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There was obviously some sudden change in the princess’s ideas; her thin lips turned white (her eyes did not change); and when she began to speak; her voice passed through transitions; which she clearly did not herself anticipate。
“That would be a pretty thing;” she said。 “I wanted nothing; and I want nothing。” She flung her dog off her lap and smoothed out the folds of her skirt。
“That’s the gratitude; that’s the recognition people get who have sacrificed everything for him;” she said。 “Very nice! Excellent! I don’t want anything; prince。”
“Yes; but you are not alone; you have sisters;” answered Prince Vassily。 But the princess did not heed him。
“Yes; I knew it long ago; but I’d forgotten that I could expect nothing in this house but baseness; deceit; envy; scheming; nothing but ingratitude; the blackest ingratitude …”
“Do you or do you not know where that will is?” asked Prince Vassily; the twitching of his cheeks more marked than ever。
“Yes; I have been foolish; I still kept faith in people; and cared for them and sacrificed myself。 But no one succeeds except those who are base and vile。 I know whose plotting this is。”
The princess would have risen; but the prince held her by the arm。 The princess had the air of a person who has suddenly lost faith in the whole human race。 She looked viciously at her companion。
“There is still time; my dear。 Remember; Katish; that all this was done heedlessly; in a moment of anger; of illness; and then forgotten。 Our duty; my dear girl; is to correct his mistake; to soften his last moments by not letting him commit this injustice; not letting him die with the thought that he has made miserable those …”
“Those who have sacrificed everything for him;” the princess caught him up; and she made an impulsive effort again to stand up; but the prince would not let her; “a sacrifice he has never known how to appreciate。 No; mon cousin;” she added; with a sigh; “I will remember that one can expect no reward in this world; that in this world there is no honour; no justice。 Cunning and wickedness is what one wants in this world。”
“Come; voyons; calm yourself; I know your noble heart。”
“No; I have a wicked heart。”
“I know your heart;” repeated the prince。 “I value your affection; and I could wish you had the same opinion of me。 Calm yourself and let us talk sensibly while there is time—perhaps twenty…four hours; perhaps one。 Tell me all you know about the will; and what’s of most consequence; where it is; you must know。 We will take it now at once and show it to the count。 He has no doubt forgotten about it and would wish to destroy it。 You understand that my desire is to carry out his wishes religiously。 That is what I came here for。 I am only here to be of use to him and to you。”
“Now I see it all。 I know whose plotting this is。 I know;” the princess was saying。
“That’s not the point; my dear。”
“It’s all your precious Anna Mihalovna; your protégée whom I wouldn’t take as a housemaid; the nasty creature。”
“Do not let us waste time。”
“Oh; don’t talk to me! Last winter she forced her way in here and told such a pack of vile; mean tales to the count about all of us; especially Sophie—I can’t repeat them—that it made the count ill; and he wouldn’t see us for a fortnight。 It was at that time; I know; he wrote that hateful; infamous document; but I thought it was of no consequence。”
“There we are。 Why didn’t you tell us about it before?”
“It’s in the inlaid portfolio that he keeps under his pillow。 Now I know;” said the princess; making no reply。 “Yes; if I have a sin to my account; a great sin; it’s my hatred of that infamous woman;” almost shrieked the princess; utterly transformed。 “And why does she force herself in here? But I’ll have it out with her。 The time will come!”

Chapter 19
AT THE TIME that these conversations were taking place in the reception…room and the princess’s room; a carriage with Pierre (who had been sent for) and Anna Mihalovna (who had thought fit to come with him) in it was driving into the court of Count Bezuhov’s mansion。 When the sound of the carriage wheels was muffled by the straw in the street; Anna Mihalovna turned with words of consolation to her companion; discovered that he was asleep in his corner of the carriage; and waked him up。 Rousing himself; Pierre followed Anna Mihalovna out of the carriage; and only then began to think of the interview with his dying father that awaited him。 He noticed that they had driven not up to the visitors’ approach; but to the back entrance。 As he got down from the carriage step; two men in the dress of tradesmen hastily scurried away from the entrance into the shadow of the wall。 Pierre; as he stood waiting; noticed several other similar persons standing in the shadow of the house on both sides。 But neither Anna Mihalovna nor the footman and coachman; who must have seen these people; took any notice of them。 So it must be all right; Pierre decided; and he followed Anna Mihalovna。 With hurrying footsteps Anna Mihalovna walked up the dimly lighted; narrow stone staircase; urging on Pierre; who lagged behind。 Though Pierre had no notion why he had to go to the count at all; and still less why he had to go by the back stairs; yet; impressed by Anna Mihalovna’s assurance and haste; he made up his mind that it was undoubtedly necessary for him to do so。 Half…way up the stairs they were almost knocked over by some men with pails; who ran down towards them; tramping loudly with their big boots。 These men huddled up against the wall to let Pierre and Anna Mihalovna pass; and showed not the slightest surprise at seeing them。
“Is this the princess’s side of the house?” Anna Mihalovna asked of one of them …
“Yes; it is;” answered the footman in a bold; loud voice; as though anything were permissible at such a time; “the door on the left; ma’am。”
“Perhaps the count has not asked for me;” said Pierre; as he reached the landing。 “I had better go to my own room。” Anna Mihalovna stopped for Pierre to catch her up。
“Ah; mon ami;” she said; touching his hand with just the same gesture as she had used in the morning with her son。 “Believe me; I am suffering as much as you; but be a man。”
“Really; had I not better go?” Pierre asked affectionately; looking at her over his spectacles。
“Ah; mon ami; forget the wrong that may have been done you; think that it is your father … and perhaps in his death agony;” she sighed。 “I have loved you like a son from the first。 Trust in me; Pierre。 I shall not forget your interests。”
Pierre did not understand a word。 Again he felt more strongly than before that all this had to be so; and he obediently followed Anna Mihalovna; who was already opening the door。 The door led into the vestibule of the back stairs。 In the corner sat the princess’s old man…servant knitting stockings。 Pierre had never been in this part of the house; and had not even suspected the existence of these apartments。 A maid…servant carrying a tray with a decanter overtook them; and Anna Mihalovna (calling her “my dear” and “my good girl”) asked her after the princesses’ health; and drew Pierre further along the stone corrido
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