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cuits to be given out; and when to march his troops to the right and when to the left? He is only called a genius because of the glamour and authority with which the military are invested; and because masses of sycophants are always ready to flatter power; and to ascribe to it qualities quite alien to it。 The best generals I have known are; on the contrary; stupid or absent…minded men。 The best of them is Bagration—Napoleon himself admitted it。 And Bonaparte himself! I remember his fatuous and limited face on the field of Austerlitz。 A good general has no need of genius; nor of any great qualities; on the contrary; he is the better for the absence of the finest and highest of human qualities—love; poetry; tenderness; philosophic and inquiring doubt。 He should be limited; firmly convinced that what he is doing is of great importance (or he would never have patience to go through with it); and only then will he be a gallant general。 God forbid he should be humane; should feel love and compassion; should pause to think what is right and wrong。 It is perfectly comprehensible that the theory of their genius should have been elaborated long; long ago; for the simple reason that they are the representatives of power。 The credit of success in battle is not by right theirs; for victory or defeat depends in reality on the soldier in the ranks who first shouts ‘Hurrah!’ or ‘We are lost!’ And it is only in the ranks that one can serve with perfect conviction; that one is of use!”
Such were Prince Andrey’s reflections as he heard the discussion going on around him; and he was only roused from his musing when Paulucci called to him and the meeting was breaking up。
Next day at the review the Tsar asked Prince Andrey where he desired to serve; and Bolkonsky ruined his chances for ever in the court world by asking to be sent to the front; instead of begging for a post in attendance on the Tsar’s person。

Chapter 12
BEFORE THE BEGINNING of the campaign Rostov had received a letter from his parents; in which they informed him briefly of Natasha’s illness and the breaking off of her engagement; and again begged him to retire from the army and come home to them。 Natasha had; they explained; broken off the engagement by her own wish。 On receiving this letter Nikolay did not even attempt to retire from the army or to obtain leave; but wrote to his parents that he was very sorry to hear of Natasha’s illness and her rupture with her betrothed; and that he would do everything in his power to follow their wishes。 To Sonya he wrote separately。
“Adored friend of my heart;” he wrote; “nothing but honour could avail to keep me from returning to the country。 But now; at the beginning of a campaign; I should feel myself dishonoured in my comrades’ eyes; as well as my own; if I put my own happiness before my duty and my love for my country。 But this shall be our last separation。 Believe me; immediately after the war; if I be living and still loved by thee; I shall throw up everything and fly to thee to press thee for ever to my ardent breast。”
It was; in fact; only the outbreak of the war that detained Rostov and hindered him from returning home; as he had promised; and marrying Sonya。 The autumn at Otradnoe with the hunting; and the winter with the Christmas festivities and Sonya’s love had opened before his imagination a vista of peace and quiet country delights unknown to him before; and this prospect now lured him back。 “A charming wife; children; a good pack of hounds; ten to twelve leashes of swift harriers; the estate to look after; the neighbours; election to offices; perhaps; by the provincial nobility;” he mused。 But now war was breaking out; and he had to remain with his regiment。 And since this had to be; Nikolay Rostov was characteristically able to be content too with the life he led in the regiment; and to make that life a pleasant one。
On his return from his leave; Nikolay had been joyfully welcomed by his comrades and sent off for remounts。 He succeeded in bringing back from Little Russia some first…rate horses that gave him great satisfaction; and won him the commendation of his superior officers。 In his absence he had been promoted to be captain; and when the regiment was being made ready with reinforcements for active service; he was again put in command of his old squadron。
The campaign was beginning; pay was doubled; the regiment was reinforced with new officers; new men; and fresh horses; and had moved into Poland。 The temper of eager cheerfulness; always common at the beginning of a war; was general in the army; and Rostov; fully conscious of his improved position in the regiment; gave himself up heart and soul to the pleasures and interests of the army; though he knew that sooner or later he would have to leave it。
The army had been compelled to retreat from Vilna owing to various complex considerations of state; of policy; and tactics。 Every step of that retreat had been accompanied by a complicated play of interests; arguments; and passions at headquarters。 For the hussars of the Pavlograd regiment; however; this whole march in the finest part of the summer; with ample supplies of provisions; was a most simple and agreeable business。 Depression; uneasiness; and intrigue were possible only at headquarters; the rank and file of the army never even wondered where and why they were going。 If the retreat was a subject of regret; it was simply owing to the necessity of leaving quarters one had grown used to or a pretty Polish hostess。 If the idea did occur to any one that things were amiss; he tried; as a good soldier should; to put a cheerful face on it; and to keep his thoughts fixed on the duty that lay nearest; and not on the general progress of the war。 At first they had been very pleasantly stationed near Vilna; where they made acquaintance with the Polish gentry of the neighbourhood; prepared for reviews; and were reviewed by the Tsar and various commanders of high authority。 Then came the command to retreat to Sventsyany; and to destroy all the stores that could not be carried away。 Sventsyany was memorable to the hussars simply as the drunken camp; the name given to the encampment there by the whole army; and as the scene of many complaints against the troops; who had taken advantage of orders to collect stores; and under the head of stores had carried off horses and carriages and carpets from the Polish landowners。 Rostov remembered Sventsyany; because on the very day of his arrival there he had dismissed his quartermaster and did not know how to manage the men of his squadron; who had; without his knowledge; carried off five barrels of strong old ale and were all drunk。 From Sventsyany they had fallen further back; and then further again; till they reached Drissa; and from Drissa they retreated again; till they were getting near the frontiers of Russia proper。
On the 13th of July the Pavlograd hussars took part in their first serious action。
On the previous evening there had been a violent storm of rain and hail。 The summer of 1812 was remarkably stormy throughout。
The two Pavlograd squadrons were bivouacking in the middle of a field of rye; which was already in ear; but had been completely trodden 
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