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ground; had he beaten her; or made her carry in wood and water; it would never have entered her head that her position was a hard one。 But this loving despot—most cruel of all because he loved; and for that very reason tortured himself and her—knew not only how to mortify and humiliate her; but of set purpose; to prove to her that she was always to blame in everything。 Of late he had taken a new departure; which caused Princess Marya more misery than anything—that was his closer and closer intimacy with Mademoiselle Bourienne。 The idea; that had occurred to him in jest at the first moment of receiving the news of his son’s intentions; that if Andrey got married he; too; would marry Mademoiselle Bourienne; obviously pleased him; and he had of late— simply; as Princess Marya fancied; to annoy her—persisted in being particularly gracious to Mademoiselle Bourienne and manifesting his dissatisfaction with his daughter by demonstrations of love for the Frenchwoman。
One day in Princess Marya’s presence (it seemed to her that her father did it on purpose because she was there) the old prince kissed Mademoiselle Bourienne’s hand; and drawing her to him embraced her affectionately。 Princess Marya flushed hotly and ran out of the room。 A few minutes later; Mademoiselle Bourienne went into Princess Marya’s room; smiling and making some cheerful remarks in her agreeable voice。 Princess Marya hastily wiped away her tears; with resolute steps went up to the Frenchwoman; and obviously unconscious of what she was doing; with wrathful haste and breaks in her voice she began screaming at her:
“It’s loathsome; vile; inhuman to take advantage of feebleness…” She could not go on。 “Go out of my room;” she cried; and broke into sobs。
The next day the old prince did not say a word to his daughter; but she noticed that at dinner he gave orders for the dishes to be handed to Mademoiselle Bourienne first。 When towards the end of dinner; the footman from habit handed the coffee; beginning with the princess; the old prince flew into a sudden frenzy of rage; flung his cane at Filipp; and immediately gave orders for him to be sent for a soldier。
“He won’t obey…twice I told him!…and he didn’t obey。 She’s the first person in this house; she’s my best friend;” screamed the old prince。 And if you allow yourself;” he shouted in a fury; for the first time addressing Princess Marya; “ever again; as you dared yesterday … to forget yourself in her presence; I’ll show you who is master in this house。 Away! don’t let me set eyes on you! Beg her pardon!”
Princess Marya begged Amalia Yevgenyevna’s pardon and also her father’s; both for herself and the footman Filipp; who implored her intervention。
At such moments the feeling that prevailed in Princess Marya’s soul was akin to the pride of sacrifice。 And all of a sudden at such moments; that father whom she was judging would look for his spectacles; fumbling by them and not seeing them; or would forget what had just happened; or would take a tottering step with his weak legs; and look round to see whether any one had noticed his feebleness; or what was worst of all; at dinner when there were no guests to excite him; he would suddenly fall asleep; letting his napkin drop and his shaking head sink over his plate。 “He is old and feeble; and I dare to judge him!” she thought; revolted by herself。

Chapter 3
IN THE YEAR 1811 there was living in Moscow a French doctor called Metivier; who was rapidly coming into fashion。 He was a very tall; handsome man; polite as only a Frenchman is; and was said by every one in Moscow to be an extraordinarily clever doctor。 He was received in the very best houses; not merely as a doctor; but as an equal。
Prince Nikolay Andreitch had always ridiculed medicine; but of late he had by Mademoiselle Bourienne’s advice allowed this doctor to see him; and had become accustomed to his visits。 Metivier used to see the old prince twice a week。
On St。 Nikolay’s day; the name…day of the old prince; all Moscow was driving up to the approach of his house; but he gave orders for no one to be admitted to see him。 Only a few guests; of whom he gave a list to Princess Marya; were to be invited to dinner。
Metivier; who arrived in the morning with his felicitations; thought himself as the old prince’s doctor entitled to forcer la consigne; as he told Princess Marya; and went in to the prince。 It so happened that on that morning of his name…day the old prince was in one of his very worst tempers。 He had spent the whole morning wandering about the house; finding fault with every one; and affecting not to understand what was said to him and to be misunderstood by everybody。 Princess Marya knew that mood well from subdued and fretful grumbling; which usually found vent in a violent outburst of fury; and as though facing a cocked and loaded gun; she went all the morning in expectation of an explosion。 The morning passed off fairly well; till the doctor’s arrival。 After admitting the doctor; Princess Marya sat down with a book in the drawing…room near the door; where she could hear all that passed in the prince’s study。
At first she heard Metivier’s voice alone; then her father’s voice; then both voices began talking at once。 The door flew open; and in the doorway she saw the handsome; terrified figure of Metivier with his shock of black hair; and the old prince in a skull…cap and dressing…gown; his face hideous with rage and his eyes lowered。
“You don’t understand;” screamed the old prince; “but I do! French spy; slave of Bonaparte; spy; out of my house—away; I tell you!” And he slammed the door。 Metivier; shrugging his shoulders; went up to Mademoiselle Bourienne; who ran out of the next room at the noise。
“The prince is not quite well; bile and rush of blood to the head。 Calm yourself; I will look in to…morrow;” said Metivier; and putting his fingers to his lips he hurried off。
Through the door could be heard steps shuffling in slippers and shouts: “Spies; traitors; traitors everywhere! Not a minute of peace in my own house!”
After Metivier’s departure the old prince sent for his daughter; and the whole fury of his passion spent itself on her。 She was to blame for the spy’s having been admitted to see him。 Had not he told her; told her to make a list; and that those not on the list were on no account to be admitted? Why then had that scoundrel been shown up? She was to blame for everything。 With her he could not have a minute of peace; could not die in peace; he told her。
“No; madame; we must part; we must part; I tell you! I can put up with no more;” he said; and went out of the room。 And as though afraid she might find some comfort; he turned back and trying to assume an air of calmness; he added: “And don’t imagine that I have said this in a moment of temper; no; I’m quite calm and I have thought it well over; and it shall be so—you shall go away; and find some place for yourself!…” But he could not restrain himself; and with the vindictive fury which can only exist where a man loves; obviously in anguish; he shook his fists and screamed at her: “Ah! if some fool would marry her!” He slammed the door; sent for Mademoiselle Bourienne; a
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