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意大利童话 作者:卡尔维诺-第章

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life; in which he immersed the youth's body; only to see him jump right back out as sound as ever and so handsome that the king's daughter threw her arms around his neck。 
  The mangy one was livid with rage。 〃What's in that barrel?〃 he asked。 
  〃Boiling oil;〃 replied the sailor。 
  So the mangy one had a barrel of oil heated to boiling and announced to the princess: 〃If you don't love me I'll kill myself。〃 He stabbed himself with his dagger and leaped into the boiling oil。 He was instantly scalded to death。 Also his black wig had flown off when he leaped; revealing his mangy head。 
  〃Ah; the mangy one!〃 exclaimed the king of England。 〃The cruelest of all my enemies。 He finally got what was ing to him。 So you; valiant youth; are my godson! You shall marry my daughter and inherit my kingdom!〃 And so it was。 
  (Riviera ligure di ponente) 
  〃The Ship with Three Decks〃 (Il bastimento a tre piani) from Andrews; 2 and 27; Menton; told by Giuanina Piombo dite La Mova; and by Angelina Moretti。 
  Prosperous sea trading; with unusual cargos ing into ports where the merchandise is highly prized; is a metaphor of luck in the popular mind。 It recurs in diverse folktales and is woven into various plots (cf。 my no。173; from Sicily)。 In this tale from the Italian Riviera border; the curious motifs of the ship with three decks and of the isles inhabited by animals are incorporated into the widespread type featuring the enchanted filly (in one of Andrews's versions; advice is given by the horse) and grateful animals (cf。 my nos。 24 and 79)。 I have freely rendered the two versions summarized in French by Andrews。 
  Copyright: Italian Folktales Selected and Retold by Italo Calvino; 
  translated by George Martin; 
  Pantheon Books; New York 1980 

The Man Who Came Out Only at Night 
  Long ago there lived a poor fisherman with three marriageable daughters。 A certain young man asked for the hand of one of them; but people were wary of him since he came out only at night。 The oldest daughter and then the middle daughter both said no to him; but the third girl said yes。 The wedding was celebrated at night; and as soon as the couple was alone; the bridegroom announced to his bride: 〃I must tell you a secret: I am under an evil spell and doomed to be a tortoise by day and a man at night。 There's only one way to break the spell: I must leave my wife right after the wedding and travel around the world; at night as a man and by day as a tortoise。 If I e back and find that my wife has remained loyal to me all along and endured every hardship for my sake; I'll bee a man again for good。〃 
  〃I am willing;〃 said the bride。 
  The bridegroom slipped a diamond ring on her finger。 〃If you use it to a good end; this ring will help you in whatever situation you find yourself。〃 
  Day had dawned; and the bridegroom turned into a tortoise and crawled off to begin his journey around the world。 
  The bride went about the city in search of work。 Along the way; she came across a child crying and said to his mother; 〃Let me hold him in my arms and calm him。〃 
  〃You'd be the first person to do that;〃 answered the mother。 〃He's been crying all day long。〃 
  〃By the power of the diamond;〃 whispered the bride; 〃may the child laugh and dance and frolic!〃 At that; the child started laughing; dancing; and frolicking。 
  Next; the bride entered a bakery and said to the woman who owned it; 〃You'll have no regrets if you hire me to work for you。〃 The owner hired her; and she began making bread; saying under her breath; 〃By the power of the diamond; let the whole town buy b
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