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war of the spider queen 2 insurrection-第章

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   〃I don't think I've ever seen such a thing;〃 Valas breathed。 〃The gall those subcreatures have is truly bewildering。〃
   〃Lets put a stop to this;〃 Ryld said; taking a step forward。
   Suddenly; Pharaun was aware of magic around him; an effect that seemed to be centered on him and his two panions。 He reached out and put a hand on the warrior's arm。
   〃Wait;〃 he said。 〃Lets see what happens。〃
   When Ryld looked at the wizard quizzically; he continued; 〃Drawing attention to ourselves is not the best way to investigate。 Besides;〃 the mage added; 〃We might see once and for all if our theory is correct。 This might be the proof we need。〃
   The wizard flashed in sign language; I think someone is watching us; observing us magically。
   Both Ryld and Valas raised eyebrows in concern; but before they could turn and look around; Pharaun cautioned; Don't draw attention to the fact that we know。 Just pretend we're watching the spectacle。
   Pharaun briefly considered dispelling the magic; but he discounted the idea because he knew It would only give their spy notification that they were aware of his or her presence。 Instead; he pretended to turn his attention back to the brewing fight below while in actuality scanning the plaza for signs of someone looking at him rather than at the hobgoblins。 There were a great many magical auras radiating from many different individuals; but no one; as far as the wizard could observe; seemed to be staring in his direction。
   The hobgoblins seemed content for the moment to keep their distance; though they were increasingly pressed from behind by a gathering crowd。 For her part; the priestess seemed to have lost interest in her detractors and was standing relatively still; her eyes closed; swaying slightly。 She was mumbling something; but Pharaun again could not make it out。
   Well; spy or no spy; he thought; I want to know what she's saying。
   He reached into one of his many pockets and produced a tiny brass horn; with which he cast a spell。 When the magic was plete; the wizard could hear the priestess's mutterings as though he were standing right in front of her。
   “…beseech thee; our Mistress Lolth; return to me。 Give me your blessings。 Do not abandon me when I am your loyal an…aieee!〃
   One of the hobgoblins had chosen that moment to prod the drow with a sharpened stick; and she shrieked as she jumped; losing her grip on the bottle of spirits。 It fell to the calcified pavement and shattered; spilling only the trickle that remained。
   〃Damn you; thrall!〃 she screamed at the hobgoblin that had molested her; attempting to stalk forward; her hand outstretched as though she were going to throttle him。
   A second hobgoblin casually reached out with his own short spear and tripped the priestess; who went sprawling。
   She rose to her hands and knees and began shouting; 〃My goddess; e to me; aid me! Do not abandon me; your loyal servant; who will obey…〃
   〃Your goddess is dead;〃 the first hobgoblin snarled; kicking the drow。
   She grunted from the impact and toppled to the side; clutching for her scourge。
   〃No!〃 she shrieked。 〃Lolth would not abandon us! She is mighty; and her faithful are mighty!〃
   The four hobgoblins advanced together; and the drow priestess tried to kick at them; but the creature in the lead easily sidestepped the attack and jabbed down at her with his spear。 Pharaun saw the point draw blood from the dark elf priestess's thigh。
   Ryld snarled and flashed; This is not right。 We should do something。
   Valas nodded in agreement and produced his two kukris; one curved dagger in each hand。
   The mage laid a hand on each drow's shoulder to slow them。
   You only put our mission in danger; he signed。 As you can see; no other drow move to help her。
   He gestured down into the crowd; where several other dark elves were in attendance; observing dispassionately。
   She has lost her faith and deserves no less; Pharaun admonished his panions。
   It is not the priestess I am worried about; Ryld replied; a sullen look on his face; but to allow those vermin to believe they can so blatantly confront a superior being spells trouble for us all。 They should be put in their place。
   Perhaps; Pharaun responded; but we need anonymity if we are to finish our task。 Confronting those beasts does nothing to further our own goals。
   The wizard is right; Valas motioned; sagging back from the edge of the colonnade。 If the matron mothers hear that three outsiders inter…fered in what may very well be one of their own plots; we will no longer be able to walk this city unhindered and unobserved。
   If they're not already watching us; Ryld flashed。 Are we still being off served? When Pharaun nodded yes; the warrior continued; We've got the proof we sought; anyway。 Let's return to the inn。 I no longer have the stomach for this city。
   Pharaun nodded; though he did not share his friend's sentiment。 Together; they turned and strolled back the way they had e; ignoring the screams of the priestess as the hobgoblins opened her a hundred times with quick; controlled thrusts of their short spears。 After a few steps; the magical scrying vanished; and Pharaun cast his gaze around once more; hoping to find the source。 He did not; and the three of them departed the plaza。
   Behind them; the crowd that had gathered around the confrontation stirred and grew rowdy。 Several other drow in the throng found themselves pushed and prodded as they tried to extricate themselves from the roiling multitudes。 The other races were growing bold after witnessing the murder of a dark elf。 Shouts rose up; curses to drow and their missing goddess。 Finally; the handful of dark elves scrambled free; cither rising up above the aggressors around them; or pushing through to more open streets。 The mood was turning ugly in Ched Nasad。
   Aliisza; disguised as a lovely drow female; perched on the roof of a quaint shop that stood along the side of a street leading to the plaza; and she watched the ings and goings of the citizens; slaves; and visitors of Ched Nasad。 The store offered fashionable; decorative silk wraps and other clothing; but the fiend crouching on Its rounded; co…coonlike roof was not interested in making a purchase。 Instead; she watched intently as Pharaun and the other two drow males turned away from the slaughter of one of their own race and strolled calmly in the other direction。 She observed them as they disappeared down one of the calcified webs that served as a street in the unusual city。 When they were almost out of sight; she hopped down from her van…Sage point and strode off after them。
   Aliisza was not terribly surprised that the three dark elves she was shadowing had not aided the drunken priestess。 She had seen far too much nonchalance in the city since she had arrived for it to strike her as odd。 Still; she got the distinct impression that the entire group from Menzoberranzan was making a great effort to avoid drawing attention to itself。 She intended to find out why; but first things first。
   The alu could not help but smile as she made her way along the street
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