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“I bet a hundred on Stevens!” cried one。
“Mind there’s no holding him up!” shouted another。
“I’m for Dolohov!” shouted a third。 “Hold the stakes; Kuragin。”
“I say; let Mishka be; we’re betting。”
“All at a go or the wager’s lost!” cried a fourth。
“Yakov; give us a bottle; Yakov!” shouted Anatole himself; a tall; handsome fellow; standing in the middle of the room; in nothing but a thin shirt; open over his chest。 “Stop; gentlemen。 Here he is; here’s Petrusha; the dear fellow。” He turned to Pierre。
A man of medium height with bright blue eyes; especially remarkable from looking sober in the midst of the drunken uproar; shouted from the window: “Come here。 I’ll explain the bets!” This was Dolohov; an officer of the Semenov regiment; a notorious gambler and duellist; who was living with Anatole。 Pierre smiled; looking good…humouredly about him。
“I don’t understand。 What’s the point?”
“Wait a minute; he’s not drunk。 A bottle here;” said Anatole; and taking a glass from the table he went up to Pierre。
“First of all; you must drink。”
Pierre began drinking off glass after glass; looking from under his brows at the drunken group; who had crowded about the window again; and listening to their talk。 Anatole kept his glass filled and told him that Dolohov had made a bet with an Englishman; Stevens; a sailor who was staying here; that he; Dolohov; would drink a bottle of rum sitting in the third story window with his legs hanging down outside。
“Come; empty the bottle;” said Anatole; giving Pierre the last glass; “or I won’t let you go!”
“No; I don’t want to;” said Pierre; shoving Anatole away; and he went up to the window。
Dolohov was holding the Englishman’s hand and explaining distinctly the terms of the bet; addressing himself principally to Anatole and Pierre。
Dolohov was a man of medium height; with curly hair and clear blue eyes。 He was five…and…twenty。 Like all infantry officers he wore no moustache; so that his mouth; the most striking feature in his face; was not concealed。 The lines of that mouth were extremely delicately chiselled。 The upper lip closed vigorously in a sharp wedge…shape on the firm lower one; and at the corners the mouth always formed something like two smiles; one at each side; and altogether; especially in conjunction with the resolute; insolent; shrewd look of his eyes; made such an impression that it was impossible to overlook his face。 Dolohov was a man of small means and no connections。 And yet though Anatole was spending ten thousand a year; Dolohov lived with him and succeeded in so regulating the position that Anatole and all who knew them respected Dolohov more than Anatole。 Dolohov played at every sort of game; and almost always won。 However much he drank; his brain never lost its clearness。 Both Kuragin and Dolohov were at that time notorious figures in the fast and dissipated world in Petersburg。
The bottle of rum was brought: the window…frame; which hindered any one sitting on the outside sill of the window; was being broken out by two footmen; obviously flurried and intimidated by the shouts and directions given by the gentlemen around them。
Anatole with his swaggering air came up to the window。 He was longing to break something。 He shoved the footmen aside and pulled at the frame; but the frame did not give。 He smashed a pane。
“Now then; you’re the strong man;” he turned to Pierre。 Pierre took hold of the cross beam; tugged; and with a crash wrenched the oak frame out。
“All out; or they’ll think I’m holding on;” said Dolohov。
“The Englishman’s bragging…it’s a fine feat…eh?” said Anatole。
“Fine;” said Pierre; looking at Dolohov; who with the bottle in his hand had gone up to the window; from which the light of the sky could be seen and the glow of morning and of evening melting into it。 Dolohov jumped up on to the window; holding the bottle of rum in his hand。 “Listen!” he shouted; standing on the sill and facing the room。 Every one was silent。
“I take a bet” (he spoke in French that the Englishman might hear him; and spoke it none too well)…“I take a bet for fifty imperials—like to make it a hundred?” he added; turning to the Englishman。
“Nó; fifty;” said the Englishman。
“Good; for fifty imperials; that I’ll drink off a whole bottle of rum without taking it from my lips。 I’ll drink it sitting outside the window; here on this place” (he bent down and pointed to the sloping projection of the wall outside the window)… “and without holding on to anything。…That right?”
“All right;” said the Englishman。
Anatole turned to the Englishman and taking him by the button of his coat; and looking down at him (the Englishman was a short man); he began repeating the terms of the wager in English。
“Wait a minute!” shouted Dolohov; striking the bottle on the window to call attention。 “Wait a minute; Kuragin; listen: if any one does the same thing; I’ll pay him a hundred imperials。 Do you understand?”
The Englishman nodded without making it plain whether be intended to take this new bet or not。
Anatole persisted in keeping hold of the Englishman; and although the latter; nodding; gave him to understand that he comprehended fully; Anatole translated Dolohov’s words into English。 A thin; youthful hussar; who had been losing at cards that evening; slipped up to the window; poked his head out and looked down。
“Oo!…oo!…oo!” he said looking out of the window at the pavement below。
“Shut up!” cried Dolohov; and he pushed the officer away; so that; tripping over his spurs; he went skipping awkwardly into the room。
Setting the bottle on the window…sill; so as to have it within reach; Dolohov climbed slowly and carefully into the window。 Lowering his legs over; with both hands spread open on the window…ledge; he tried the position; seated himself; let his hands go; moved a little to the right; and then to the left; and took the bottle。 Anatole brought two candles; and set them on the window…ledge; so that it was quite light。 Dolohov’s back in his white shirt and his curly head were lighted up on both sides。 All crowded round the window。 The Englishman stood in front。 Pierre smiled; and said nothing。 One of the party; rather older than the rest; suddenly came forward with a scared and angry face; and tried to clutch Dolohov by his shirt。
“Gentlemen; this is idiocy; he’ll be killed;” said this more sensible man。
Anatole stopped him。
“Don’t touch him; you’ll startle him and he’ll be killed。 Eh?…What then; eh?”
Dolohov turned; balancing himself; and again spreading his hands out。
“If any one takes hold of me again;” he said; letting his words drop one by one through his thin; tightly compressed lips; “I’ll throw him down from here。 Now…”
Saying “now;” he turned again; let his hands drop; took the bottle and put it to his lips; bent his head back and held his disengaged hand upwards to keep his balance。 One of the footmen who had begun clearing away the broken glass; stopped still in a stooping posture; his eyes fixed on the window and Dolohov’s back。 Anatole stood upright; with wide…open eyes。 The Englishman stared from one side; pursing up his lips。 The man who had tried to stop it; had re
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