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    LISTEN TO YOUR BODY  麦奇累了就睡,睡够了就起来。   他饿了就吃,填饱了肚子就从食盆旁边走开。  如果有人抚摸他,他就呆在原地不动,发出满意的哼哼声。如果他觉得难受,就把正在做的事情停下来。    如果草地上阳光明媚,他就躺下打个盹儿。如果天气糟糕,他就呆在家里不出门。  他总是走来走去,感觉良好。  When Munchie is tired; he sleeps; when he is rested he gets up。  He eats when he is hungry; and walks away from his bowl when his tummy is  full。  When someone pets him; he stays rightswheresis and groans with delight。 When  he is in pain he stops what he is doing。  When he finds a sunny spot on the grass; he lies down and naps。   When the weather is bad he stays in the house。  He moves his body a lot; and he feels good。


    TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF  有一次,麦奇追车玩的时候,尾巴被车碾伤了。为了早点好起来,他躺在垫子上静静修养。不论什么时候经过他藏身的小角落,我总能看见麦奇躺在那里,嘴巴搁在前爪上,等待着伤口自然康复。   几天后他就行动自如了,又叫又闹,在车库的地板上撒欢儿,弄得脖子上的铃铛叮当作响,满屋子转悠着找饼干。    我不由得想,如果我们人类受伤了,有些人怎么做呢?我们可能会接着追逐车辆,更努力地工作,或者把时间浪费在怨天尤人上。麦奇凭借他与生俱来的智慧把一切处理得井井有条。他很聪明,该休息的时候就休息,他很爱自己,所以很珍惜自己。  Munchie’s tail was run over by a car he was chasing。 To heal; he laid down  on his mat and rested。 Whenever I passed his little nook; there was the Munchster;  lying quietly with his snout on his paws; allowing nature to do its part。  After a few days he was back in action; barking; tinkling on the garage floor;  and charging the house in hopes of getting a biscuit。  I thought about what some of us humans might do if we were injured。 We might  just keep chasing cars; work harder; or blame someone and waste time plaining。  Munchie let all of that go in favor of his natural wisdom。 He was smart enough  to rest when he needed to; and loved himself enough to do it。


    RELAX  麦奇从来没有听说过什么是“清教徒式的工作狂”。(他的处世哲学更接近“玩乐至上主义”。)   他从来不用打上下班的考勤卡,也不会因为贷款利率提高而忧心忡忡,当电视里拉什·里姆鲍夫出场时,他也不会连连惊呼。    他相信,生活有自己的安排,他不想作徒劳的挣扎。  麦奇知道,他的生活目标就是快乐地体验冒险。  Munchie has never heard of the Puritan Work Ethic。 (His philosophy is closer  to the Pure Tan Play Ethic。)  He doesn’t punch a clock; get nervous when mortgage rates rise; or yell at  the television when Rush Lim…baugh es on。  He trusts that life will take care of him; and he doesn’t struggle。  Munchie knows that his purpose in life is to enjoy the adventure。ENTERTAIN YOURSELF  我不在家的时候,麦奇总能想出许多自娱自乐的点子。他会追汽车玩,闻死青蛙的味道,睡懒觉,还会拜访左邻右舍。  在麦奇眼中,世界就是一个大游乐场,总有一些好玩的人和事能让他开心。  他从来不把生活分为工作和玩耍。他到哪里都能发现开心事儿。    When I am not at home Munchie finds plenty of amusements。 He chases cats;  sniffs dead frogs; naps; and visits neighbors。  The world; through Muncie’s eyes; is a big playground。 There is always someone  or something to keep his life exciting。  He doesn’t divide life upsintoswork and play。 He finds joy wherever he is。


      LAUGH AT YOURSELF   有些时候,我敢发誓,麦奇一定是在笑。他那小小的狗嘴巴向后咧开,还吭哧吭哧直喘气,仿佛知道某些我所不知道的事情似的。   真正令我恼火的是,当我自我感觉太良好的时候,他似乎在窃笑不已。  或许,他是想告诉我什么吧。    Sometimes I would swear that Munchie is laughing。 His little doggie lips pull  back and he pants as if he knows something I don’t。  What really annoys me is that he seems to laugh when I have taken myself  too seriously。  Maybe he is trying to tell me something。GET OFF THE LEASH OCCASIONALLY   出去散步时,如果离开公路比较远了,我就把麦奇的链子松开。一旦他发现自己自由了,就会马上冲进灌木丛中,嗅个心满意足,同时频频抬腿撒尿,其抬腿的频率比芭蕾舞演员还要高。他热爱自由。    当然,我们有自己的责任,尽到这些责任是很重要的。  但是,适当的放松也同样重要。我们应该时不时放松自己,让我们的心灵像风一样自由。  呱呱坠地的时候,我们脖子上并没有戴着链子。撒手西去的时候,我们也没戴着锁链。逗留于尘世间的日子里,我们也应该给我们的灵魂一个自由呼吸的空间。  During walks when we get away from the road I let Munchie off his leash。  As soon as he feels free; he dashes offsintosthe bushes;swhereshe sniffs to  his heart’s content and lifts his leg more often than a ballet dancer。 He loves  to be liberated。Sure; we have responsibilities; and it’s important to take care  of them。  But it’s also important to cut loose when we can and let our spirit be as  free as the wind。  We were born without a leash and we leave this world without a leash。 While  we’re here; we need to give our soul room to breathe。  P29GET OFF THE LEASH OCCASIONALLY偶尔挣脱链子


    CHOOSE YOUR RELATIONSHIPS  对于那些他信得过的人,麦奇总是毫无保留地和他们玩在一起。   至于那些他不喜欢的人,他干脆避而远之。  他从不与伤害他的人呆在一起。    他从来不觉得自己必须跟某人在一起。他从来不必为偿还过去欠下的孽债而忍受痛苦。  他对朋友忠心耿耿,对其他人则不闻不问。  When Munchie trusts someone; he is fully present with them。  When he doesn’t like someone; he steers clear of them。  He doesn’t stay with people who hurt him。  He has no concept that he has to be with anyone。 He does not suffer to pay  off Karma from past lives。   He is loyal to his friends and lets everyone else go their way。


       PROTECT YOUR BOUNDARIES   我的狗从不怀疑他有权拥有自己的空间。他知道自己的领地的范围,并且保护它不受侵犯。  一旦任何陌生来客——无论是长轮子的还是长腿的——靠近房子,他就会发出警告的  咆哮,令人毛发倒竖。不管黑夜白天,他总是在那儿警告任何可能的入侵者。(如果他过去了他们还不赶紧跑开,他就会“亲”他们几口;这一招相当管用。)  麦奇的领土意识实在太强了,连大狗他都敢惹。一只杜宾犬有时会跑到附近来,但是她也在“麦奇安全防御体系”前退却了。尽管麦奇比一只兔子大不了多少,但这没关系;他知道自己的权利,他的邻居们也尊重这些权利。  My dog has no questions about his right to his space。 He knows his territory;  and he protects it。  The moment any foreign object with wheels or legs es near the house; his  hair…trigger bark alarm goes off。 Night or day; he’s there to announce potential  intruders。 (If they don’t run away when he approaches; he starts kissing them;  we’re working on that one。)  Munchie’s intention is so strong that he intimidates big dogs。 Sometimes  a Doberman es around; and she yields to the Munchie Security Service。 The  fact that he is no bigger than a rabbit doesn’t matter; he knows his rights;  and his neighbors honor them。


    GET TO KNOW SOMEONE BEFORE YOU MIT     当麦奇在海滩上碰到另一条狗的时候,他们会彼此嗅一会儿。   有时候,他们会成为朋友,一起玩上很久。有时候,他们嗅过之后就分道扬镳了。  我见过许多婚姻失败的人,他们承认:“我真希望,当初在跟他(她)回家之前,如果  多‘嗅一嗅’就好了。”  有些时候,只要多嗅上一嗅,就能避免和气味糟糕的家伙长期共处的折磨。  When Munchie meets a dog on the beach; they snif
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