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latively small portion at the end of the book。 Richard understood this part well; as it was clear and precise。 Most of the book; though; was taken up with directions for countering unforeseen eventualities; resolving problems that could prevent the holder of the boxes from succeeding。 The book even started out with how to verify the truth of the instructions。
 If he could create one of these problems; he could stop Rahl; since Rahl didn't have the book to help him。 But most of the problems were things he had no way of bringing about; problems with sun angles and clouds on the day of opening。 And a lot of it made no sense to him。 It spoke of things he had never heard of。 Richard told himself to stop thinking of the problem; and to think of the solution。 He would go through the book again。 He cleared his mind and started at the beginning。
 Verification of the truth of the words of the Book of Counted Shadows; if spoken by another; rather than read by the one who mands the boxes; can only be insured by the use of a Confessor 。 。 。 。 。
 By late afternoon; Richard and Kahlan were sweating freely with the effort of the hike。 As they crossed a small stream; Kahlan stopped and dipped a cloth in the water and used it to wipe her face。 Richard thought it was a good idea。 When they came to the next stream; he stopped to do the same。 The clear water was shallow as it ran over a bed of round stones。 He balanced on a flat rock as he squatted to soak a cloth in the cold water。
 When he stood up; Richard saw the shadow thing。 He froze instantly。
 Off through the woods there was something standing partly behind a tree trunk。 It wasn't a person; but was about that size; with no definite shape。 It looked like a person's shadow standing up in the air。 The shadow thing didn't move。 Richard blinked and squinted his eyes trying to tell if he was really seeing what he thought he was seeing。 Maybe it was just a trick of the dim afternoon light; a shadow of a tree he mistook for something more。
 Kahlan had continued to walk along the trail。 Richard came quickly up behind her and put his hand on the small of her back; below her pack; so she wouldn't stop。 He leaned over her shoulder and whispered in her ear。
 〃Look to the left; off through the trees。 Tell me what you see。〃
 He kept his hand on her back; kept her walking along as she turned her head; looking off to the trees。 Her eyes searched as she held her hair back; out of the way。 Then she saw the thing。
 〃What is it?〃 she whispered; looking back to his face。
 He was a little surprised。 〃I don't know。 I thought maybe you could tell me。〃 She shook her head。 The shadow remained motionless。 Maybe it was nothing; a trick of the light; he tried to tell himself。 He knew that wasn't true。
 〃Maybe it's one of the beasts Adie told us about; and it can't see us;〃 he offered。
 She gave him a sidelong glance。 〃Beasts have bones。〃
 Kahlan was right; of course; but he had been hoping she would have agreed with the idea。 As they moved quickly down the trail; the shadow thing stayed where it was and they were soon out of sight of it。 Richard breathed easier。 It appeared that the bone necklace Kahlan wore; and his tooth; had hidden them。
 They ate a supper of bread; carrots; and smoked meat as they walked。 Neither enjoyed the meal。 Their eyes searched off into the deep woods as they ate。 Even though it hadn't rained all day; everything was still wet; and occasionally water dripped from the trees。 The rock was slick with slime in places; needing care to be crossed safely。 Both watched the surrounding forest for any sign of danger。 They saw nothing。
 The fact that they saw nothing began to worry Richard。 There were no squirrels; no chipmunks; no birds; no animals of any kind。 It was too quiet。 Daylight was slipping away。 Soon they would be at the Narrows。 He worried about that; too。 The idea of seeing the things from the boundary again was frightening。 The idea of seeing his father again was terrifying。 His insides cringed at what Adie had told them; that those in the boundary; would call to them。 He remembered how seductive their calls were。 He had to be prepared to resist。 He had to harden himself against it。 Kahlan had almost been pulled back into the underworld when they were in the wayward pine; the first night he knew her。 When they were with Zedd and Chase; something had tried to pull her in again。 He was troubled that the bone might not protect her when they were that close。
 The trail leveled out and widened; allowing them to walk side by side again。 He was tired from the day's hike; and it would be another night and day before they could rest。 Crossing the Narrows in the dark and when they were exhausted sounded like a bad idea; but Adie had been insistent they not stop。 He could not question a person who knew the pass as well as she。 He knew that the story of the gripper would keep him wide awake
 Kahlan looked around at the woods; turned to check behind。 She stopped suddenly; grabbing his arm。 In the trail; not ten yards behind; stood a shadow。
 Like the other; this one did not move。 He could see through it; see the woods behind; as if it were made of smoke。 Kahlan kept a firm grip on his arm as both of them walked ahead in a sideways fashion; watching the shadow thing。 They rounded a turn in the trail and were away from it。 They walked on faster。
 〃Kahlan; do you remember when you told me of the shadow people that Panis Rahl sent forth? Could those be shadow people?〃
 She gave him a worried look。 〃I don't know。 I have never seen one; they were in the last war; before I was born。 But the stories were always told the same; that they floated along。 I never heard anyone say they stood still like that。〃
 〃Maybe it's because of the bones。 Maybe they know we're here; but can't find us; so they stay still to search。〃
 She wrapped her cloak tighter; obviously afraid of his idea; but didn't say anything。 In the gathering night they walked along; close to each other; sharing the same troubling thoughts。 Another shadow stood at the side of the trail。 Kahlan gripped his arm tight。 They passed slowly; quietly; keeping their eyes on it。 It didn't move。 Richard felt like panicking; but knew he couldn't; they had to stay on the trail; had to use their heads。 Maybe the shadows were trying to make them bolt; to run from the trail; and cross over accidentally into the underworld。 They looked around; behind; as they went。 When Kahlan was looking the other way; a branch brushed her face。 She jumped against him with a start。 She looked over and apologized。 Richard gave her a reassuring smile。
 Pine needles held droplets from the rains and mist; and when a light breeze swayed the branches; water from the trees above rained down。 In the near darkness they had a hard time telling if there were shadow things around them or if it was just the dark shapes of tree trunks。 Twice; they had no trouble telling; they were close to the trail and there was no doubt what they were。 Still the shadows did not follow or move; but stood as if watching; even though they had no eyes
 〃What are we going to do if
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