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rsky simply said that brothers; more worthy than he; would prove him; and that Pierre need do nothing but tell the truth。
They drove in at the gates of a large house; where the lodge had its quarters; and; passing up a dark staircase; entered a small; lighted ante…room; where they took off their overcoats without the assistance of servants。 From the ante…room they walked into another room。 A man in strange attire appeared at the door。 Villarsky; going in to meet him; said something to him in French in a low voice; and went up to a small cupboard; where Pierre noticed garments unlike any he had seen before。 Taking a handkerchief from the cupboard; Villarsky put it over Pierre’s eyes and tied it in a knot behind; catching his hair painfully in the knot。 Then he drew him towards himself; kissed him; and taking him by the hand led him away somewhere。 Pierre had been hurt by his hair being pulled in the knot: he puckered up his face from the pain; and smiled with vague shame。 His huge figure with his arms hanging at his sides; and his face puckered up and smiling; moved after Villarsky with timid and uncertain steps。
After leading him for about ten steps; Villarsky stopped。
“Whatever happens to you;” said he; “you must endure all with good courage if you are firmly resolved to enter our brotherhood。” (Pierre answered affirmatively by an inclination of his head。) “When you hear a knock at the door; you may uncover your eyes;” added Villarsky; “I wish you good courage and success;” and; pressing Pierre’s hand; Villarsky went away。
When he was left alone; Pierre still went on smiling in the same way。 Twice he shrugged his shoulders and raised his hand to the handkerchief; as though he would have liked to take it off; but he let it drop again。 The five minutes he had spent with his eyes bandaged seemed to him an hour。 His arms felt numb; his legs tottered; he felt as though he were tired out。 He was aware of the most complex and conflicting feelings。 He was afraid of what would be done to him; and still more afraid of showing fear。 He felt inquisitive to know what was coming; what would be revealed to him; but above everything; he felt joy that the moment had come when he would at last enter upon that path of regeneration and of an actively virtuous life; of which he had been dreaming ever since his meeting with Osip Alexyevitch。
There came loud knocks at the door。 Pierre took off the bandage and looked about him。 It was black darkness in the room; only in one spot there was a little lamp burning before something white。 Pierre went nearer and saw that the little lamp stood on a black table; on which there lay an open book。 The book was the gospel: the white thing in which the lamp was burning was a human skull with its eyeholes and teeth。 After reading the first words of the gospel; “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God;” Pierre went round the table and caught sight of a large open box filled with something。 It was a coffin full of bones。 He was not in the least surprised by what he saw。 Hoping to enter upon a completely new life; utterly unlike the old life; he was ready for anything extraordinary; more extraordinary indeed than what he was seeing。 The skull; the coffin; the gospel—it seemed to him that he had been expecting all that; had been expecting more; indeed。 He tried to stir up a devotional feeling in himself; he looked about him。 “God; death; love; the brotherhood of man;” he kept saying to himself; associating with those words vague but joyful conceptions of some sort。 The door opened and some one came in。 In the faint light; in which Pierre could; however; see a little by this time; a short man approached。 Apparently dazed by coming out of the light into the darkness; the man stopped; then with cautious steps moved again towards the table; and laid on it both his small hands covered with leather gloves。
This short man was wearing a white leather apron; that covered his chest and part of his legs; upon his neck could be seen something like a necklace; and a high white ruffle stood up from under the necklace; framing his long face; on which the light fell from below。
“For what are you come hither?” asked the newcomer; turning towards Pierre at a faint rustle made by the latter。 “For what are you; an unbeliever in the truth of the light; who have not seen the light; for what are you come here? What do you seek from us? Wisdom; virtue; enlightenment?”
At the moment when the door opened and the unknown person came in; Pierre had a sensation of awe and reverence; such as he had felt in childhood at confession; he felt himself alone with a man who was in the circumstances of life a complete stranger; and yet through the brotherhood of men so near。 With a beating heart that made him gasp for breath; Pierre turned to the rhetor; as in the phraseology of freemasonry the man is called who prepares the seeker for entering the brotherhood。 Going closer; Pierre recognised in the rhetor a man he knew; Smolyaninov; but it was mortifying to him to think that the newcomer was a familiar figure; he was to him only a brother and a guide in the path of virtue。 For a long while Pierre could not utter a word; so that the rhetor was obliged to repeat his question。
“Yes; I…I… wish to begin anew;” Pierre articulated with difficulty。
“Very good;” said Smolyaninov; and went on at once。
“Have you any idea of the means by which our holy order will assist you in attaining your aim?…” said the rhetor calmly and rapidly。
“I…hope for…guidance…for help…in renewing…” said Pierre; with a tremble in his voice and a difficulty in utterance due both to emotion and to being unaccustomed to speak of abstract subjects in Russian。
“What idea have you of freemasonry?”
“I assume that freemasonry is the fraternité and equality of men with virtuous aims;” said Pierre; feeling ashamed as he spoke of the incongruity of his words with the solemnity of the moment。 “I assume …”
“Very good;” said the rhetor hastily; apparently quite satisfied with the reply。 “Have you sought the means of attaining your aim in religion?”
“No; I regarded it as untrue and have not followed it;” said Pierre; so softly that the rhetor did not catch it; and asked him what he was saying。 “I was an atheist;” answered Pierre。
“You seek the truth in order to follow its laws in life; consequently; you seek wisdom and virtue; do you not?” said the rhetor; after a moment’s pause。
“Yes; yes;” assented Pierre。
The rhetor cleared his throat; folded his gloved hands across his chest; and began speaking。
“Now I must reveal to you the chief aim of our order;” he said; “and if that aim coincides with yours; you may with profit enter our brotherhood。 The first and greatest aim and united basis of our order; on which it is established and which no human force can destroy; is the preservation and handing down to posterity of a certain important mystery … that has come down to us from the most ancient times; even from the first man—a mystery upon which; perhaps; the fate of the human race depends。 But since this mystery is of such a kind that no one can know it and profit by it if he has not been prepared by a prolonged a
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