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track; your RAS has been so conditioned that it does not regard a thundering;
house…shaking series of sounds as unusual while you are asleep。 For someone
whose RAS has not been trained in this manner; these sounds would cause
the RAS to immediately awaken the individual and dominate his
consciousness with the thundering clatter  to say nothing of repercussions in
the limbic area!
The RAS maintains a two…way exchange of information with the cortex。 As
the doorkeeper to our consciousness; the RAS is affected by what is going on
in our consciousness as well as playing a paramount part in determining what
is introduced into our consciousness。 When we operate on lowerconsciousness
levels; the RAS acts somewhat like the President of a country
during a war。 The information that is most likely to dominate his
consciousness involves military matters。 When we operate on lowconsciousness
levels; the RAS is most likely to pass on to our consciousness
such “military matters” as security; sensations; and power。 When peace
es; the President can give his attention to all aspects of the country。 His
consciousness is no longer dominated by the urgent “survival…threatening”
war muniqués。
To use our great bioputer optimally; it is necessary for us to repeatedly
and definitely give instructions to ourselves to eliminate the old programming
and to replace it with non…addictive preferential programming。 As this new
Living Love programming begins to feed into the operation of our
bioputer; it relieves the RAS of the dominantly urgent instructions
inherent in the lower Centers of Consciousness。 As you progress to the sixth
and seventh levels; you escape from seeing the world through the lower…level
filters that bias your perception。 In these clear…seeing levels; you are no
longer unbalanced by egocentric perspectives。 The functioning of the RAS
thereby permits a changed flow of energy。 It ceases to be an instrument for
the gratification or pacification of one’s personal conditioning including the
mores and folkways of one’s “tribe。” It begins to function as a vehicle for
permitting actions which maintain a continual harmonious flow between your
being and your environment at all times。 At this level there is a total
surrender so that the entire world around you participates in the unfoldment of
your life。 You are no longer an “individual” in the ordinary sense; but a being
voluntarily engaged in the evolvement of consciousness。 Such a being
encourages the growth of everyone around him by the power of openness;
acceptance; and oneness。
As the RAS responds to your efforts to uplevel your programming; you
gradually diminish the intricate webs of emotion…backed demands that you
mistakenly identified as your “self。” You watch your body and mind perform
an ever…changing scenario of thoughts; feelings; sensations; and actions。 You
realize that you have no fixed self or fixed individuality that remains intact。
Your name and your ego…based memory no longer give you the illusion of
being an “individual。” As you grow in consciousness toward the higher
levels; you no longer identify the essence of you with your body; your worldly
status; your programming; or your rational mind…stuff。 You deeply experience
your essence as being pure Conscious…awareness that just watches the drama
of your life as it is acted out on the myriad stages of the world。
Chapter 23
The Programming of Happiness and Unhappiness
In this chapter we will set forth three types of basic programming for your
bioputer and show the way they operate to produce unhappiness;
happiness; or bliss。
First we need three definitions:
1。 Unhappiness is a psychological state arising from the more or
less continuous disappointment; frustration; and emotional
tension we experience when life repeatedly gives us what we
do not want to accept。
2。 Happiness is a psychological state arising from more or less
continuous pleasure。 Pleasure es from that which we tell
ourselves we want to accept。
3。 Bliss is a state of continuous happiness。
In the Living Love Way to Higher Consciousness; we think in terms of three
types of programs for our bioputer:
1。 ADDICTIVE PROGRAMMING。 This type of programming is tied in
with emotional responses produced in the limbic areas of our bioputer。
The use of this type of circuitry makes us experience varying degrees of
emotional tension regarding our fears and desires。 When our bioputer
processes the ining sensory information and finds that it threatens the
fulfillment of any one of our addictive programs; our consciousness will be
dominated by feelings such as fear; anger; resentment; jealousy; or anxiety。
Even when we get what we addictively want; our wanting to keep things that
way automatically creates a new addiction! And we are thereby even more
deeply enmeshed in an endless network of emotion…backed demands that
yield continuous threat; tension; and unhappiness。 Happiness varies inversely
with addictions。
2。 PREFERENTIAL PROGRAMMING。 When we have Preferential
Programming; our bioputer does not connect the fulfillment or lack of
fulfillment with the limbic areas in such a way that emotional responses of
fear; anger; jealousy; resentment; etc。 are produced。 For example; if one has
Addictive Programming regarding clear weather during a picnic; he will upset
himself if it rains and his “whole day is ruined。” If he has Preferential
Programming for sunny skies during a picnic; and the rain es; he just
notices that his preference is not being realized。 He gathers the things
together and continues to enjoy the picnic in the shelter of a gazebo or the
car。 The flow of the here…and…now appreciation of life is not upset when you
have Preferential Programming。
3。 BLISS PROGRAMMING。 When a person has escaped from all of his
Addictive Programs and has enjoyed the happiness…yielding Preferential
Programs for a sufficient period of time; it is possible to work toward what
we call Bliss Programming。 Bliss Programming permits us to achieve a state
of continuous happiness that is not related to any variable life realities。 The
nature of all life is that we “win” some and we “lose” some。 When we
unitively merge with everything; winning and losing are one。 Bliss
Programming enables us to totally break our dependence on the actions of
people or any external conditions (including our bodies)。
Diagram 1 on the next page shows the mechanism of unhappiness that is
associated with the first three Centers of Consciousness  Security;
Sensation; and Power。 This diagram illustrates the problem of finding
happiness when our bioputer is programmed with fears and desires that
are backed up by emotional circuitry。 Ninety…nine percent of the people in
the world today operate their bioputers with this type of programming
that produces unhappiness in varying degrees。 Let’s see why。
Let us suppose that you dislike criticism and that your bioputer is
programmed to give you feelings of resentment and anger when someone
criticizes you。 This may be called “Addictive Dislike Programming” in which
you tell yourself; “I dislike criti
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