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以下是我对邮件回复的总结,希望对大家, 尤其是对新人有所帮助,因为我也曾是新人。。。。 

Dear sir; 
We hereby acknowledge receipt your inquiry of XX;(products)and i just got the information from our production department;these standard is available for us。and the now pls check the quotation below: 
The specification you required: 
The length: 
The diameter: 
The material 
The price:XX usd /pes FOB(tian jin) 
I hope this is the one in your favor;As a experienced pany (ISO9001:2000)in the XX filed for more than 20 years。and we take the opportunity seriously to cooperate with you。if you have any questions ;pls feel free to contact me。i will try my best 
Thanks and regards 
Dear sir; 
Thanks for your inquiry of our XX(products)。on dec。10th。and we are in XX filed for many years;so we are confident we can do it。but the specifications you given is still lack。such as the diameter;meterial;quantity and so on。。。。。;so pls can you send us the details?the drawing(cad)is ok。 
After we confirmed;we are happy to provide you with our good quality and petitive price。 
Look forward your soonest reply; 
Thanks and regards 
Dear sir; 
Sorry for my late reply;i discuss with our boss for a long time; but regarding the price;it is near our bottom line;you know the market is changing everyday;and it is hard to cut more on cost as we need the products with best quality。 
But we treasure our first cooperation;so we allow you a 2%discount;this is the best i can do for you。 
I hope that if you have the will to cooperate;pls don’t just focus on the price;the most important is the quality;i think。 
If you any ments ;pls let me know。 
Thanks and regards 

Dear sir; 
Did you receive our quotation on dec12th?and no reply from you。i was waiting until all the colleagues left the office。 May be you are very busy。 

So pls can you take some time to give me a reply?and kindly give me some advice on XX(products) 
Look forward your reply 
Thanks and regards 
Dear sir; 
How are you these days?I am angela from XX pany;hope you still remember me。you sent us a inquiry of XX products。And we quoted for you on dec 12th。 
Can you send me a reply which can stated your advice?you know we usually keep our client’s data and advice in the achives;so that we make special and divide plan and schedule for each client。 
At the same time we can improve our service according to them;if there’s some fault and in our works。 
So pls take a few time to tell me some advice on our business。ok?thanks very much。 

Dear sir or madam; 
Hope you still remember me;i sent you quotation for XX(products)on XX(date),well maybe you are very busy ;and i understand。 
I review your websit very carefully; and have much interests to make a start for our cooperation;to provide the best special service。 
Could you give me some advice so that we can do better 

Best regards 
1、therefor we always put the quality as the first consideration 
2、would it too much to ask you to respond my question by tomorrow? 
3、the price we give is almost reach our bottom line 
4、the validity of the quotation is about the 10days 
5、moreover we keep the price close to the costs of the production。 
1、will you kindly tell the quantity you require so as to unable us to sort out the offers? 
2、you should take the quality into consideration 
3、we may reconsider our offer if your order is big enough 
4、i ’d like to tell you what i think about that 
5、but consider the quality ;our price is quite reasonable。 
1、i have just received your kind letter。 
2、i was very happy/glad/delighted/pleased to receive your letter yesterday morning。 
3、your kind letter of saturday arrived this morining 
1、pls pardon me long in writing to you 
2、i must apologize for not having written to you previously 

1、i apologize for the delay in my reply 
2、i apologize for being a day late with the delay reply to you 
3、having lost your last email ;i have not been able to reply sooner 
1、i have not heard a word you for a long time 
2、there has been no news from you for ages 
3、As i have not heard of you for long;i feel anxious 
pls accept my sincerest apologies for the inconvenience i fear we caused you 
1、i have deeply grieved to hear the death of your father 

2、i was most distress to learn from your letter of the illness of your father 




发开发信要先找邮箱,至于找邮箱呢,我觉得至今用的比较顺手的是用各国邮箱的后缀(自己搜一下,太长了不好发上来)和一些好的黄页,有些朋友反映用邮箱后缀找不到,那是因为你要分析一下你们的产品在哪里很畅销,用的比较多。比如我们的产品水井管在沙特 等中东产石油的地方用的多,那么就那些国家的公共邮箱后缀,搜出来比较多。 


还有一点是开发信得主题,反正我不喜欢什么how are you,Hi,my friend,什么的,就用产品名称,或者用RE:貌似比较有效果,呵呵,还有可以突发奇想,比如有一天我用的标题是your water need treatment;(我们做水处理过滤产品的)结果发过去一会就有人回复说介绍一下详细catalog 什么的。当然可能是运气什么的 

发开发信需要坚持,不要没有效果就放弃然后再抱怨怎么没效果啊没效果啊,因为开发信本身的是一个概率问题,成功率本身就比较低的。所以那句话叫什么来着 广撒网才能网大鱼。前辈的话是有道理的。 

spoken English 

)Something went wrong。情况不妙啊(出了问题/麻烦)。 内似的表达有:〃There is something wrong with sth〃。什么出了麻烦/有毛病等。 例如:What ’s wrong with you; you look depressed你看上去很消沉;发生什么事了 

2)You are wele;you deserve 
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