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 sniffing with his red nose; moved forward out of the crowd as though expecting the Tsar to apply to him。 (Boris saw that Araktcheev envied Balashov and was displeased at any important news having reached the Tsar not through him。) But the Tsar and Balashov walked out by the door into the lighted garden; without noticing Araktcheev。 Araktcheev; holding his sword and looking wrathfully about him; followed twenty paces behind them。
Boris went on performing the figures of the mazurka; but he was all the while fretted by wondering what the news could be that Balashov had brought; and in what way he could find it out before other people。 In the figure in which he had to choose a lady; he whispered to Ellen that he wanted to choose Countess Pototsky; who had; he thought; gone out on to the balcony; and gliding over the parquet; he flew to the door that opened into the garden; and seeing the Tsar and Balashov coming into the verandah; he stood still there。 The Tsar and Balashov moved towards the door。 Boris; with a show of haste; as though he had not time to move away; squeezed respectfully up to the doorpost and bowed his head。 The Tsar in the tone of a man resenting a personal insult was saying:
“To enter Russia with no declaration of war! I will consent to conciliation only when not a single enemy under arms is left in my country;” he said。
It seemed to Boris that the Tsar liked uttering these words: he was pleased with the form in which he had expressed his feelings; but displeased at Boris overhearing them。
“Let nobody know of it!” the Tsar added; frowning。
Boris saw that this was aimed at him; and closing his eyes; inclined his head a little。 The Tsar went back to the ballroom; and remained there another half hour。
Boris was the first person to learn the news that the French troops had crossed the Niemen; and; thanks to that fact; was enabled to prove to various persons of great consequence; that much that was hidden from others was commonly known to him; and was thereby enabled to rise even higher than before in the opinion of those persons。
The astounding news of the French having crossed the Niemen seemed particularly unexpected from coming after a month’s uninterrupted expectation of it; and arriving at a ball! At the first moment of amazement and resentment on getting the news; Alexander hit on the declaration that has since become famous—a declaration which pleased him and fully expressed his feelings。 On returning home after the ball at two o’clock in the night; the Tsar sent for his secretary; Shishkov; and told him to write a decree to the army and a rescript to Field…Marshal Prince Saltykov; and he insisted on the words being inserted that he would never make peace as long as one Frenchman under arms remained in Russia。
The next day the following letter was written to Napoleon:
MONSIEUR MON FRèRE;—I learnt yesterday that in spite of the loyalty with which I have kept my engagements with your Majesty; your troops have crossed the frontiers of Russia; and I have this moment received from Petersburg the note in which Count Lauriston informs me as cause of this invasion that your majesty considers us to be in hostile relations ever since Prince Kurakin asked for his passport。 The causes on which the Duc de Bassano based his refusal to give these passports would never have led me to suppose that the action of my ambassador could serve as a ground for invasion。 And; indeed; he received no authorisation from me in his action; as has been made known by him; and as soon as I heard of it I immediately expressed my displeasure to Prince Kurakin; commanding him to perform the duties entrusted to him as before。 If your majesty is not inclined to shed the blood of your subjects for such a misunderstanding; and if you consent to withdraw your troops from Russian territory; I will pass over the whole incident unnoticed; and agreement between us will be possible。 In the opposite case; I shall be forced to repel an invasion which has been in no way provoked on my side。 Your Majesty has it in your power to preserve humanity from the disasters of another war。—I am; etc。;

Chapter 4
AT TWO O’CLOCK in the night of the 13th of June; the Tsar sent for Balashov; and; reading him his letter to Napoleon; commanded him to go in person and give the letter to the French Emperor。 As he dismissed Balashov; he repeated to him his declaration that he would never make peace as long as a single enemy under arms remained on Russian soil; and told him to be sure to repeat those words to Napoleon。 The Tsar had not inserted them in his letter to Napoleon; because; with his characteristic tact; he felt those words would be inappropriate at the moment when the last efforts were being made for conciliation; but he expressly charged Balashov to repeat that message by word of mouth to Napoleon。
Balashov rode out on the night between the 13th and the 14th; accompanied by a trumpeter and two Cossacks; and at dawn he reached the French outposts at the village of Rykonty on the Russian side of the Niemen。 He was stopped by the sentinels of the French cavalry。
A French subaltern of hussars; in a crimson uniform and a fur cap; shouted to Balashov to stop。 Balashov did not immediately obey; but went on advancing along the road at a walking pace。
The subaltern; with scowls and muttered abuse; swooped down upon Balashov; drew his sword; and shouted rudely to the Russian general: “Was he deaf that he did not hear when he was spoken to?” Balashov gave him his name。 The subaltern sent a soldier to his superior officer。
Paying no further attention to Balashov; the subaltern began talking with his comrades about regimental matters; without looking at the Russian general。 It was an exceedingly strange sensation for Balashov; who was used at all times to the dignities of his position; was always in contact with the highest power and authority; and only three hours before had been conversing with the Tsar; to be brought here on Russian soil into collision with this hostile; and still more; disrespectful display of brute force。
The sun was only beginning to rise behind storm…clouds; the air was fresh and dewy。 A herd of cattle was being driven along the road from the village。 Larks sprang up trilling one after another in the fields; like bubbles rising to the surface of water。
Balashov looked about him; awaiting the arrival of the officer from the village。 The Russian Cossacks and trumpeter and the French hussars looked at one another now and then in silence。
A French colonel of hussars; evidently only just out of bed; came riding out of the village on a handsome; sleek; grey horse; accompanied by two hussars。 The officers; the soldiers; and the horses all looked smart and well satisfied。
In this early stage of the campaign the troops were well in a state of good discipline; in good; almost parade; order; and engaged in peaceful pursuits; with a shade of martial swagger in their dress; and a shade of gaiety and spirit of adventure in their temper that always accompanies the commencement of a war。
The French colonel had much ado to suppress his yawns; but was courteous in his manner; and evidently understood all the importance o
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