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short…nailed; and not over clean fingers of Marya Hendrihovna。 All the officers seemed indeed to be genuinely in love for that evening with Marya Hendrihovna。 Even the officers who had been playing cards behind the screen soon threw up their game; and gathered round the samovar; catching the general mood; and joining in the homage paid to Marya Hendrihovna。 The latter; seeing herself surrounded by these splendid and devoted young men; beamed with delight; which she sought in vain to conceal; though she was unmistakably alarmed at every movement made by her husband; who was slumbering behind her。 There was only one spoon; sugar there was in plenty; but it took so long for all to stir their glasses; that it was settled that Marya Hendrihovna must stir the sugar for each in turn。 Rostov took his glass of tea; and adding rum to it; begged Marya Hendrihovna to stir it for him。
“But you take it without sugar?” she said; smiling all the while; as though whatever she said or the others said had a quite different and very amusing meaning。
“I don’t care about sugar; all I want is for you to stir it with your little hand。”
Marya Hendrihovna began looking for the spoon; which some one had pounced upon。
“Use your little finger; Marya Hendrihovna;” said Rostov; “it will be all the sweeter。”
“It’s hot;” said Marya Hendrihovna; blushing with pleasure。
Ilyin took the bucket of water; and pouring a few drops of rum in it; went up to Marya Hendrihovna; begging her to stir it with her finger。
“This is my cup;” he said。 “Only dip your finger in and I’ll drink it all up。”
When the samovar was empty; Rostov took up the cards and proposed a game of “Kings” with Marya Hendrihovna。 They tossed to decide which was to have the lady for a partner。 Rostov proposed as a rule of the game that the one who was “king” should have the right to kiss Marya Hendrihovna’s hand; and the one who was left knave should have to fetch another samovar for the doctor; when he waked。
“Well; but what if Marya Hendrihovna is king?” asked Ilyin。
“She is our queen already! And her commands are law。”
The game was just beginning when the doctor’s dishevelled head popped up behind his wife。 He had been awake for some time and listening to the conversation; and apparently he saw nothing agreeable; funny; or amusing in what was being said and done。 His face looked depressed and weary。 He did not greet the officers; but scratching himself; he asked them to move to let him pass。 As soon as he had left the room; all the officers broke into loud peals of laughter; and Marya Hendrihovna blushed till the tears came; making her even more charming in the eyes of the officers。 Coming in again from the yard; the doctor told his wife (who had lost her radiant smile; and looked at him in dismay in expectation of the sentence in store for her) that the rain was over and they must spend the night in their covered cart; or they would have all their things stolen。
“But I’ll put an orderly on guard … two; indeed!” said Rostov。 “That’s nonsense; doctor。”
“I’ll be sentinel myself!” said Ilyin。
“No; gentlemen; you have had plenty of sleep; but I have been up these two nights;” said the doctor; and he sat gloomily by his wife’s side; waiting for the end of the game。
Looking at the doctor’s gloomy face and sidelong glances at his wife; the officers grew even more lively; and many of them could not suppress their laughter; for which they hastily sought presentable pretexts。 When the doctor had led his wife away; and settled himself with her in their cart; the officers lay down in the inn; covering themselves with their wet overcoats。 But for a long while they stayed awake; chatting; recalling the dismay of the doctor; and the delight of the doctor’s wife; or running out on to the steps to report on what was going on in the cart。 Several times Rostov muffled his head up and tried to go to sleep。 But again some remark roused him; again a conversation sprang up; and again there were peals of causeless; merry; childish laughter。

Chapter 14
IT was past two o’clock; no one was yet asleep; when the quartermaster appeared; bringing a command to advance upon a little place called Ostrovna。 Still with the same chatter and laughter the officers began hurriedly getting ready; again the samovar was filled up with dirty water。 But Rostov; without waiting for tea; went off to his squadron。 It was already light; the rain had ceased; and the clouds were parting。 It was chill and damp; especially in their still wet clothes。 As they came out of the inn; in the twilight of the dawn; Rostov and Ilyin both glanced at the leather cover of the doctor’s cart; still glistening from the rain。 The doctor’s feet were sticking out from under the cover; and in the middle of the cart they caught a glimpse of his wife’s nightcap; and heard sleepy breathing。
“She’s really very charming;” said Rostov to Ilyin。
“An exquisite woman!” responded Ilyin; with all the gravity of a boy of sixteen。
Half an hour later the squadron stood drawn up on the road。 The word of command was heard; “Mount!” and the soldiers crossed themselves and got on their horses。 Rostov; riding ahead of them; gave the word: “Forward!” and drawing out four abreast; the hussars started with a sound of subdued talk; splashing hoofs; and jingling sabres。 They trotted along the broad high…road; with birch…trees on each side of it; following the infantry and artillery; who had gone on before。
The broken; purplish…blue clouds; flushed red by the sunrise; were scudding before the wind。 It grew lighter and lighter。 They could see distinctly; still glistening from the rain; the feathery grass which always grows beside by…roads。 The drooping branches of the birch…trees swayed in the wind; and dripped bright drops aslant across the road。 The faces of the soldiers showed more and more distinctly。 Rostov; with Ilyin; who would not drop behind; rode on one side of the road between the two rows of birch…trees。
On active service Rostov allowed himself the indulgence of riding a Cossack horse instead of the regimental horse; broken in for parade。 He was a connoisseur and lover of horses; and had lately obtained a big sorrel horse with white tail and mane; a fine spirited beast of the Don breed; on whom he could out…gallop every one。 It was an enjoyment to Rostov to ride this horse。 He rode on; thinking of the horse; of the morning; of the doctor’s wife; and never once giving a thought to the danger awaiting him。
In former days Rostov had felt fear when he was going into an engagement; now he had not the slightest feeling of fear。 He had not lost his fears from growing used to being under fire (one can never get accustomed to danger) but from gaining control of his feelings in face of danger。 He had schooled himself when going into action to think of anything except what one would have supposed to be more interesting than anything else—the danger in store for him。 Earnestly as he strove to do this; and bitterly as he reproached himself for cowardice; he could not at first succeed in this。 But with years it had come of itself。 He rode now beside Ilyin; between the birch…trees; stripping leaves off the twigs that m
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