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Then Laban and Bethuel answered and said; The thing proceedeth from the LORD: we cannot speak unto thee bad or good。
Behold; Rebekah is before thee; take her; and go; and let her be thy master's son's wife; as the LORD hath spoken。
And it came to pass; that; when Abraham's servant heard their words; he worshipped the LORD; bowing himself to the earth。
And the servant brought forth jewels of silver; and jewels of gold; and raiment; and gave them to Rebekah: he gave also to her brother and to her mother precious things。
And they did eat and drink; he and the men that were with him; and tarried all night; and they rose up in the morning; and he said; Send me away unto my master。
And her brother and her mother said; Let the damsel abide with us a few days; at the least ten; after that she shall go。
And he said unto them; Hinder me not; seeing the LORD hath prospered my way; send me away that I may go to my master。
And they said; We will call the damsel; and enquire at her mouth。
And they called Rebekah; and said unto her; Wilt thou go with this man? And she said; I will go。
And they sent away Rebekah their sister; and her nurse; and Abraham's servant; and his men。
And they blessed Rebekah; and said unto her; Thou art our sister; be thou the mother of thousands of millions; and let thy seed possess the gate of those which hate them。
And Rebekah arose; and her damsels; and they rode upon the camels; and followed the man: and the servant took Rebekah; and went his way。
And Isaac came from the way of the well Lahairoi; for he dwelt in the south country。
And Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide: and he lifted up his eyes; and saw; and; behold; the camels were ing。
And Rebekah lifted up her eyes; and when she saw Isaac; she lighted off the camel。
For she had said unto the servant; What man is this that walketh in the field to meet us? And the servant had said; It is my master: therefore she took a vail; and covered herself。
And the servant told Isaac all things that he had done。
And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent; and took Rebekah; and she became his wife; and he loved her: and Isaac was forted after his mother's death。

旧约  创世记(Genesis)  第 25 章 ( 本篇共有 50 章 ) 7上一章 下一章8 目录
Then again Abraham took a wife; and her name was Keturah。
And she bare him Zimran; and Jokshan; and Medan; and Midian; and Ishbak; and Shuah。
And Jokshan begat Sheba; and Dedan。 And the sons of Dedan were Asshurim; and Letushim; and Leummim。
And the sons of Midian; Ephah; and Epher; and Hanoch; and Abidah; and Eldaah。 All these were the children of Keturah。
And Abraham gave all that he had unto Isaac。
But unto the sons of the concubines; which Abraham had; Abraham gave gifts; and sent them away from Isaac his son; while he yet lived; eastward; unto the east country。
And these are the days of the years of Abraham's life which he lived; an hundred threescore and fifteen years。
Then Abraham gave up the ghost; and died in a good old age; an old man; and full of years; and was gathered to his people。
And his sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah; in the field of Ephron the son of Zohar the Hittite; which is before Mamre;
The field which Abraham purchased of the sons of Heth: there was Abraham buried; and Sarah his wife。
And it came to pass after the death of Abraham; that God blessed his son Isaac; and Isaac dwelt by the well Lahairoi。
Now these are the generations of Ishmael; Abraham's son; whom Hagar the Egyptian; Sarah's handmaid; bare unto Abraham:
And these are the names of the sons of Ishmael; by their names; according to their generations: the firstborn of Ishmael; Nebajoth; and Kedar; and Adbeel; and Mibsam;
And Mishma; and Dumah; and Massa;
Hadar; and Tema; Jetur; Naphish; and Kedemah:
These are the sons of Ishmael; and these are their names; by their towns; and by their castles; twelve princes according to their nations。
And these are the years of the life of Ishmael; an hundred and thirty and seven years: and he gave up the ghost and died; and was gathered unto his people。
And they dwelt from Havilah unto Shur; that is before Egypt; as thou goest toward Assyria: and he died in the presence of all his brethren。
And these are the generations of Isaac; Abraham's son: Abraham begat Isaac:
And Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebekah to wife; the daughter of Bethuel the Syrian of Padanaram; the sister to Laban the Syrian。
And Isaac intreated the LORD for his wife; because she was barren: and the LORD was intreated of him; and Rebekah his wife conceived。
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