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 get what I want。 I don’t mind what they think of me。”
“Well; tell me; then; whom did you interview for Borinka?” asked the countess。 “Here’s your boy an officer in the Guards; while my Nikolinka’s going as an ensign。 There’s no one to manage things for him。 Whose help did you ask?”
“Prince Vassily’s。 He was so kind。 Agreed to do everything immediately; put the case before the Emperor;” said Princess Anna Mihalovna enthusiastically; entirely forgetting all the humiliation she had been through to attain her object。
“And how is he? beginning to get old; Prince Vassily?” inquired the countess。 “I have never seen him since our theatricals at the Rumyantsovs’; and I dare say he has forgotten me。 He paid me attentions;” the countess recalled with a smile。
“He’s just the same;” answered Anna Mihalovna; “so affable; brimming over。 Greatness has not turned his head。 ‘I am sorry I can do so little for you; Princess;’ he said to me; ‘I’m at your command。’ Yes; he’s a splendid man; and very good to his relatives。 But you know; Natalie; my love for my boy。 I don’t know what I would not do to make him happy。 And my means are so scanty;” pursued Anna Mihalovna; dropping her voice mournfully; “that now I am in a most awful position。 My wretched lawsuit is eating up all I have; and making no progress。 I have not; can you conceive it; literally; not sixpence in the world; and I don’t know how to get Boris’s equipment。” She took out her handkerchief and shed tears。 “I must have five hundred roubles; and I have only a twenty…five rouble note。 I’m in such a position。… My one hope now is in Prince Kirill Vladimirovitch Bezuhov。 If he will not come to the help of his godson—you know he is Boris’s godfather—and allow him something for his maintenance; all my efforts will have been in vain; I shall have nothing to get his equipment with。”
The countess deliberated in tearful silence。
“I often think—perhaps it’s a sinful thought;” said the princess—“but I often think: here is Prince Kirill Vladimirovitch Bezuhov living all alone … that immense fortune … and what is he living for? Life is a burden to him; while Boris is only just beginning life。”
“He will be sure to leave something to Boris;” said the countess。
“God knows; chère amie! These wealthy grand people are such egoists。 But still I’m going to see him at once with Boris; and I will tell him plainly the state of the case。 People may think what they choose of me; I really don’t care; when my son’s fate depends on it。” The princess got up。 “It’s now two o’clock; and you dine at four。 I shall have time to drive there and back。”
And with the air of a Petersburg lady; used to business; and knowing how to make use of every moment; Anna Mihalovna sent for her son; and with him went out into the hall。
“Good…bye; my dear;” she said to the countess; who accompanied her to the door。 “Wish me good…luck;” she added in a whisper unheard by her son。
“You’re going to Prince Kirill Vladimirovich’s; ma chère?” said the count; coming out of the dining…room into the hall。 “If he’s better; invite Pierre to dine with us。 He has been here; used to dance with the children。 Be sure you invite him; ma chère。 Now do come and look how Taras has surpassed himself to…day。 He says Count Orlov never had such a dinner as we’re going to have to…day。”

Chapter 12
“Mon cher Boris;” said Anna Mihalovna as the Countess Rostov’s carriage drove along the street strewn with straw and into the wide courtyard of Count Kirill Vladimirovitch Bezuhov’s house。 “Mon cher Boris;” said the mother; putting her hand out from under her old mantle; and laying it on her son’s hand with a timid; caressing movement; “be nice; be attentive。 Count Kirill Vladimirovitch is after all your godfather; and your future depends on him。 Remember that; mon cher; be charming; as you know so well how to be。…”
“If I knew anything would come of it but humiliation;” her son answered coldly。 “But I have promised; and I will do it for your sake。”
Although the carriage was standing at the entrance; the hall…porter; scanning the mother and son (they had not sent in their names; but had walked straight in through the glass doors between two rows of statues in niches); and looking significantly at the old mantle; inquired whom they wanted; the princesses or the count; and hearing that they wanted to see the count; said that his excellency was worse to…day; and his excellency could see no one。
“We may as well go away;” the son said in French。
“Mon ami!” said the mother in a voice of entreaty; again touching her son’s hand; as though the contact might soothe or rouse him。 Boris said no more; but without taking off his overcoat; looked inquiringly at his mother。
“My good man;” Anna Mihalovna said ingratiatingly; addressing the hall…porter; “I know that Count Kirill Vladimirovitch is very ill … that is why I am here … I am a relation … I shall not disturb him; my good man … I need only see Prince Vassily Sergyevitch; he’s staying here; I know。 Announce us; please。”
The hall…porter sullenly pulled the bell…rope that rang upstairs and turned away。
“Princess Drubetskoy to see Prince Vassily Sergyevitch;” he called to a footman in stockings; slippers and a frockcoat; who ran down from above; and looked down from the turn in the staircase。
The mother straightened out the folds of her dyed silk gown; looked at herself in the full…length Venetian looking…glass on the wall; and boldly walked up on the stair carpet in her shabby; shapeless shoes。
“My dear; you promised me;” she turned again to her son; rousing him by a touch on his arm。 The son; with his eyes on the door; walked submissively after her。
They went into a large room; from which a door led to the apartments that had been assigned to Prince Vassily。
At the moment when the mother and son reached the middle of the room and were about to ask their way of an old footman; who had darted out at their entrance; the bronze handle of one of the doors turned; and Prince Vassily; dressed in a house jacket of velvet; with one star; came out; accompanying a handsome; black…haired man。 This man was the celebrated Petersburg doctor; Lorrain。
“It is positive; then?” said the Prince。
“Prince; errare est humanum;” answered the doctor; lisping; and pronouncing the Latin words with a French accent。
“Very well; very well …”
Perceiving Anna Mihalovna and her son; Prince Vassily dismissed the doctor with a bow; and in silence; with an air of inquiry; advanced to meet them。 The son noticed how an expression of intense grief came at once into his mother’s eyes; and he smiled slightly。
“Yes; in what distressing circumstances we were destined to meet again; prince。… Tell me how is our dear patient?” she said; apparently not observing the frigid; offensive glance that was fixed on her。 Prince Vassily stared at her; then at Boris with a look of inquiry that amounted to perplexity。 Boris bowed politely。 Prince Vassily; without acknowledging his bow; turned away to Anna Mihalovna; and to her question he replied by a movement of the head and lips; indicative of the worst fears for the patient。
“Is it possible?”
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