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The two Pavlograd squadrons were bivouacking in the middle of a field of rye; which was already in ear; but had been completely trodden down by the cattle and horses。 The rain was falling in torrents; and Rostov was sitting with a young officer; Ilyin; a protégé of his; under a shanty; that had been hastily rigged up for them。 An officer of their regiment; adorned with long moustaches; that hung down from his cheeks; was caught in the rain on his way back from visiting the staff; and he went into Rostov’s shanty for shelter。
“I’m on my way from the staff; count。 Have you heard of Raevsky’s exploit?” And the officer proceeded to relate to them details of the Saltanov battle that had been told him at the staff。
Rostov smoked his pipe; and wriggled his neck; down which the water was trickling。 He listened with little interest; looking from time to time at the young officer Ilyin; who was squatting beside him。 Ilyin; a lad of sixteen; who had lately joined the regiment; took now with Nikolay the place Nikolay had taken seven years before with Denisov。 Ilyin tried to imitate Rostov in everything and adored him; as a girl might have done。
The officer with the double moustaches; Zdrzhinsky; in a very high…flown manner; described the dike at Saltanov as the Russian Thermopylae; and the heroic deed of General Raevsky on that dike as worthy of antiquity。 Zdrzhinsky told then how Raevsky had thrust his two sons forward on the dike under a terrific fire; and had charged at their side。 Rostov listened to the tale; and said nothing betokening sympathy with Zdrzhinsky’s enthusiasm。 He looked; indeed; as though ashamed of what he was told; but not intending to gainsay it。 After Austerlitz and the campaign of 1807; Rostov knew from his own experience that men always lie when they describe deeds of battle; as he did himself indeed。 He had had too sufficient experience to know that everything in battle happens utterly differently from our imagination and description of it。 And so he did not like Zdrzhinsky’s story; and did not; indeed; like Zdrzhinsky himself; who had; besides his unprepossessing moustaches; a habit of bending right over into the face of the person he was speaking to。 He was in their way in the cramped little shanty。 Rostov looked at him without speaking。 “In the first place; on the dike they were charging there must have been such a crowd and confusion that; if Raevsky really thrust his sons forward; it would have had no effect except on the dozen men closest to him;” thought Rostov; “the rest could not have even seen who were with Raevsky on the dike。 And those who did see it were not likely to be greatly affected by it; for what thought had they to spare for Raevsky’s tender; parental feelings; when they had their own skins to think of saving? And besides the fate of the country did not depend on whether that dike was taken or not; as we are told the fate of Greece did depend on Thermopylae。 And then what was the object of such a sacrifice? Why do your own children a mischief in war? I wouldn’t put Petya; my brother; in a place of danger; no; even Ilyin here; who’s nothing to me but a good…natured lad; I would do my best to keep safe and sheltered;” Rostov mused; as he listened to Zdrzhinsky。 But he did not give utterance to his thoughts; he had experience of that too。 He knew that this tale redounded to the glory of our arms; and therefore one must appear not to doubt its truth: and he acted accordingly。
“I can’t stand this; though;” said Ilyin; noticing that Rostov did not care for Zdrzhinsky’s story; “stockings and shirt; and all—I’m wet through。 I’m going to look for shelter。 I fancy the rain’s not so heavy。” Ilyin ran out and Zdrzhinsky rode away。
Five minutes later Ilyin came splashing through the mud to the shanty。
“Hurrah! Rostov; make haste and come along。 I have found an inn; two hundred paces or so from here; a lot of our fellows are there already。 We can get dry anyway; and Marya Hendrihovna’s there。”
Marya Hendrihovna was the wife of the regimental doctor; a pretty young German woman; whom he had married in Poland。 Either from lack of means or disinclination to part from his young wife in the early days of their marriage; the doctor had brought her with him in the regiment; and his jealousy was a favourite subject for the jibes of the hussars。
Rostov flung on a cape; shouted to Lavrushka to follow them with their things; and went off with Ilyin; slipping in the mud; and splashing through the pools in the drizzling rain and the darkness; which was rent at intervals by distant lightning。
“Rostov; where are you?”
“Here。 What a flash!” they called to one another as they went。

Chapter 13
IN THE INN; before which was standing the doctor’s covered cart; there were already some half…dozen officers。 Marya Hendrihovna; a plump; flaxen…headed little German in a dressing…jacket and nightcap; was sitting on a board bench in the foremost corner。 Her husband; the doctor; lay asleep behind her。 Rostov and Ilyin entered the room; welcomed with merry shouts and laughter。
“I say! You are having a jolly time here!” said Rostov; laughing。
“And what are you yawning over?”
“Pretty figures you look! There’s a perfect waterfall from them! Don’t swamp our drawing…room。”
“Mind you don’t spatter Marya Hendrihovna’s dress;” chimed in voices。
Rostov and Ilyin made haste to look for a retreat where; without offence to the modesty of Marya Hendrihovna; they might change their wet clothes。 They went behind a partition wall to change; but in the little recess were three officers; who completely filled it up。 They were sitting playing cards by the light of a single candle on an empty box; and nothing would induce them to budge from their places。 Marya Hendrihovna lent them her petticoat to be hung by way of a curtain; and screened by it; Rostov and Ilyin took off their wet things and put on dry clothes; with the aid of Lavrushka; who had brought their packages。
They made up a fire in the broken…down stove。 They got hold of a board; propped it on two saddles; and covered it with a horse…cloth; then brought out a little samovar; a case of wine; and half a bottle of rum。 All crowded round Marya Hendrihovna; begging her to preside。 One offered her a clean handkerchief; to wipe her charming hands; another put his tunic under her little feet; to keep them from the damp floor; a third hung a cape over the window; to screen her from the draught; while a fourth brushed the flies off her husband’s face; to prevent their waking him。
“Let him alone;” said Marya Hendrihovna; with a timid and happy smile; “he will sleep well anyhow after being up all night。”
“Oh no; Marya Hendrihovna;” answered the officer; “one must look after the doctor well! Anything may happen; and he will be kind to me; I dare say; when he has to cut off my leg or my arm。”
There were only three glasses; the water was so dirty that there was no telling whether the tea were strong or weak; and the samovar would only hold water enough for six glasses。 But that made it all the more fun to take turns in order of seniority to receive a glass from the plump; short…nailed; and not over clean fingers of Marya Hendrihovna。 A
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