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t the boundary will be down soon。 Have him tell Michael to gather the army to protect Westland from Rahl's forces。 They must be prepared to fight at any invasion。 They must not let Westland fall as did; the Midlands。 Any forces that e across must be deemed invaders。 Have him tell Michael that Rahl is the one who killed our father and those who e; do not e in peace。 We are at war; and I am already joined in battle。 If my brother or the army fails to heed my warning; then Chase is to abandon the service of the government and gather the boundary wardens to stand against Rahl's legions。 His army was virtually unopposed when they took the Midlands。 If they have to shed blood freely to take Westland; maybe they will lose their spirit。 Tell him to show no mercy to the enemy; take no prisoners。 I take no joy in giving these orders; but it's the way Rahl fights; and either we meet him on his terms or we die on them。 If Westland is taken; I expect the wardens to extract a terrible price before they fall。 After Chase has the army and wardens in place; he is free to e to my aid; if he chooses to do so; as above all else we must stop Rahl from getting all three boxes。〃 Richard looked down at the ground。 〃Have him tell my brother that I love him and I miss him。〃 He looked up and gauged Adie's expression。 〃Can you remember all that?〃
 〃I do not think I could forget if I wanted to。 I will tell the warden your words。 What would you have me tell the wizard?〃
 Richard smiled。 〃That I'm sorry we couldn't wait for him; but I know he will understand。 When he is able; he will find us by the night stone。 I hope by then to have found one of the boxes。〃
 〃Strength to the Seeker;〃 Adie said in a rasp; 〃and you too; child。 Grim times lie ahead。〃 
 THE TRAIL was WIDE enough to allow Richard and Kahlan to walk side by side after they left Adie's place。 Clouds hung thick and threatening; but the rain held off。 Both wrapped their cloaks tight。 Damp; brown pine needles matted the path through the forest。 There was little brush among the big trees; allowing an open view for a good distance。 Ferns covered the ground in feathery swaths through the trees; and dead wood lay in it here and there as if asleep in a bed。 Squirrels scolded the two of them as they hiked along; while birds sang with monotonous conviction。
 Richard picked at the branch of a small balsam fir as they walked past; stripping the needles between his thumb and the crook of his first finger。
 〃Adie is more than she seems;〃 he said at last。
 Kahlan looked up at him as they walked。 〃She is a sorceress。〃
 Richard glanced sideways at her in surprise。 〃Really? I don't know exactly what a sorceress is。〃
 〃Well; she is more than us; but less than a wizard。〃
 Richard smelled the aromatic fragrance of the balsam needles; then cast them aside。 Maybe she was more than he; Richard thought; but he wasn't at all sure she was more than Kahlan。 He remembered the look on Adie's face when Kahlan had grabbed her by the wrist。 It had been a look of fear。 He remembered the look on Zedd's face when he had first seen her。 What power did she have that could frighten a sorceress and a wizard? What had she done that had caused thunder without sound? She had done it twice that he knew of; once with the quad; and once with Shar; the night wisp。 Richard remembered the pain that had followed。 A sorceress greater than Kahlan? He wondered。
 〃What's Adie doing living here; in the pass?〃
 Kahlan pushed some of her hair back over her shoulder。 〃She became tired of people ing to her all the time; wanting spells and potions。 She wanted to be left alone to study whatever it is a sorceress studies; some sort of higher summons; as she called it。〃
 〃Do you think she will be safe when the boundary fails?〃
 〃I hope so。 I like her。〃
 〃Me too;〃 he added with a smile。
 The trail; climbing sharply in places; forced them to go single file at times as it twisted along steep rocky hillsides and over ridges。 Richard let Kahlan go first so he could keep an eye on her; make sure she didn't wander off the path。 At times he had to point out the trail; his experience as a guide making it plain to him; but not to her unpracticed eye。 Other times the trail was a well…defined rut。 The woods were thick。 Trees grew from splits in the rock that pushed up above the leaf litter。 Mist drifted among the trees。 Roots bulging from cracks provided handholds as they climbed the abrupt inclines。 His legs ached from the effort of descending extreme drops in the dark trail。
 Richard wondered what they were going to do once they reached the Midlands。 He had depended on Zedd to let him know the plan once they crossed the pass; and now they were without Zedd; without a plan。 He felt kind of foolish to be charging into the Midlands。 What was he going to do once they crossed over? Stand there and look around; divine where the box was and then be off after it? Didn't sound like a good plan to him。 They didn't have time to wander about aimlessly; hoping they would e across something。 No one was going to be waiting for him; waiting to tell him where to go next
 They reached a steep jumble of rock。 The trail went straight up the face。 Richard surveyed the terrain。 It would be easier to go around; rather than climb over the jut of rock; but he finally decided against it; the thought that the boundary could be anywhere making up his mind。 There must be a reason the trail went this way。 He went first and took Kahlan's hand; helping to pull her up。
 As he walked; Richard's thoughts continued nagging at him。 Someone had hidden one of the boxes; or Rahl would have it already。 If Rahl couldn't find it; how was Richard to? He didn't know anyone in the Midlands; he didn't know where to look。 But someone knew where the last box was; and that was how they had to find it。 They couldn't look for the box; they had to look for someone who would be able to tell them where it was。
 Magic; he thought suddenly。 The Midlands was a land of magic。 Maybe someone with magic could tell where the box was。 They had to look for someone with the right kind of magic。 Adie could tell things about him without ever having seen him before。 There had to be someone with the kind of magic that could tell him where the box was without ever having seen it。 Then; of course; they had to convince that person to tell them。 But maybe if someone was hiding their knowledge from Darken Rahl; he would be glad to help stop him。 It seemed there were too many wishes and hopes in his thoughts。
 But there was one thing he did know: even if Rahl got all the boxes; without the book he wasn't going to know which box was which。 As they walked along; Richard recited the Book of Counted Shadows to himself; trying to find a way to stop Rahl。 Since it was an instruction book for the boxes; it should have a way to stop their use; but there was nothing like that in the book。 The actual explanation of what each box would do; directives to determine which box was which; and how to open one; took up only a relatively small portion at the end of the book。 Richard understood this part well; as it was clear an
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