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“Very good; very good;” said Bagration; “I thank you; monsieur l’officier。”
“Your excellency;” said Rostov; “may I ask a favour?”
“What is it?”
“To…morrow our squadron is ordered to the rear; may I beg you to attach me to the first squadron?”
“What’s your name?”
“Count Rostov。”
“Ah; very good! You may stay in attendance on me。”
“Ilya Andreitch’s son?” said Dolgorukov。 But Rostov made him no reply。
“So I may reckon on it; your excellency。”
“I will give the order。”
“To…morrow; very likely; they will send me with some message to the Emperor;” he thought。 “Thank God!”
The shouts and lights in the enemy’s army had been due to the fact that while Napoleon’s proclamation had been read to the troops; the Emperor had himself ridden among the bivouacs。 The soldiers on seeing the Emperor had lighted wisps of straw and run after him; shouting; “Vive l’Empereur!” Napoleon’s proclamation was as follows:—
“Soldiers! The Russian army is coming to meet you; to avenge the Austrian army; the army of Ulm。 They are the forces you have defeated at Hollabrunn; and have been pursuing ever since up to this place。 The position we occupy is a powerful one; and while they will march to out…flank me on the right; they will expose their flank to me! Soldiers! I will myself lead your battalions。 I will keep out of fire; if you; with your habitual bravery; carry defeat and disorder into the ranks of the enemy。 But if victory is for one moment doubtful; you will see your Emperor exposed to the enemy’s hottest attack; for there can be no uncertainty of victory; especially on this day; when it is a question of the honour of the French infantry; on which rests the honour of our nation。 Do not; on the pretext of removing the wounded; break the order of the ranks! Let every man be fully penetrated by the idea that we must subdue these minions of England; who are inspired by such hatred of our country。 This victory will conclude our campaign; and we can return to winter quarters; where we shall be reinforced by fresh forces now being formed in France; and then the peace I shall conclude will be one worthy of my people; of you and me。

Chapter 14
AT FIVE O’CLOCK in the morning it was still quite dark。 The troops of the centre; of the reserves; and of Bagration’s right flank; were still at rest。 But on the left flank the columns of the infantry; cavalry; and artillery; destined to be the first to descend from the heights; so as to attack the French right flank; and; according to Weierother’s plan; to drive it back to the Bohemian mountains; were already up and astir。 The smoke from the camp…fires; into which they were throwing everything superfluous; made the eyes smart。 It was cold and dark。 The officers were hurriedly drinking tea and eating breakfast; the soldiers were munching biscuits; stamping their feet rhythmically; while they gathered about the fires warming themselves; and throwing into the blaze remains of shanties; chairs; tables; wheels; tubs; everything superfluous that they could not take away with them。 Austrian officers were moving in and out among the Russian troops; coming everywhere as heralds of their advance。 As soon as an Austrian officer appeared near a commanding officer’s quarters; the regiment began to bestir themselves; the soldiers ran from the fires; thrust pipes into boot…legs; bags into waggons; saw to their muskets; and formed into ranks。 The officers buttoned themselves up; put on their sabres and pouches; and moved up and down the ranks shouting。 The commissariat men and officers’ servants harnessed the horses; packed and tied up the waggons。 The adjutants and the officers in command of regiments and battalions got on their horses; crossed themselves; gave final orders; exhortations and commissions to the men who remained behind with the baggage; and the monotonous thud of thousands of feet began。 The columns moved; not knowing where they were going; and unable from the crowds round them; the smoke; and the thickening fog; to see either the place which they were leaving; or that into which they were advancing。
The soldier in movement is as much shut in; surrounded; drawn along by his regiment; as the sailor is by his ship。 However great a distance he traverses; however strange; unknown; and dangerous the regions to which he penetrates; all about him; as the sailor has the deck and masts and rigging of his ship; he has always everywhere the same comrades; the same ranks; the same sergeant Ivan Mitritch; the same regimental dog Zhutchka; the same officers。 The soldier rarely cares to know into what region his ship has sailed; but on the day of battle—God knows how or whence it comes—there may be heard in the moral world of the troops a sterner note that sounds at the approach of something grave and solemn; and rouses them to a curiosity unusual in them。 On days of battle; soldiers make strenuous efforts to escape from the routine of their regiment’s interests; they listen; watch intently; and greedily inquire what is being done around them。
The fog had become so thick that though it was growing light; they could not see ten steps in front of them。 Bushes looked like huge trees; level places looked like ravines and slopes。 Anywhere; on any side; they might stumble upon unseen enemies ten paces from them。 But for a long while the columns marched on in the same fog; going downhill and uphill; passing gardens and fences; in new and unknown country; without coming upon the enemy anywhere。 On the contrary; the soldiers became aware that in front; behind; on all sides; were the Russian columns moving in the same direction。 Every soldier felt cheered at heart by knowing that where he was going; to that unknown spot were going also many; many more of our men。
“I say; the Kurskies have gone on;” they were saying in the ranks。
“Stupendous; my lad; the forces of our men that are met together! Last night I looked at the fires burning; no end of them。 A regular Moscow!”
Though not one of the officers in command of the columns rode up to the ranks nor talked to the soldiers (the commanding officers; as we have seen at the council of war; were out of humour; and displeased with the plans that had been adopted; and so they simply carried out their orders without exerting themselves to encourage the soldiers); yet the soldiers marched on in good spirits; as they always do when advancing into action; especially when on the offensive。
But after they had been marching on for about an hour in the thick fog; a great part of the troops had to halt; and an unpleasant impression of mismanagement and misunderstanding spread through the ranks。 In what way that impression reached them it is very difficult to define。 But there is no doubt that it did reach them; and with extraordinary correctness and rapidity; and spread imperceptibly and irresistibly; like water flowing over a valley。 Had the Russian army been acting alone; without allies; possibly it would have taken a long time for this impression of mismanagement to become a general conviction。 But as it was; it was so particularly pleasant and natural to ascribe the mismanagement to the senseless Germans; and all believed th
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