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g and abandonment of Smolensk made an epoch in Prince Andrey’s life。 A new feeling of intense hatred of the enemy made him forget his own sorrow。 He was devoted heart and soul to the interests of his regiment; he was careful of the welfare of his men and his officers; and cordial in his manner with them。 They called him in the regiment “our prince;” were proud of him; and loved him。 But he was kind and gentle only with his own men; with Timohin; and others like him; people quite new to him; belonging to a different world; people who could have no notion of his past。 As soon as he was brought into contact with any of his old acquaintances; any of the staff officers; he bristled up again at once; and was vindictive; ironical; and contemptuous。 Everything associated by memories with the past was repulsive to him; and so; in his relations with that old world; he confined himself to trying to do his duty; and not to be unfair。
Prince Andrey; in fact; saw everything in the darkest; gloomiest light; especially after Smolensk; which he considered could and should have been defended; had been abandoned; on the 6th of August; and his invalid father had been forced; as he supposed; to flee to Moscow; leaving Bleak Hills; the house that he had so loved; that he had designed and settled with his peasants; to be plundered。 But in spite of that; thanks to his position; Prince Andrey had another subject to think of; quite apart from all general questions; his regiment。 On the 10th of August; the column of which his regiment formed part reached the turning leading off to Bleak Hills。 Two days before Prince Andrey had received the news that his father; his son; and his sister had gone away to Moscow。 Though there was nothing for Prince Andrey to do at Bleak Hills; he decided; with characteristic desire to aggravate his own sufferings; that he must ride over there。
He ordered his horse to be saddled; and turned off from the main line of march towards his father’s house; where he had been born and had spent his childhood。 As he rode by the pond; where there always used to be dozens of peasant women gossiping; rinsing their linen; or beating it with washing bats; Prince Andrey noticed that there was no one by the pond; and that the platform where they used to stand had been torn away; and was floating sideways in the middle of the pond; half under water。 Prince Andrey rode up to the keeper’s lodge。 There was no one to be seen at the stone gates and the door was open。 The paths of the garden were already overgrown with weeds; and cattle and horses were straying about the English park。 Prince Andrey rode up to the conservatory: the panes were smashed; and some of the trees in tubs were broken; others quite dried up。 He called Taras; the gardener。 No one answered。 Going round the conservatory on the terrace; he saw that the paling…fence was all broken down; and branches of the plum…trees had been pulled off with the fruit。 An old peasant; whom Prince Andrey used to see in his childhood at the gate; was sitting on the green garden seat plaiting bast shoes。
He was deaf; and did not hear Prince Andrey’s approach。 He was sitting on the seat on which the old prince liked to sit; and near him the bast was hanging on the branches of a broken and dried…up magnolia。
Prince Andrey rode up to the house。 Several lime…trees in the old garden had been cut down; a piebald mare and a colt were among the rose…trees just before the house。 The shutters were all up in the house; except on one open window downstairs。 A servant lad caught sight of Prince Andrey and ran into the house。
Alpatitch had sent his family away; and was staying on alone at Bleak Hills。 He was sitting indoors; reading the Lives of the Saints。 On hearing that Prince Andrey had come; he ran out; spectacles on nose; buttoning himself up; hurried up to the prince; and without uttering a word; burst into tears; kissing his knee。
Then he turned away in anger at his own weakness; and began giving him an account of the position of affairs。 Everything precious and valuable had been moved to Bogutcharovo。 Corn to the amount of a hundred measures had been carried away; but the hay; and the wheat—an extraordinary crop that season; so Alpatitch said—had been cut green and carried off by the troops。 The peasants were ruined: some of them; too; had gone to Bogutcharovo; a small number remained。 Prince Andrey; not heeding his words; asked; “When did my father and sister go?” meaning when had they set off for Moscow。 Alpatitch; assuming he was asking about the removal to Bogutcharovo; answered that they had set off on the 7th; and began going off again into details about the crops; asking for instructions。
“Is it your honour’s orders that I let the oats go on getting a receipt from the officers?” asked Alpatitch。 “We have still six hundred measures left。”
“What am I to say to him?” Prince Andrey wondered; looking at the old man’s bald head shining in the sun; and reading in his face the consciousness that he knew himself the untimeliness of those questions; and asked them only to stifle his own grief。
“Yes; let it go;” he said。
“If your excellency noticed any disorder in the garden;” said Alpatitch; “it could not be prevented; three regiments have been here and spent the night。 The dragoons were the worst; I noted down the name and rank of the commanding officer to lodge a complaint。”
“Well; and what are you going to do? Shall you stay; if the enemy occupies the place?” Prince Andrey asked him。
Alpatitch turned his face towards Prince Andrey and looked at him; then all at once; with a solemn gesture; he lifted his hand upwards: “He is my protector; and His will be done!” he said。 A group of peasants and house…serfs were coming across the meadow; uncovering their heads as they drew near Prince Andrey。
“Well; good…bye!” said Prince Andrey; bending over to Alpatitch。 “Go away yourself; take what you can; and tell the peasants to set off for the Ryazan estate or the property near Moscow。”
Alpatitch hugged his leg and broke into sobs。 Prince Andrey gently moved him away; and spurring his horse galloped down the garden walk。
On the terrace the old man was still sitting as before; as uninterested as a fly on some beloved dead face; knocking on the sole of the bast shoe。 And two little girls came running from the plum…trees in the conservatories with their skirts full of plums。 They ran almost against Prince Andrey; and seeing their young master; the elder one clutched her younger companion by the hand; with a panic…stricken face; and hid with her behind a birch…tree not stopping to pick up the green plums they had dropped。
Prince Andrey turned away from them in nervous haste; afraid of letting them notice that he had seen them。 He was sorry to have frightened the pretty child。 He was afraid to glance at her; but yet he felt an irresistible inclination to do so。 A new soothing and consolatory feeling came upon him; as gazing at the little girls; he became aware of the existence of other human interests; utterly remote from him; and as legitimate as his own。 Those little girls were evidently possessed by one passionate desire to carry off and devour those green plums without being
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