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意大利童话 作者:卡尔维诺-第章

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The Snake 
A farmer went out mowing everyday; and at noon one or the other of his three daughters would bring him his lunch。 On a certain day it fell to the oldest girl to go。 By the time she reached the woods; though; she was tired and sat down on a stone to rest a minute before proceeding to the meadow。 No sooner had she taken a seat than she felt a strong thud underneath; and out crawled a snake。 The girl dropped the basket and ran home as fast as her legs would carry her。 That day the father went hungry and when he came in from the field he scolded his daughters angrily。 
The next day the middle girl started out。 She too sat down on the stone; and the same thing occurred as the day before。 Then the third girl said; 〃It's my turn now; but I'm not afraid。〃 Instead of one lunch basket; she prepared two。 When she felt the thud and saw the snake; she gave it one of the baskets of food; and the snake spoke。 〃Take me home with you; and I will bring you luck。〃 The girl put the snake in her apron and then went on to her father with his lunch。 When she got back home; she placed the snake under her bed。 It grew so rapidly that soon it was too big to fit under the bed; so it went away。 Before leaving; however; it bestowed three charms on the girl: weeping; she would shed tears of pearl and silver; laughing; she would see golden pomegranate seeds fall from her head; and washing her hands; she would produce fish of every kind。 
That day there was nothing in the house to eat; and her father and sisters were weak from the hunger; so what did she do but wash her hands and see the basin fill up with fish! Her sisters became envious and convinced their father that there was something strange behind all this and that he would be wise to lock the girl up in the attic。 
From the attic window the girl looked into the king's garden; where the king's son was playing ball。 Running after the ball; he slipped and fell; sending the girl into peals of laughter。 As she laughed; gold pomegranate seeds rained from her head on the garden。 The king's son had no idea where they came from; for the girl had slammed the window。 
Returning to the garden next day to play ball; the king's son noticed that a pomegranate tree had sprung up。 It was already quite tall and laden with fruit。 He went to pick the pomegranates; but the tree grew taller right before his eyes; and all he had to do was reach for a pomegranate and the branches would rise a foot beyond his grasp。 Since nobody managed to pluck so much as one leaf of the tree; the king assembled the wise men to explain the magic spell。 The oldest of them all said that only one maiden would be able to pick the fruit and that she would bee the bride of the king's son。 
So the king issued a proclamation for all marriageable girls to e to the garden; under pain of death; to try to pick the pomegranates。 Girls of every ra
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