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时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版-第章

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  It rang twice before I heard a high…pitched; pinched woman’s voice 

  “Hello。 You’ve reached PS 277 and this is Mrs。 Whitmore speaking。 
  How may I help you?”

  “Is Alex Fineman there?”

  “And who may I ask is calling?”

  “This is Andrea Sachs; Alex’s girlfriend。”

  “Ah; yes; Andrea! We’ve all heard so much about you。” Her words were 
  so clipped she sounded as though she might choke any moment。

  “Oh; really? That’s 。 。 。 uh; that’s good。 I’ve heard a lot about 
  you too; of course。 Alex says wonderful things about everyone at 

  “Well; isn’t that nice。 But seriously; Andrea; it sounds like you 
  have quite some job there! How interesting it must be; working for 
  such a talented woman。 You’re a lucky girl; indeed。”

  Ah; yes。 Mrs。 Whitmore。 I am a lucky girlindeed。I’m so lucky; you 
  have no idea。 I can’t tell you how lucky I felt when I was sent out 
  just yesterday afternoon to purchase tampons for my boss; only to be 
  told that I’d bought the wrong ones and asked why I do nothing 
  right。 And luck is probably the only way to explain why I get to 
  sort another person’s sweat… and food…stained clothing each morning 
  before eight and arrange to have it cleaned。 Oh; wait! I think what 
  actually makes me luckiest of all is getting to talk to breeders all 
  over the tristate area for three straight weeks in search of the 
  perfect French bulldog puppy so two incredibly spoiled and 
  unfriendly little girls can each have their own pet。 Yes; that’s it!

  “Oh; yes; well; it is a fantastic opportunity;” I said by rote。 “A 
  job a million girls would die for。”

  “You can say that again; dear! And guess what? Alex just walked in。 
  I’ll put him on。”

  “Hey; Andy; what’s going on? How’s your day going?”

  “Don’t ask。 I’m on my way to pick up Her lunch right now。 How’s your 

  “Good; so far。 My class has music today right after lunch; so I 
  actually have an hour and a half free; which is nice。 And then we 
  get to cover more phonics exercises!” he said; sounding just a 
  little defeated。 “Even though it seems like they’re never going to 
  learn how to actually read something。”

  “Well; have there been any slashings today?”


  “So; how much can you ask for? You’ve had a relatively pain…free; 
  bloodless day。 Enjoy it。 Save the whole reading concept for 
  tomorrow。 So; guess what? Lily called this morning。 She finally got 
  evicted from her place in Harlem; so we’re going to move in 
  together。 Fun; right?”

  “Hey; congratulations! Couldn’t have been better timing for you。 You 
  guys will have a great time together。 e to think of it; it’s a 
  little scary。 Dealing with Lily full…time 。 。 。 and Lily’s guys 。 。 
  。 Promise we can stay at my place a lot?”

  “Of course。 But you’ll feel right at Home—it’ll be just like senior 
  year all over again。”

  “Too bad she’s losing that cheap apartment。 Other than that; it’s 
  great news。”

  “Yeah; I’m psyched。 Shanti and Kendra are fine; but I’m kind of done 
  with the whole living…with…strangers thing。” I loved Indian food; 
  but I did not love how the curry smell had seeped into everything I 
  owned。 “I’m going to see if Lil wants to meet for a drink tonight to 
  celebrate。 You up for it? We’ll meet somewhere in the East Village 
  so it’s not too far for you。”

  “Yeah; sure; sounds great。 I’m running to Larchmont to watch Joey 
  tonight; but I’ll be back in the city by eight。 You won’t even be 
  out of work by then; so I’ll meet Max and we can all meet up 
  afterward。 Hey; is Lily seeing anyone? Max could use a; well 。 。 。”

  “A what?” I laughed。 “Go on; say it。 Do you think my friend is a 
  whore? She’s just free…spirited; is all。 And is she seeing someone? 
  What kind of question is that? Someone named Pink…Shirt Boy stayed 
  over there last night。 I don’t think I know his real name。”

  “Whatever。 Anyway; the bell just rang。 Call me when you’re done 
  dropping off the Book。”

  “Will do。 ’Bye。”

  I was about to stash the phone when it rang again。 The number wasn’t 
  familiar; though; and I answered it out of sheer relief that it 
  wasn’t Miranda or Emily。

  “Mir—er; hello?” I’d taken to automatically answering my cell and 
  Home phone “Miranda Priestly’s office;” which was supremely 
  embarrassing when it was anyone except my parents or Lily。 Had to 
  work on that。

  “Is this the lovely Andrea Sachs whom I inadvertently terrified at 
  Marshall’s party?” asked a somewhat hoarse and very sexy voice on 
  the other end。 Christian! I’d been almost relieved when he hadn’t 
  resurfaced anywhere after massaging my hand with his lips。 But all 
  the feelings of wanting to impress him with my wit and charm that 
  first night came rushing back; and I quickly vowed to play it cool。

  “It is。 And who may I ask is this? There were a number of men who 
  terrified me that night for dozens of different and varied 
  reasons。”OK; so far; so good。 Deep breath; be cool。

  “I didn’t realize I had so much petition;” he said smoothly。 “But 
  I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised。 How have you been; Andrea?”

  “Fine。 Great; actually;” I lied quickly; remembering aCosmo article 
  I’d read that had exhorted me to “keep it light and airy and happy” 
  when talking to a new guy because most “normal” guys didn’t respond 
  so well to hard…bitten cynicism。 “Work is going really well。 I’m 
  loving my job; actually! It’s been really interesting lately—a lot 
  to learn; tons of stuff going on。 Yeah; it’s great。 What about 
  you?”Don’t talk about yourself too much; don’t dominate the 
  conversation; get him fortable enough to chat about his favorite 
  and most familiar topic: him 。

  “You’re a rather deft liar; Andrea。 To an untrained ear that almost 
  sounded believable; but you know what they say; don’t you? You can’t 
  bullshit a bullshitter。 Don’t worry; though。 I’ll let you get away 
  with it this time。” I opened my mouth to deny the accusation; but 
  instead I just laughed。 A perceptive one indeed。 “Let me get right 
  to the point here; because I’m about to get on a plane for D。C。 and 
  security doesn’t look all too happy that I’m walking through a metal 
  detector while talking on the phone。 Do you have plans for Saturday 

  I hated when people phrased their questions that way; asked if you 
  had plans before they told you what they had in mind。 Did his 
  girfriend need someone to run errands for her and he thought I fit 
  the bill? Or maybe he needed someone to walk his dog while he gave 
  yet another eight…hour…long interview to theNew York Times ? I was 
  considering what nonmittal way I could answer that question when 
  he said; “So; I have a reserv
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