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war of the spider queen 2 insurrection-第章

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st the side of the web street it was still growing。
   Ssipriina watched; awed; as the creature shot forth a string of webbing at the street; attaching a line to anchor itself as it fell。 Then it was gone; vanished from their vantage point。
   The five dark elves waited breathlessly; hoping to catch another glimpse of the thing they had created。 The strand of webbing had jerked taut and visibly vibrated as it dropped straight down。 Obviously; the spider was still attached to it。 For a moment; there was nothing to see; though all five matron mothers strained to do so; anyway。
   When the first black leg stabbed into view; feeling for a foothold on the web street; Ssipriina felt her heart skip a beat。 The appendage was longer than she was tall。 Slowly; delicately; the spider lifted itself into view; and all five matron mothers took an involuntary step back from the balustrade; even though their creation was dozens of yards away from them。 It was as large as the street was wide。
   〃By the Dark Mother;〃 someone breathed。 〃It's magnificent!〃
   The giant spider righted itself atop the street; and Ssipriina could hear the screams of those below; screams of terror as the spider was spotted。 It began to scurry in the other direction; toward the masses of soldiers still fighting several streets away。
   〃By the Abyss;〃 Umrae groaned。
   〃What? What is it?〃 Nedylene asked; worry in her voice。
   〃There is no link;〃 Umrae replied; her eyes closed in concentration。 〃I can't control It。〃
   Halisstra could feel her sense of impending dread growing。 While House Melarn had not collapsed all together; as she had so direly predicted back in her rooms; it had certainly shaken violently more than once; and to her senses; familiar with every hallway; chamber; and nuance of the dwelling; it seemed to lean very slightly to one side。 As impossible to fathom as the idea was; Halisstra wondered if the place was still stable。 She wanted desperately to get outside and see for herself just what was happening in the city。 The drow couldn't imagine violence so potent as to be able to physically disturb House Melarn。
   The dark elf priestess was leading the others toward her mother's chambers; where she was certain Quenthel's personal belongings had been taken after the Mistress of the Academy had been imprisoned。 Though she would have some petition from Aunrae Nasadra; Ssipriina Zauvirr would certainly claim much of House Melarn's bounty for herself; including the high priestess's personal items; to keep as trophies of her affront to the city of Menzoberranzan; if nothing else。 It remained to be seen if everything Quenthel Baenre had in her possession upon arrival in the city was still there。
   The more she thought about the actions of Ssipriina and the other matron mothers; the more incensed Halisstra grew。 Beyond the consequences of turning on House Melarn; they were potentially offending the most powerful House in Menzoberranzan。 Plus; the course of action they had taken seemed to Halisstra to be a symbolic thumbing of the nose at the very idea of even trying to discover what was going on with Lolth。
   At least Quenthel and the others are trying to figure something out; she'd told herself more than once since her entanglement with them。 Lolth might value devotion; but Halisstra didn't believe the goddess expected her servants to sit back and wait for her to e save them; even if they showed overzealous dedication or sacrificed a thousand gray dwarves。
   Truthfully; Halisstra had found herself wondering just what Lolth wanted。
   Halisstra passed through a large intersection and turned down a new pathway; one even more lavishly decorated; if that were possible; with plush carpeting; murals; and images of House Melarn triumphs。 They were entering Drisinil's personal quarters; and Halisstra was fearful that a large contingent of House Zauvirr guards would be posted to protect the chambers; insurrection outside or not。 The dark elf's concerns were well founded; for as she rounded a corner; she spotted a squadron of troops milling about; blocking access to the door beyond; which led into Drisinil's private residence。
   〃What are you doing down here?〃 Halisstra demanded; hoping to throw the soldiers off…balance with her manding tone。 〃You are needed on the parapets at once!〃
   〃I don't think so;〃 the sergeant said; eyeing the motley group following the First Daughter as he raised his sword and pointed it at her。 〃We received word that the traitor had escaped; and now you appear right here; conveniently for us。 I'm afraid we have orders to kill you and anyone aiding you。〃
   The soldiers fanned out; brandishing their weapons as they advanced。
   Halisstra's first instinct was to bring her mace up to defend herself; but her hand was empty; for Quenthel had not yet permitted her to rearm herself。 Danifae; who was at Halisstra's side; was no longer bound; but she had no weapon; either。 Danifae did; however; carry a small knapsack with some of their other belongings。 Quenthel had agreed to let them stop at Halisstra's chambers and pack a few things before departing; for if the House continued to thrash about like it had; there was no telling when they might have to evacuate; and there would be no better chance later。
   Out of the corner of her eye; Halisstra saw her attendant falter a step; too; but before the soldiers could close the gap; a blur of yellowish…white fur flashed between the two drow; slamming into the front rank of troops with a deep; unsettling snarl and a whirl of arms and claws。 There was a sickening sound of rending flesh before Halisstra realized that the draegloth; Quenthel's personal bodyguard; was the source of the carnage。
   Halisstra's gasp of surprise came only after three of the soldiers; including the sergeant; went down screaming before the onslaught of the creature; their bodies horribly mangled and their blood splattered everywhere。 Several other soldiers began to surround the draegloth; trying to stay clear of the fiend's savage claws; but at the same time looking for ways to press the attack。 Jeggred crouched; watching his multiple foes as they swarmed around him; lashing out with their swords but unwilling to get in close enough to do any good。 A handful were already backing out of the fray; producing hand crossbows。
   Another figure darted past Halisstra; and a third; and she settled back against the wall as Ryld and Valas entered the fight。 The larger of the two; whom she had found striking when they first came face to face; was wielding his greatsword in a manner she found forting。 The blade seemed light and easy in his hands as he carved half the face off of one soldier and spun to swipe through the midsection of a second enemy in the same motion。 The diminutive one; on the other hand; seemed content to slink up behind one of the drow soldiers still trying to find an opening inside Jeggred's deadly reach。 The guard never heard or felt Valas ing; and when the scout planted his kukri into the small of the soldiers back; a flash of energy acpanied the stroke。 The soldier arched his back in agony and crumpled to the ground a
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