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: and we will not forsake the house of our God。

旧约  尼希米记(Nehemiah)  第 11 章 ( 本篇共有 13 章 ) 7上一章 下一章8 目录
And the rulers of the people dwelt at Jerusalem: the rest of the people also cast lots; to bring one of ten to dwell in Jerusalem the holy city; and nine parts to dwell in other cities。
And the people blessed all the men; that willingly offered themselves to dwell at Jerusalem。
Now these are the chief of the province that dwelt in Jerusalem: but in the cities of Judah dwelt every one in his possession in their cities; to wit; Israel; the priests; and the Levites; and the Nethinims; and the children of Solomon's servants。
And at Jerusalem dwelt certain of the children of Judah; and of the children of Benjamin。 Of the children of Judah; Athaiah the son of Uzziah; the son of Zechariah; the son of Amariah; the son of Shephatiah; the son of Mahalaleel; of the children of Perez;
And Maaseiah the son of Baruch; the son of Colhozeh; the son of Hazaiah; the son of Adaiah; the son of Joiarib; the son of Zechariah; the son of Shiloni。
All the sons of Perez that dwelt at Jerusalem were four hundred threescore and eight valiant men。
And these are the sons of Benjamin; Sallu the son of Meshullam; the son of Joed; the son of Pedaiah; the son of Kolaiah; the son of Maaseiah; the son of Ithiel; the son of Jesaiah。
And after him Gabbai; Sallai; nine hundred twenty and eight。
And Joel the son of Zichri was their overseer: and Judah the son of Senuah was second over the city。
Of the priests: Jedaiah the son of Joiarib; Jachin。
Seraiah the son of Hilkiah; the son of Meshullam; the son of Zadok; the son of Meraioth; the son of Ahitub; was the ruler of the house of God。
And their brethren that did the work of the house were eight hundred twenty and two: and Adaiah the son of Jeroham; the son of Pelaliah; the son of Amzi; the son of Zechariah; the son of Pashur; the son of Malchiah;
And his brethren; chief of the fathers; two hundred forty and two: and Amashai the son of Azareel; the son of Ahasai; the son of Meshillemoth; the son of Immer;
And their brethren; mighty men of valour; an hundred twenty and eight: and their overseer was Zabdiel; the son of one of the great men。
Also of the Levites: Shemaiah the son of Hashub; the son of Azrikam; the son of Hashabiah; the son of Bunni;
And Shabbethai and Jozabad; of the chief of the Levites; had the oversight of the outward business of the house of God。
And Mattaniah the son of Micha; the son of Zabdi; the son of Asaph; was the principal to begin the thanksgiving in prayer: and Bakbukiah the second among his brethren; and Abda the son of Shammua; the son of Galal; the son of Jeduthun。
All the Levites in the holy city were two hundred fourscore and four。
Moreover the porters; Akkub; Talmon; and their brethren that kept the gates; were an hundred seventy and two。
And the residue of Israel; of the priests; and the Levites; were in all the cities of Judah; every one in his inheritance。
But the Nethinims dwelt in Ophel: and Ziha and Gispa were over the Nethinims。
The overseer also of the Levites at Jerusalem was Uzzi the son of Bani; the son of Hashabiah; the son of Mattaniah; the son of Micha。 Of the sons of Asaph; the singers were over the business of the house of God。
For it was the king's mandment concerning them; that a certain portion should be for the singers; due for every day。
And Pethahiah the son of Meshezabeel; of the children of Zerah the son of Judah; was at the king's hand in all matters concerning the people。
And for the villages; with their fields; some of the children of Judah dwelt at Kirjatharba; and in the villages thereof; and at Dibon; and in the villages thereof; and at Jekabzeel; and in the villages thereof;
And at Jeshua; and at Moladah; and at Bethphelet;
And at Hazarshual; and at Beersheba; and in the villages thereof;
And at Ziklag; and at Mekonah; and in the villages thereof;
And at Enrimmon; and at Zareah; and at Jarmuth;
Zanoah; Adullam; and in their villages; at Lachish; and the fields thereof; at Azekah; and in the villages thereof。 And they dwelt from Beersheba unto the valley of Hinnom。
The children also of Benjamin from Geba dwelt at Michmash; and Aija; and Bethel; and in their villages;
And at Anathoth; Nob; Ananiah;
Hazor; Ramah; Gittaim;
Hadid; Zeboim; Neballat;
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