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新视野大学英语读写·听说教程辅导 第一分______-第章

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Unit  One三、学习建议

      三、学 习 建 议    
      WingdingsJAp 巧记单词 (一)    
      mid中间 amidst 在中间    
      midnight 午夜    
      midsummer 仲夏    
      med中间 → mediate↓中间的,间接的    
      immediate [根义] 没有中间间隔的    
      immediately [根义] 没有中间间隔地    
      根义 immediate(ly) ①(时间)立刻    
      a。 The woman was immediately behind the car。    
      b。 She is my immediate neighbor。    
      c。 the immediate cause    

Unit  One四、课文背景

      四、课 文 背 景    
      1。 Online learning 网上学习    
      随着因特网的建立,在网上成立学校变为可能。教师和学生无须进入学校,在网上就可以完成教学任务,这就是所谓的“远程学习”(distant learning)。“远程学习”克服了传统教育在空间、时间、教育年龄和教育环境上的限制,使教育变得更加社会化和组织化,也使现代教育更符合个人的要求,更具有多样性。    
      2。Junior middle school 初中    
      3。Senior middle school 高中    
      在中国,高中是指修满初中课程之后进行的为期三年的学习阶段。学生入学年龄一般为16~17岁,中国的高中相当于美国的high school,美国的高中有一年为过渡期。无论是中国还是美国,高中毕业时均可参加高考。    

Unit  One五、准备活动

      五、准 备 活 动    
      English language learning is not easy and at times frustrating。 I started to learn English when I was in junior middle school and just like every one of us I was happy with my successes and cried at my failures。 Only when I had a chance to learn English through a computer course did I finally succeed。 I found the computer course was just as difficult as classroom study but I did succeed in learning English。 Besides; I gained many other things from it。 It taught me the value of hard work and helped understand another culture。    
      1。 I was not brave enough to say anything in English in front of others。    
      2。 It will serve as an effective means of communicating and information gathering    
      3。 They will power to strive for an ultimate goal and acquire a new way of communication。    

Unit  One六、课文A精讲

      六、课 文 A 精 讲    
      Section A 学外语    
      At the beginning of the text; the author told us that learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences。 Then the author presented his own language learning experiences of different stages。 In junior middle school; he benefited a lot from the teacher’s positive teaching method。 In senior middle school the teacher always punished those who gave incorrect answers。 So he lost his desire to say anything at all in English。 In college; he had no opportunity to speak in class; and felt intimidated。 Online learning changed everything。 Although it required much time; commitment and discipline to keep up with the course; he succeeded in foreign language learning 。At the end of the passage; the author echoed his theme: he treasured the trying experience of foreign language learning so much that he wouldn’t trade it for anything。    
      Para。1 外语学习对我来说既充满艰辛又富有意义。    
      Foreign language learning is a difficult but rewarding experience。    
      Paras。2…5 我在初中、高中、大学以及网络时代的外语学习经历。    
      My foreign language learning experience from junior middle school to online course。    
      Paras。6…8 外语学习的经历尽管艰辛但却令我受益终生。    
      Foreign language learning; though a most trying experience; benefits me for a life。    
      如:I had a kind and patient teacher who often praised all of the students。—Because of this positive method;I eagerly answered all the questions I could;never worrying much about my mistakes。I was at the top of my class for two years。    
      对比方法中重要的是比较两个事物之间的异同。如在第二段中,用“while”引出高中老师与初中老师的差异—while my former teacher had been patient with all the students;my new teacher quickly punished those who gave incorrect answers。    
      Choose or give the correct answer to each of the following questions according to what you read from the text:    
      1。How did I feel in my English learning experience in junior middle school? (Para。 2)    
      2。Why did my English learning experience in senior high school differ from before? (Para。 3)    
      3。Why is online learning a difficult matter?(Para。6)    
      4。What did I benefit from my English learning? (Para。 8)    
      1。The teaching method of my English teacher was effective and helpful。    
      2。Because my new teacher was impatient and was quick to punish the students。    
      3。It needs much time; commitment and discipline to keep up with the flow of the course。    
      4。I could not only learn the value of hard work but also broad my vision。    
      1. reward [riwd] vt。 报答,酬谢,奖励    
      【经典例句】She was rewarded with a bonus for her outstanding work。    
      【考点】 ① reward作动词解时,常与介词for连用,即to rewa
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