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In one of the moments of awkward silence; during which Anatole gazed calmly and persistently at her; Natasha; to break the silence; asked him how he liked Moscow。 Natasha asked this question and blushed as she did so; she was feeling all the while that there she was doing something improper in talking to him。 Anatole smiled as though to encourage her。
“At first I didn’t like it much; for what is it makes one like a town? It’s the pretty women; isn’t it? Well; but now I like it awfully;” he said; with a meaning look at her。 “You’ll come to the fancy dress ball; countess? Do come;” he said; and putting his hand out to her bouquet he said; dropping his voice; “You will be the prettiest。 Come; dear countess; and as a pledge give me this flower。”
Natasha did not understand what he was saying; nor did he himself; but she felt that in his uncomprehended words there was some improper intention。 She did not know what to say; and turned away as though she had not heard what he said。 But as soon as she turned away she felt that he was here behind her; so close to her。
“What is he feeling now? Is he confused? Is he angry? Must I set it right?” she wondered。 She could not refrain from looking round。 She glanced straight into his eyes; and his nearness and confidence; and the simple…hearted warmth of his smile vanquished her。 She smiled exactly as he did; looking straight into his eyes。 And again; she felt with horror that no barrier lay between him and her。
The curtain rose again。 Anatole walked out of the box; serene and good…humoured。 Natasha went back to her father’s box; completely under the spell of the world in which she found herself。 All that passed before her eyes now seemed to her perfectly natural。 But on the other hand all previous thoughts of her betrothed; of Princess Marya; of her life in the country; did not once recur to her mind; as though all that belonged to the remote past。
In the fourth act there was some sort of devil who sang; waving his arms till the boards were moved away under him and he sank into the opening。 That was all Natasha saw of the fourth act; she felt harassed and excited; and the cause of that excitement was Kuragin; whom she could not help watching。 As they came out of the theatre Anatole came up to them; called their carriage and helped them into it。 As he assisted Natasha he pressed her arm above the elbow。 Natasha; flushed and excited; looked round at him。 He gazed at her with flashing eyes and a tender smile。
It was only on getting home that Natasha could form any clear idea of what had happened。 All at once; remembering Prince Andrey; she was horrified; and at tea; to which they all sat down after the theatre; she groaned aloud; and flushing crimson ran out of the room。 “My God! I am ruined!” she said to herself。 “How could I sink to such a depth?” she thought。 For a long while she sat; with her flushed face hidden in her hands; trying to get a clear idea of what had happened and unable to grasp either what had happened or what she was feeling。 Everything seemed to her dark; obscure; and dreadful。 In that immense; lighted hall; where Duport had jumped about to music with his bare legs on the damp boards in his short jacket with tinsel; and young girls and old men; and that Ellen; proudly and serenely smiling in her nakedness; had enthusiastically roared “bravo”; there; in the wake of that Ellen; all had been clear and simple。 But now; alone by herself; it was past comprehending。 “What does it mean? What is that terror I felt with him? What is the meaning of those gnawings of conscience I am feeling now?” she thought。
To no one but to her mother at night in bed Natasha could have talked of what she was feeling。 Sonya she knew; with her strict and single…minded view of things; would either have failed to understand at all; or would have been horrified at the avowal。 Natasha all by herself had to try and solve the riddle that tormented her
“Am I spoilt for Prince Andrey’s love or not?” she asked herself; and with reassuring mockery she answered herself: “What a fool I am to ask such a thing! What has happened to me? Nothing。 I have done nothing; I did nothing to lead him on。 No one will ever know; and I shall never see him again;” she told herself。 “So it’s plain that nothing has happened; that there’s nothing to regret; that Prince Andrey can love me still。 But why still? O my God; my God; why isn’t he here!” Natasha felt comforted for a moment; but again some instinct told her that though that was all true; and though nothing had happened; yet some instinct told her that all the old purity of her love for Prince Andrey was lost。 And again; in her imagination; she went over all her conversation with Kuragin; and saw again the face; the gestures; and the tender smile of that handsome; daring man at the moment when he had pressed her arm。

Chapter 11
ANATOLE KURAGIN was staying in Moscow because his father had sent him away from Petersburg; where he had been spending twenty thousand a year in hard cash and running up bills for as much more; and his creditors had been dunning his father。 The father informed his son that for the last time he would pay half his debts; but only on condition that he would go away to Moscow; where his father had; by much exertion; secured a post for him as adjutant to the commander…in…chief; and would try finally to make a good match there。 He suggested to him either Princess Marya or Julie Karagin。
Anatole consented; and went away to Moscow; where he stayed with Pierre。 Pierre at first was by no means pleased to receive Anatole; but after a while he got used to his presence; sometimes accompanied him on his carousals; and by way of loans gave him money。
As Shinshin had with truth said of him; Anatole had won the hearts of all the Moscow ladies; especially by the nonchalance with which he treated them and the preference he openly showed for gypsy girls and actresses; with the most prominent of whom; Mademoiselle George; he was said to have an intrigue。 He never missed a single drinking party at Danilov’s; or any other Moscow festivity; spent whole nights drinking; outdoing all the rest; and was at every soirée and ball in the best society。 There were rumours of several intrigues of his with Moscow ladies; and at balls he flirted with a few of them。 But he fought shy of unmarried ladies; especially the wealthy heiresses; who were most of them plain。 He had a good reason for this; of which no one knew but his most intimate friends: he had been for the last two years married。 Two years previously; while his regiment had been stationed in Poland; a Polish landowner; by no means well…to…do; had forced Anatole to marry his daughter。
Anatole had very shortly afterwards abandoned his wife; and in consideration of a sum of money; which he agreed to send his father…in…law; he was allowed by the latter to pass as a bachelor unmolested。
Anatole was very well satisfied with his position; with himself; and with other people。 He was instinctively and thoroughly convinced that he could not possibly live except just in the way he did live; and that he had never in his life done anything base。 He was incapable of considering either how his acti
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