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 Emma looked Kahlan over。 〃Well; her shoulders are too big
 ‘for my clothes; and her legs are too long; but the older girls have things I think would work nicely。〃 She smiled warmly at Kahlan and held out a hand。 〃e on; dear; let's see what we can find。〃 Kahlan handed Cat to Lee and took her other hand。 〃I hope Cat won't be a bother。 He insists on sleeping on your bed with you。〃
 〃Oh; no;〃 Lee said earnestly; 〃that will be fine。〃
 As they left the room Emma knowingly shut the door。
 Chase took a sip of tea。 〃Well?〃
 〃Well; you know the conspiracy my brother was talking about? It's worse than he knows。〃
 〃That so;〃 Chase said nonmittally。
 Richard pulled the Sword of Truth from its scabbard and laid it on the table between them。 The polished blade gleamed。 Chase leaned forward and put his elbows on the table; lifting the sword with his fingertips。 He let it roll into his palms; inspecting it closely; running his fingers over the word Truth on the hilt and down the fuller on each side of the blade; testing the sharpness of the edge。 He betrayed nothing more than mild curiosity。
 〃Not。 unusual for a sword to be named; but typically the name is engraved on the blade。 I've never seen the name on the hilt。〃 Chase was waiting for someone else to say something consequential。
 〃Chase; you've seen this sword before;〃 Richard admonished。 〃You know what it is。〃
 〃I have。 But; I've never seen it this close。〃 His eyes came up; dark and intense。 〃The point is; Richard; what are you doing with it?〃
 Richard peered back with equal intensity。 〃It was given to me by a great and noble wizard。〃
 Chase's forehead wrinkled into a sober frown。 He looked to Zedd。 〃What's your part in this; Zedd?〃
 Zedd leaned forward; a small smile on his thin lips。 〃I'm the one who gave it to him。〃
 Chase leaned back in his chair; shaking his head slowly。 〃The spirits be praised;〃 he whispered。 〃A real Seeker。 At last。〃
 〃We don't have much time;〃 Richard said。 〃I need to know some things about the boundary。〃
 Chase let out a deep sigh as he rose and went to the hearth。 He leaned an arm on the mantel; staring into the flames。 The other two waited while the big man picked at the rough wood of the mantel as if trying to pick his words
 〃Richard; do you know what my job is?〃
 Richard shrugged。 〃Keeping people away from the boundary; for their own good。〃
 Chase shook his head。 〃Do you know how to get rid of wolves?〃
 〃Go out and hunt them; I guess。〃
 The boundary warden shook his head again。 〃That might get a few; but more would be born; and in the end; you have just as many。 If you really want to have fewer wolves; you hunt their food。 You trap rabbits; so to speak。 It's easier。 If there is less food; fewer pups will be born。 In the end you have fewer wolves。 That's my job。 I hunt rabbits。〃
 Richard felt a wave of fright ripple through him。
 〃Most people don't understand the boundary; or what we do。 They think it's just some stupid law we enforce。 Many are afraid of the boundary; mostly older people。 Many others think they know what's best and go up there to poach。 They aren't afraid of the boundary; so we make them afraid of the wardens。 That's something real to them; and we keep it real。 They don't like it; but out of fear of us; they stay away。 To a few it's a game; to see if they can get away with it。 We don't expect to catch them all; we don't really care。 What we care about is scaring enough of them so the wolves in the boundary won't have enough rabbits to get stronger。
 〃We protect the people; but not by preventing them from going into the boundary。 Anyone stupid enough to do that is beyond our 'help。 Our job is to keep most; away; keep the boundary weak enough so the things in there can't e out and get everyone else。 The wardens have all seen things that have gotten loose。 We all understand; others don't。 Lately; more and more things have been getting loose。 Your brother's government may pay us; but they don't understand; either; our allegiance is not to them; nor to any rule of law。 Our only duty is to protect the people from the things that e out of the darkness。 We consider ourselves sovereign。 We take orders when it doesn't hinder our job。 It keeps matters friendly。 But if the time ever es; well; we follow our own cause; our own orders。〃
 He sat back at the table; leaning forward on his elbows。 〃Ultimately; there is only one whose orders we will follow; because our cause is a part of his larger cause。 That one is the true Seeker。〃 He picked up the sword in his big hands and held it out to Richard; looking him in the eyes。 〃I pledge my life and loyalty to the Seeker。〃
 Richard sat back; moved。 〃Thank you; Chase。〃 He looked to the wizard a moment; then back to the boundary warden。 〃Now we'll tell you what's been going on; and then I'll tell you what I want。〃
 Richard and Zedd both shared in the telling of all that had happened。 Richard wanted Chase to know it all; to understand that there could be no half efforts; that it had to be victory or death; not by their choice; but by Darken Rahl's。 Chase looked from one to the other as they spoke; understanding the seriousness of what they were telling him; appearing grim at the telling of the story of the magic of Orden。 They didn't have to convince him of the truth of it; he was a man who had seen more than they would probably ever know。 He asked few questions; and listened carefully。
 He did enjoy the story of what Zedd had done to the mob。 His booming laugh filled the room until his laughter dissolved in tears。
 The door opened; and Kahlan and Emma stepped into the light。 Kahlan was outfitted in fine forest garb; dark green pants with a wide belt; tan shirt; dark cloak; and a good pack。 The boots and waist pouch were her own。 She looked ready to live a life in the woods。 Still; her hair; her face; her figure; and mostly her bearing; spoke that she was more。
 Richard introduced her to Chase。 〃My guide。〃
 Chase lifted an eyebrow。
 Emma saw the sword; and by her expression Richard knew she understood。 She moved behind her husband again; not touching his hair; but simply resting a hand on his shoulder; wanting to be near him。 She knew trouble visited this night。 Richard sheathed the sword; and Kahlan came and sat next to him as he finished relating the rest of the events of the night。 When he was done; they all pat in silence for a few minutes。
 〃What can I do to help you; Richard?〃 Chase …finally asked。
 Richard spoke softly; but firmly。 〃Tell me where the pass is。〃 Chase's eyes came up sharply。 〃What pass?〃 His old defensiveness was still in evidence。
 〃The pass across the boundary。 I know about it; I just don't know exactly where it is; and I don't have time to search。〃 Richard didn't have time to play these games and felt his anger rising。
 〃Who told you this?〃 '
 〃Chase! Answer the question!〃
 The other smiled a little。 〃One condition。 I take you there。〃
 Richard thought about the children。 Chase was used to danger; but this was different。 〃That isn't necessary;〃
 Chase gave
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