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war of the spider queen 2 insurrection-第章

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n through carelessness。 She inclined her head to listen。
   〃Do tell;〃 she said。
   〃Quenthel and the others have reached Ched Nasad;〃 the archmage said。 〃Pharaun Mizzrym reports that the city is in an uproar。 Apparently; Menzoberranzan is not the only city afflicted with Lolths disfavor。〃
   〃We don't know that it is disfavor!〃 Triel snapped。 〃There may be another explanation。〃
   Gromph inclined his head slightly in apology。
   〃Afflicted with her absence;〃 he corrected himself。 〃But the matron mothers there have done a poor job of keeping the situation quiet。〃
   〃How bad is it?〃
   〃I gathered that trouble could be brewing 。 。 。 major trouble。〃
   Triel sighed。 As much of a relief as it was to find out Menzoberranzan was not being singled out for some sort of punishment; the news didn't get them any closer to discovering why the Dark Mother had chosen to disappear。 Triel was at a loss as to the next step。
   〃Did he say what they were planning to do?〃 she asked her brother。
   〃Quenthel seems intent on following through with your instructions to bring back goods from Black Claw;〃 Gromph replied。
   The idea of more magical supplies lifted Triel's spirits slightly; but only slightly。
   〃Then I suppose they'll be returning within a few tendays;〃 she said。 〃We are really no closer to an answer than we were when they left。 It is only a matter of time before Menzoberranzan is in the same difficulties as her sister city。〃
   〃Unfortunately; you may be more correct than you understand。〃
   〃What other dire news do you have to report?〃
   If this was the way her mornings were going to start out; Triel considered remaining in Reverie until the midday meal a preferable alternative to actually rising and dealing with the issues at hand。
   〃I have received reports that our patrols are encountering a lot more activity around the perimeter of the city。〃
   〃What kind of activity?〃
   〃Exactly what you might expect;〃 Gromph said。 〃Though nothing has actually happened; no skirmishes breaking out; our patrols have spotted what looks to be scouting parties surveying our situation。 Duergar; deep gnomes; and even kuo…toans have been spotted in greater…than…normal numbers。〃
   〃They know。 They can tell that things aren't right。〃
   〃Perhaps。 Or; they could simply be passing by 。。。 traveling to somewhere else; and we've simply grown more sensitive to their presence。〃
   〃I doubt it;〃 she replied。 〃This can't last。 We're going to have to confront the situation soon。 I will bring this up at the next council meeting。〃
   〃Of course;〃 Gromph said and made a move to withdraw。
   Triel motioned that her brother was dismissed and told herself that it was time to get on with her day; but she continued to brood atop her throne for some time after that。
   Quenthel was thankful she had Jeggred along for the trip from the Flame and Serpent to the storehouse district。 The mood of the city had grown worse since even the previous day; and the drow received more than a few menacing looks and jostles as they moved through the streets。 Fortunately; the trio didn't have to travel far to get to where they needed to go; and much of the journey was made by way of levitation。 Faeryl was in a sullen mood; despite the fact that she seemed more than eager to aid the Menzober…ranyr。 Perhaps she was still displeased with Quenthel's lack of trust; or maybe she simply couldn't abide Jeggred's presence。 The high priestess couldn't blame her。 The draegloth took such delight in tormenting Faeryl; Quenthel almost felt sorry for the younger drow。 Almost。
   Quenthel had sent the males to procure transportation for the return trip to Menzoberranzan。 She wasn't about to haul her own provisions on her back again; whether they managed to locate a stockpile of goods or not; and if they did they would need sufficient pack lizards and guards to ensure the materials arrived safely。
   Valas had warned the high priestess that anyone worth his salt was going to mand an exorbitant price; if he could be convinced to work at all; but Quenthel didn't care and told the scout so。
   Why is it; Quenthel thought as they approached Black Claw's storehouses from a back street; where there were fewer folk milling about; that with males you always have to explain things to them in exacting detail? Why can't they just do as they're told and be done with it?
   Pharaun was the worst; she decided。 Quenthel had no doubt that the wizard was off doing his own little tasks; pletely ignoring her instructions to him to help Valas and Ryld。 He had an infuriating habit of ignoring her wishes; and she would have to do something about that…when they got back to Menzoberranzan; of course。 She needed his talents too much until then。
   〃Now; remember;〃 Quenthel warned Faeryl as they neared the office side of the storehouse。 〃Tell them only what I instructed you。 If I'm not happy with this little encounter; Jeggred will make sure it's not a problem in the future。〃
   The draegloth was strolling along behind the two priestesses; and Faeryl stole a quick glance over her shoulder at him。 Quenthel noticed her faint shudder and smiled to herself。 It turned out to be quite useful that Triel had set Jeggred upon the girl back in Menzoberranzan。 It had made her so 。。。 pliant。
   〃Yes; Mistress Quenthel;〃 Faeryl replied。 〃I understand。〃
   The three of them were at the door to the storehouse; where a contingent of six House Zauvirr guards barred the entrance。 Faeryl approached boldly; even as the males goggled at the sight of the towering draegloth behind her。
   〃We must inspect the stores;〃 Faeryl said in what Quenthel thought was a surprisingly manding voice。 〃Stand aside and let us enter。〃
   The male who appeared to be the leader managed to pull his gaze away from Jeggred long enough to look at her quizzically。
   〃I don't know you;〃 he said。 〃What is your business?〃
   Faeryl stepped closer; standing a little taller so that he was forced to peer up at her scowling face。 She grasped the House insignia that was pinned to her piwafwi and thrust it into his view。
   〃You know this; don't you?〃 she snapped; shaking the insignia。 〃You're here to keep out the riffraff; stupid boy; not bother a personal envoy of Matron Mothers Zauvirr and Melarn。〃
   Quenthel noted with satisfaction that the lad gulped; visibly shaken as he moved with haste to the side; allowing Faeryl access to the door。 The ambassador stepped inside; with the high priestess and Jeggred right behind her。 As Quenthel strolled past; she smiled sweetly at one of the males; who still gaped at the draegloth; his eyes wide。
   Inside the storehouse; which appeared to have been spun from webbing and hardened to stone; Faeryl led the way through an office area; through a large door; and into a cavernous chamber that tad been subdivided into storage areas by low walls。 Her footsteps echoing in the vast storeroom; Faeryl walked across the stone floor; hurrying past row after row of shelves and bins。 Quenthel followed her; figuring the ambassador knew the way to the most valuable hoards of m
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