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ropped in the article in the expression l’empereur Napoléon。 Dropping the “e” in a similar way; though of course incorrectly; Pierre obtained the answer he sought in L’russe Besuhof; the letters of which on that system added up to 666。 This discovery greatly excited him。 How; by what connection; he was associated with the great event; foretold in the Apocalypse; he could not tell。 But he did not for a moment doubt of that connection。 His love for Natasha; Antichrist; Napoleon’s invasion; the comet; the number 666; l’empereur Napoléon; and l’russe Besuhof—all he thought were to develop; and come to some crisis together to extricate him from that spellbound; trivial round of Moscow habits; to which he felt himself in bondage; and to lead him to some great achievement and great happiness。
The day before that Sunday on which the new prayer had been read in the churches; Pierre had promised the Rostovs to call on Count Rastoptchin; whom he knew well; and to get from him the Tsar’s appeal to the country; and the last news from the army。 On going to Count Rastoptchin’s in the morning; Pierre found there a special courier; who had only just arrived from the army。 The courier was a man whom Pierre knew; and often saw at the Moscow balls。
“For mercy’s sake; couldn’t you relieve me of some of my burden;” said the courier; “I have a sack full of letters to parents。”
Among these letters was a letter from Nikolay Rostov to his father。 Pierre took that; and Count Rastoptchin gave him a copy of the Tsar’s appeal to Moscow; which had just been printed; the last announcements in the army; and his own last placard。 Looking through the army announcements; Pierre found in one of them; among lists of wounded; killed and promoted; the name of Nikolay Rostov; rewarded with the order of St。 George; of the fourth degree; for distinguished bravery in the Ostrovna affair; and in the same announcement the appointment of Prince Andrey Bolkonsky to the command of a regiment of light cavalry。 Though he did not want to remind the Rostovs of Bolkonsky’s existence; Pierre could not resist the inclination to rejoice their hearts with the news of their son’s decoration。 Keeping the Tsar’s appeal; Rastoptchin’s placard; and the other announcement to bring with him at dinner…time; Pierre sent the printed announcement and Nikolay’s letter to the Rostovs。
The conversation with Rastoptchin; and his tone of anxiety and hurry; the meeting with the courier; who had casually alluded to the disastrous state of affairs in the army; the rumours of spies being caught in Moscow; of a sheet circulating in the town stating that Napoleon had sworn to be in both capitals before autumn; of the Tsar’s expected arrival next day—all combined to revive in Pierre with fresh intensity that feeling of excitement and expectation; that he had been conscious of ever since the appearance of the comet; and with even greater force since the beginning of the war。
The idea of entering the army had long before occurred to Pierre; and he would have acted upon it; but that; in the first place; he was pledged by his vow to the Masonic brotherhood; which preached universal peace and the abolition of war; and secondly; when he looked at the great mass of Moscow gentlemen; who put on uniforms; and professed themselves patriots; he felt somehow ashamed to take the same step。 A cause that weighed with him even more in not entering the army was the obscure conception that he; l’russe Besuhof; had somehow the mystic value of the number of the beast; 666; that his share in putting a limit to the power of the beast; “speaking great things and blasphemies;” had been ordained from all eternity; and that therefore it was not for him to take any step whatever; it was for him to wait for what was bound to come to pass。

Chapter 20
A FEW INTIMATE FRIENDS were; as usual on Sundays; dining with the Rostovs。
Pierre came early; hoping to find them alone。
Pierre had that year grown so stout; that he would have been grotesque; had not he been so tall; so broad…shouldered; and so powerfully built that he carried off his bulky proportions with evident ease。
Puffing; and muttering something to himself; he went up the stairs。 His coachman did not even ask whether he should wait。 He knew that when the count was at the Rostovs’; it was till midnight。 The Rostovs’ footmen ran with eager welcome to take off his cloak; and take his stick and hat。 From the habit of the club; Pierre always left his stick and hat in the vestibule。
The first person he saw at the Rostovs’ was Natasha。 Before he saw her; while taking off his cloak; he heard her。 She was practising her solfa exercises in the hall。 He knew she had given up singing since her illness; and so he was surprised and delighted at the sound of her voice。 He opened the door softly; and saw Natasha; in the lilac dress she had worn at the service; walking up and down the room singing。 She had her back turned to him as he opened the door; but when she turned sharply round and saw his broad; surprised face; she flushed and ran quickly up to him。
“I want to try and sing again;” she said。 “It’s something to do; any way;” she added as though in excuse。
“Quite right too!”
“How glad I am you have come! I’m so happy to…day;” she said with the old eagerness that Pierre had not seen for so long。 “You know; Nikolenka has got the St。 George’s Cross。 I’m so proud of him。”
“Of course; I sent you the announcement。 Well; I won’t interrupt you;” he added; and would have gone on to the drawing…room。
Natasha stopped him。
“Count; is it wrong of me to sing?” she said; blushing; but still keeping her eyes fixed inquiringly on Pierre。
“No。… Why should it be? On the contrary。… But why do you ask me?”
“I don’t know myself;” Natasha answered quickly; “but I shouldn’t like to do anything you wouldn’t like。 I trust you in everything。 You don’t know how much you are to me; and what a great deal you have done for me!” …She spoke quickly; and did not notice how Pierre flushed at these words。 “I saw in that announcement; he; Bolkonsky” (she uttered the word in a rapid whisper); “he is in Russia; and in the army again。 What do you think;” she said hurriedly; evidently in haste to speak because she was afraid her strength would fail her; “will he ever forgive me? Will he not always have an evil feeling for me? What do you think? What do you think?”
“I think…” said Pierre。 “He has nothing to forgive… If I were in his place…” From association of ideas; Pierre was instantly carried back in imagination to the time when he had comforted her by saying that if he were not himself; but the best man in the world and free; he would beg on his knees for her hand; and the same feeling of pity; tenderness; and love took possession of him; and the same words rose to his lips。 But she did not give him time to utter them。
“Yes; you—you;” she said; uttering that word you with enthusiasm; “that’s a different matter。 Any one kinder; more generous than you; I have never known—no one could be。 If it had not been for you then; and now too… I don’t know what would have become of me; because…” Tears suddenly came into her eyes: she t
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