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ted the French; but that since many of the inhabitants of Moscow were desirous of arming themselves; weapons had been provided to meet their wishes in the arsenal; swords; pistols; and guns could all be procured there at a low rate。
The tone of this notice was not as jocose as the former supposed discourses of Tchigirin。 The two placards made Pierre ponder。 It was evident to him that the menacing storm cloud; for the advent of which his whole soul longed; though it roused an involuntary thrill of horror; it was evident that that cloud was coming closer。
“Shall I enter the service and join the army or wait here?” Pierre thought; a question he had put to himself a hundred times already。 He took up a pack of cards that lay on the table to deal them for a game of patience。
“If I succeed in this game of patience;” he said to himself; shuffling the pack as he held it in his hand and looked upwards; “if I succeed; it means … what does it mean?” … He had not time to decide this question when he heard at the door of his study the voice of the eldest princess; asking whether she might come in。 “Then it will mean that I must set off to join the army;” Pierre told himself。 “Come; come in;” he said to the princess。
The eldest of his cousins; the one with the long waist and the stony face; was the only one still living in Pierre’s house; the two younger sisters had both married。
“Excuse my coming to you; cousin;” she said in a tone of reproach and excitement。 “Some decision really must be come to; you know。 What is going to happen? Every one has left Moscow; and the populace are becoming unruly。 Why are we staying on?”
“On the contrary; everything seems going on satisfactorily; ma cousine;” said Pierre in the habitually playful tone he had adopted with his cousin; to carry off the embarrassment he always felt at being in the position of a benefactor to her。
“Oh; yes; satisfactorily … highly satisfactory; I dare say。 Varvara Ivanovna told me to…day how our troops are distinguishing themselves。 It is certainly a credit to them。 And the populace; too; is in complete revolt; they won’t obey any one now; even my maid has begun to be insolent。 If it goes on like this; they will soon begin killing us。 One can’t walk about the streets。 And the worst of it is; in another day or two the French will be here。 Why are we waiting for them? One favour I beg of you; mon cousin;” said the princess; “give orders for me to be taken to Petersburg; whatever I may be; any way I can’t live under Bonaparte’s rule。”
“But what nonsense; ma cousine! where do you get your information from? On the contrary …”
“I’m not going to submit to your Napoleon。 Other people may do as they like。… If you won’t do this for me …”
“But I will; I’ll give orders for it at once。”
The princess was obviously annoyed at having no one to be angry with。 Muttering something; she sat down on the edge of the chair。
“But you have been incorrectly informed;” said Pierre。 “All’s quiet in the town; and there’s no sort of danger。 See I have just read …” Pierre showed the princess the placards。 “The count writes that he will stake his life on it that the enemy will never be in Moscow。”
“Ah; your count;” the princess began spitefully; “he’s a hypocrite; a miscreant who has himself stirred the mob on to disorder。 Didn’t he write in his idiotic placards that they were to take anybody whoever it might be and drag by the hair to the lock…up (and how silly it is!)。 Honour our and glory; says he; to the man who does so。 And this is what he has brought us to。 Varvara Ivanovna told me the mob almost killed her for speaking French。”
“Oh; well; well … You take everything too much to heart;” said Pierre; and he began dealing out the patience。
Although he did succeed in the game; Pierre did not set off to join the army; but stayed on in Moscow; now rapidly emptying; and was still in the same agitation; uncertainty and alarm; and; at the same time; joyful expectation of something awful。
Next day the princess set off in the evening; and Pierre’s head…steward came to inform him that it was impossible to raise the money he required for the equipment of his regiment unless he sold one of his estates。 The head…steward impressed on Pierre generally that all this regimental craze would infallibly bring him to ruin。 Pierre could hardly conceal a smile as he listened to the head…steward。
“Well; sell it then;” he said。 “There’s no help for it; I can’t draw back now!”
The worse the position of affairs; and especially of his own affairs; the better pleased Pierre felt; and the more obvious it was to him that the catastrophe he expected was near at hand。 Scarcely any of Pierre’s acquaintances were left in the town。 Julie had gone; Princess Marya had gone。 Of his more intimate acquaintances the Rostovs were the only people left; but Pierre did not go to see them。
To divert his mind that day; Pierre drove out to the village of Vorontsovo; to look at a great air balloon which was being constructed by Leppich to use against the enemy; and the test balloon which was to be sent up the following day。 The balloon was not yet ready; but as Pierre learned; it was being constructed by the Tsar’s desire。 The Tsar had written to Count Rastoptchin about it in the following terms:
“As soon as Leppich is ready; get together a crew for his car consisting of thoroughly trustworthy and intelligent men; and send a courier to General Kutuzov to prepare him for it。 I have mentioned it to him。 Impress upon Leppich; please; to take careful note where he descends the first time; that he may not go astray and fall into the hands of the enemy。 It is essential that he should regulate his movements in accordance with the movements of the commander…in…chief。”
On his way home from Vorontsovo; Pierre drove through Bolotny Square; and seeing a crowd at Lobnoye Place; stopped and got out of his chaise。 The crowd were watching the flogging of a French cook; accused of being a spy。 The flogging was just over; and the man who had administered it was untying from the whipping…post a stout; red…whiskered man in blue stockings and a green tunic; who was groaning piteously。 Another victim; a thin; pale man; was standing by。 Both; to judge by their faces; were Frenchmen。 With a face of sick dread like that of the thin Frenchman; Pierre pushed his way in among the crowd。
“What is it? Who are they? What for?” he kept asking。 But the attention of the crowd—clerks; artisans; shopkeepers; peasants; women in pelisses and jackets—was so intently riveted on what was taking place on the Lobnoye Place that no one answered。 The stout man got up; shrugged his shoulders frowning; and evidently trying to show fortitude; began putting on his tunic without looking about him。 But all at once his lips quivered and to his own rage he began to cry; as grown…up men of sanguine temperament do cry。 The crowd began talking loudly; to drown a feeling of pity in themselves; as it seemed to Pierre。
“Some prince’s cook。 …”
“Eh; monsieur; Russian sauce is a bit strong for a French stomach … sets the teeth on edge;” said a wrinkled clerk standing near Pierre; just when the Frenchman burst into tears
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