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 Zedd looked down; pushing a bony finger at the dirt for a moment。 〃It was about this time of year; in the last war。 The harvests were in。 I had found a constructed magic。 That's a magic made by wizards of long ago。 Something like the boxes of Orden。 It was a poison magic; specific to color; and only able to cast one spell; one time。 I wasn't sure how it was used; but I knew it was dangerous。〃 Zedd took a deep breath and put his hands in his lap。 〃Anyway; Panis Rahl got his hands on it; and figured out how to make it work。 He knew children loved fruit; and wanted to strike a blow at our hearts。 He used the magic to poison all red fruit。 It's a little like the poison of the snake vine。 Slow at first。 It took time for us to realize what caused the fever; and death。 Panis Rahl deliberately chose something he could be sure children; not just the adults; would eat。〃 His voice was barely audible as he looked out into the darkness。 〃A lot of people died。 A lot of children。〃
 Richard's 。 eyes were wide。 〃If you found it; how did he get hold of it?〃
 Zedd looked into Richard's eyes with an expression that could have frozen a summer day。 〃I had a student; a young man I was training。 One day I chanced upon him tinkering with something he shouldn't have been。 I had an odd doubt about him。 I knew something was wrong; but I was very fond of him and so I didn't act upon my suspicion。 Instead; I decided to think on it for the night。 The next morning; he was gone; and so was the constructed magic I had found。 He had been a spy for Panis Rahl。 If I had acted when I should have; and killed him; all those people; all those children; wouldn't have died。〃
 Richard swallowed。 〃Zedd; you couldn't have known。〃 He thought that maybe the old man was going to yell; or cry; or storm off; but instead he only shrugged。 〃Learn from my mistake; Richard。 If you do; then all those lives won't have been lost for nothing。 Maybe their story can be a lesson that will help save everyone from what Darken Rahl will do if he wins。〃
 Richard rubbed his arms; trying to work a bit of warmth back into them。 〃Why isn't the red fruit in Westland poison?〃
 〃All magic has limits。 This had a limit of distance from where it was used。 It stretched as far as where the boundary between Westland and the Midlands went up。 The boundary couldn't be put up where any of the poison spell was; or Westland would have had magic in it。〃
 Richard sat in the dark; cold silence and thought for a time。 At last he asked; 〃Is there any way to get rid of it? To make the red fruit no longer poison?〃
 Zedd smiled。 Richard thought it an odd thing to do; but he was glad to see it: 〃Thinking like a wizard; my boy。 Thinking how to undo magic。〃 He frowned in thought as he looked out into the night again。 〃There might be a way to remove the spell。 I would have to study it and see what I could do。 If we can defeat Darken Rahl; I intend to put my mind to the task。〃
 〃Good。〃 Richard tugged his cloak tighter。 〃Everyone should be able to eat an apple when they want。 Especially children。〃 He looked over at the old man。 〃Zedd; I promise I will remember your lesson。 I won't let you down。 I won't let all those people who died be forgotten。〃
 Zedd smiled and gave Richard's back an affectionate rub。
 The two friends sat in silence; sharing the stillness of the night and the quiet of each other's understanding; thinking about what they could not know: what was to e。
 Richard thought about what needed to be done; about Panis
 Rahl; and about Darken Rahl。 He thought about how hopeless everything seemed。 Think about the solution; he told himself; not the problem; you are the Seeker。
 〃I need you to do something; wizard。 I think it is time for us to disappear。 Rahl has followed us long enough。 What can you do about that cloud?〃
 〃You know; I think you're right。 I only wish I knew how it was hooked to you; so I could unhook it; but I can't figure it out
 So; I will have to do something else。〃 He contemplatively drew his finger and thumb down the sharp sides of his jaw。 〃Has it
 rained; or been overcast since it first started following you?〃'
 Richard thought back; trying to remember every day。 Most of the time he had been in a fog over his father's murder。 It seemed so long ago。 〃The night before I found the snake vine; it rained in the Ven; but by the time I got there; it had cleared off。 No; no rain。 I don't remember it being cloudy since my father's murder。 At least; nothing more than a few high; thin clouds。 What does that mean?〃
 〃Well; it means I think there is a way to fool the cloud; even if I can't unhook it。 Since the sky has been clear all that time; that means Rahl probably has been responsible。 He has moved the other clouds away so he could easily find this one。 Simple; but effective。〃
 〃How could he move the clouds away?〃
 〃He put a spell on this one to repel other clouds; and somehow hooked this one to you。〃
 〃Then why don't you put a stronger spell on it to attract other clouds; before he realizes it; it will be lost; and he won't be able to find it to try to outdo your magic。 If he does use stronger magic to move the clouds away to find this one; he won't know what you have done; and the stronger spell that pushes the clouds away will break the hook。〃
 Zedd gave him an incredulous look; his eyes blinked。 〃Bags; Richard; you have gotten it exactly right! My boy; I think you would make an excellent wizard。〃
 〃No; thanks。 I already have one impossible job。〃
 Zedd drew back a little and frowned; but didn't say anything。 His thin hand reached into his robes and pulled out a rock; tossing it on the ground in front of them。 He stood and his fingers spun around in a circle over the little rock until; suddenly; it popped into a large rock。
 〃Zedd! That's your cloud rock!〃
 〃Actually; my boy; it's a wizard's rock。 My father gave it to me; long ago。〃
 The wizard's finger stirred faster and faster until light came forth; sparkles and colors; swirling around。 He continued to stir; mixing and blending the light。 There was no sound; only the pleasant smell of a spring rain。 At last the wizard seemed satisfied。
 〃Step up on the rock; my boy。〃
 Unsure at first; Richard stepped into the light。 It tingled and felt warm against his skin; as if he were lying in the hot summer sun without clothes; after a swim。 He let himself bask in the warm; safe feeling; gave himself over to it。 His hands floated outward from his sides until they were horizontal。 He tilted his head back; took deep breaths; and closed his eyes。 It felt wondrous; like floating in water; only he was floating in light。 Exhilaration soaked through him。 His mind felt a buoyant; timeless connection to everything around him。 He was one with the trees; the grass; the bugs; the birds; the animals all around; the water; the very air itself; not a separate being; but part of a whole。 He understood the interconnection of everything in a new way; saw himself as inconsequential and empowered at the same time。 He saw the world through the eyes of all the creatures around him。 It was a shocking; marvelou
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