figures fled into the dark shadows of the trail; into the night。
 Overhead; two huge winged beasts watched with hungry; glowing green eyes; and then pitched themselves into steep; silent dives。 Wings tucked back for speed; they plummeted toward the backs of their prey
 IT WAS THE CAT that saved 
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