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 her of how he had first seen her in the avenue at Otradnoe; and how she could not sleep on that moonlight night; and told her how he had unwittingly listened to her。 Natasha blushed at these recollections; and tried as it were to excuse herself; as though there were something to be ashamed of in the emotion to which Prince Andrey had unwittingly played the eavesdropper。
Like all men who have grown up in society; Prince Andrey liked meeting anything not of the conventional society stamp。 And such was Natasha with her wonder; her delight; her shyness; and even her mistakes in talking French。 His manner was particularly tender and circumspect as he talked to her。 Sitting beside her; and talking of the simplest and most trifling subjects; Prince Andrey admired the radiant brilliance of her eyes and her smile; that had no concern with what was said but was due simply to her own happiness。 When Natasha was chosen again; and she got up with a smile and was dancing; Prince Andrey particularly admired her shy grace。 In the middle of the cotillion; Natasha went back to her place; breathless at the end of a figure。 Another partner again chose her。 She was tired and panting; and evidently she thought for an instant of refusing; but immediately she put her hand on her partner’s shoulder and was off again gaily; smiling to Prince Andrey。
“I should have been glad to rest and sit by you。 I’m tired; but you see how they keep asking me; and I’m glad of it; and I’m happy; and I love every one; and you and I understand all about it;” and more; much more was said in that smile。 When her partner left her side; Natasha flew across the room to choose two ladies for the figure。
“If she goes first to her cousin and then to another lady; she will be my wife;” Prince Andrey—greatly to his own surprise—caught himself saying mentally; as he watched her。 She did go first to her cousin。
“What nonsense does sometimes come into one’s mind!” thought Prince Andrey; “but one thing’s certain; that girl is so charming; so original; that she won’t be dancing here a month before she will be married。… She’s a rare thing here;” he thought; as Natasha settled herself beside him; sticking in the rose that was falling out of her bodice。
At the end of the cotillion; the old count in his blue frock coat went up to the young people who had been dancing。 He invited Prince Andrey to come and see them; and asked his daughter whether she were enjoying herself。 Natasha did not at once answer; she only smiled a smile that said reproachfully: “How can you ask such a question?”
“Enjoying myself as I never have before in my life!” she said; and Prince Andrey noticed how her thin arms were swiftly raised as though to embrace her father; and dropped again at once。 Natasha was happy as she had never been in her life。 She was at that highest pitch of happiness; when one becomes completely good and kind; and disbelieves in the very possibility of evil; unhappiness; and sorrow。
At that ball Pierre for the first time felt humiliated by the position his wife took in the highest court circle。 He was sullen and absent…minded。 There was a broad furrow right across his forehead; as he stood in a window; staring over his spectacles and seeing no one。 Natasha passed close by him on her way in to supper。 Pierre’s gloomy; unhappy face struck her。 She stopped; facing him。 She longed to come to his aid; to bestow on him some of her own overflowing happiness。 “How delightful it is;” she said; “isn’t it?”
Pierre smiled an absent…minded smile; obviously not grasping what was said to him。 “Yes; I’m very glad;” he said。
“How can people be discontented at anything!” thought Natasha。 “Especially any one as nice as Bezuhov。”
In Natasha’s eyes all the people at the ball were particularly kind; sweet; good people; loving one another; none were capable of wronging one another; and so all must be happy。

Chapter 18
NEXT DAY when Prince Andrey thought of the ball it did not occupy his mind for long。 “Yes; it was a very successful ball。 And besides…yes; the younger Rostov is very charming。 There’s something fresh in her; original; unlike Petersburg。” That was all he thought about the previous day’s ball; and after his morning tea he set to work。
But from fatigue and want of sleep he was not very well disposed for work; and could get nothing done。 He was continually criticising his own work—a habit common with him—and was glad when he heard a visitor arrive。
The visitor was Bitsky; a man who was a member of various committees and of all the societies in Petersburg。 He was a passionate adherent of the new ideas and of Speransky; and the busiest purveyor of news in Petersburg; one of those men who choose their opinions like their clothes—according to the fashion—but for that very reason seem the most vehement partisans。 Scarcely waiting to remove his hat; he ran fussily up to Prince Andrey; and at once began talking。 He had just learned particulars of the sitting of the State Council of that morning; opened by the Tsar; and began enthusiastically upon the subject。 The Tsar’s speech had been; he said; an extraordinary one。 It had been a speech such as are only delivered by constitutional monarchs。 “The Emperor directly asserted that the Council and the Senate are the estates of the realm; he said that government should be founded not on arbitrary authority; but on a secure basis。 The Emperor said that the fiscal system must be reconstituted and the accounts must be public;” Bitsky announced; laying stress on certain words; and opening his eyes significantly。 “Yes; to…day’s sitting marks an epoch; the greatest epoch in our history;” he concluded。
Prince Andrey heard his account of the opening of the State Council; to which he had been looking forward with such eagerness; and to which he had attached so much consequence; and was amazed that now; when it had come to pass; this event; far from affecting him; struck him as less than insignificant。 With quiet irony he listened to Bitsky’s enthusiastic description。 The idea in his mind was of the simplest。 “What is it to me and Bitsky;” he thought; “what is it to us; whatever the Emperor is pleased to say in the Council? Can all that make me any happier or better?”
And this simple reflection suddenly destroyed all Prince Andrey’s former interest in the reforms that were being made。 That day Prince Andrey was to dine with Speransky; “with only a few friends;” as the host had said in inviting him。 That dinner; in the intimate home circle of the man who had so fascinated him; had seemed very attractive to Prince Andrey; especially as he had not hitherto seen Speransky in his home surroundings。 But now he had no wish to go to it。
At the hour fixed; however; Prince Andrey was entering the small house in Tavritchesky Garden。 The little house; which was Speransky’s property; was distinguished by an extraordinary cleanliness; suggestive of the cleanliness of a convent。 In the parqueted dining…room; Prince Andrey; who was a little late; found all that circle of Speransky’s intimate friends already gathered together at five o’clock。 There were no ladies present; except Speransky’s little daughter (with a l
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