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。 I shall never forget it; I felt sad and sorry for every one; sorry for myself; and for every—every one。 And what was the chief point; I wasn’t to blame;” said Natasha; “do you remember?”
“I remember;” said Nikolay。 “I remember that I came to you afterwards; and I longed to comfort you; but you know; I felt ashamed to。 Awfully funny we used to be。 I had a wooden doll then; and I wanted to give it you。 Do you remember?”
“And do you remember;” said Natasha; with a pensive smile; “how long; long ago; when we were quite little; uncle called us into the study in the old house; and it was dark; we went in; and all at once there stood…”
“A Negro;” Nikolay finished her sentence with a smile of delight; “of course; I remember。 To this day I don’t know whether there really was a Negro; or whether we dreamed it; or were told about it。”
“He was grey…headed; do you remember; and had white teeth; he stood and looked at us…”
“Do you remember; Sonya?” asked Nikolay。
“Yes; yes; I do remember something too;” Sonya answered timidly。
“You know I have often asked both papa and mamma about that Negro;” said Natasha。 “They say there never was a Negro at all。 But you remember him!”
“Of course; I do。 I remember his teeth; as if it were to…day。”
“How strange it is; as though it were a dream。 I like that。”
“And do you remember how we were rolling eggs in the big hall; and all of a sudden two old women came in; and began whirling round on the carpet。 Did that happen or not? Do you remember what fun it was?”
“Yes。 And do you remember how papa; in a blue coat; fired a gun off on the steps?”
Smiling with enjoyment; they went through their reminiscences; not the melancholy memories of old age; but the romantic memories of youth; those impressions of the remotest past in which dreamland melts into reality。 They laughed with quiet pleasure。
Sonya was; as always; left behind by them; though their past had been spent together。
Sonya did not remember much of what they recalled; and what she did remember; did not rouse the same romantic feeling in her。 She was simply enjoying their pleasure; and trying to share it。
She could only enter into it fully when they recalled Sonya’s first arrival。 Sonya described how she had been afraid of Nikolay; because he had cording on his jacket; and the nurse had told her that they would tie her up in cording too。
“And I remember; I was told you were found under a cabbage;” said Natasha; “and I remember I didn’t dare to disbelieve it then; though I knew it was untrue; and I felt so uncomfortable。”
During this conversation a maid popped her head in at a door leading into the divan…room。
“Miss; they’ve brought you a cock;” she said in a whisper。
“I don’t want it; Polya; tell them to take it away;” said Natasha。
In the middle of their talk in the divan…room; Dimmler came into the room; and went up to the harp that stood in the corner。 He took off the cloth…case; and the harp gave a jarring sound。 “Edward Karlitch; do; please; play my favourite nocturne of M。 Field;” said the voice of the old countess from the drawing…room。
Dimmler struck a chord; and turning to Natasha; Nikolay; and Sonya; he said; “How quiet you young people are!”
“Yes; we’re talking philosophy;” said Natasha; looking round for a minute and going on with the conversation。 They were talking now about dreams。
Dimmler began to play。 Natasha went noiselessly on tiptoe to the table; took the candle; carried it away; and going back; sat quietly in her place。 It was dark in the room; especially where they were sitting on the sofa; but the silver light of the full moon shone in at the big windows and lay on the floor。
“Do you know; I think;” said Natasha; in a whisper; moving up to Nikolay and Sonya; when Dimmler had finished; and still sat; faintly twanging the strings; in evident uncertainty whether to leave off playing or begin something new; “that one goes on remembering; and remembering; one remembers till one recalls what happened before one was in this world。…”
“That’s metempsychosis;” said Sonya; who had been good at lessons; and remembered all she had learned。 “The Egyptians used to believe that our souls had been in animals; and would go into animals again。”
“No; do you know; I don’t believe that we were once in animals;” said Natasha; still in the same whisper; though the music was over; “but I know for certain that we were once angels somewhere beyond; and we have been here; and that’s why we remember everything。…”
“May I join you?” said Dimmler; coming up quietly; and he sat down by them。
“If we had been angels; why should we have fallen lower?” said Nikolay。 “No; that can’t be!”
“Not lower…who told you we were lower?…This is how I know I have existed before;” Natasha replied; with conviction: “The soul is immortal; you know…so; if I am to live for ever; I have lived before too; I have lived for all eternity。”
“Yes; but it’s hard for us to conceive of eternity;” said Dimmler; who had joined the young people; with a mildly condescending smile; but now talked as quietly and seriously as they did。
“Why is it hard to conceive of eternity?” said Natasha。 “There will be to…day; and there will be to…morrow; and there will be for ever; and yesterday has been; and the day before。…”
“Natasha! now it’s your turn。 Sing me something;” called the voice of the countess。 “Why are you sitting there so quietly; like conspirators?”
“Mamma; I don’t want to a bit!” said Natasha; but she got up as she said it。
None of them; not even Dimmler; who was not young; wanted to break off the conversation; and come out of the corner of the divan…room; but Natasha stood up; and Nikolay sat down to the clavichord。 Standing; as she always did; in the middle of the room; and choosing the place where the resonance was greatest; Natasha began singing her mother’s favourite song。
She had said she did not want to sing; but it was long since she had sung; and long before she sang again as she sang that evening。 Count Ilya Andreitch listened to her singing from his study; where he was talking to Mitenka; and like a schoolboy in haste to finish his lesson and run out to play; he blundered in his orders to the steward; and at last paused; and Mitenka stood silent and smiling before him; listening too。 Nikolay never took his eyes off his sister; and drew his breath when she did。 Sonya; as she listened; thought of the vast difference between her and her friend; and how impossible it was for her to be in ever so slight a degree fascinating like her cousin。 The old countess sat with a blissful; but mournful smile; and tears in her eyes; and now and then she shook her head。 She; too; was thinking of Natasha and of her own youth; and of how there was something terrible and unnatural in Natasha’s marrying Prince Andrey。
Dimmler; sitting by the countess; listened with closed eyes。 “No; countess;” he said; at last; “that’s a European talent; she has no need of teaching: that softness; tenderness; strength…”
“Ah; I’m afraid for her; I’m afraid;” said the countess; not remembering with whom she was speaking。 Her motherly instinct told her that there was too much of s
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