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 of the guns; and in the pure morning air the slanting rays of the sun; behind Pierre on the left; shed on it a brilliant light full of gold and pink tones; and broken up by long; dark shadows。 The distant forests that bounded the scene lay in a crescent on the horizon; looking as though carved out of some precious yellow…green stone; and through their midst behind Valuev ran the great Smolensk road; all covered with troops。 In the foreground lay golden fields and copses glittering in the sun。 Everywhere; to right; to left; and in front were soldiers。 The whole scene was inspiriting; impressive; and unexpected; but what struck Pierre most of all was the aspect of the field of battle itself; of Borodino; and the hollow on both sides of the Kolotcha。
About the Kolotcha; in Borodino; and both sides of it; especially to the left where the Voina runs through swampy ground into the Kolotcha; a mist still hung over the scene; melting; parting; shimmering with light in the bright sunshine; and giving fairy…like beauty to the shapes seen through it。 The smoke of the guns mingled with this mist; and everywhere gleams of sunlight sparkled in it from the water; from the dew; from the bayonets of the soldiers crowding on the river banks and in Borodino。 Through this mist could be seen a white church; here and there roofs of cottages in Borodino; and fitful glimpses came of compact masses of soldiers; and green ammunition…boxes and cannons。 And the whole scene moved; or seemed to move; as the mist and smoke trailed over the wide plain。 In this low ground about Borodino in the mist; and above it; and especially along the whole line to the left; in the copses; in the meadows below; and on the tops of the heights; clouds of smoke were incessantly springing out of nothing; now singly; now several at once; then at longer intervals; then in rapid succession。 These clouds of smoke; puffing; rolling; melting into one another; and sundering apart; trailed all across the wide plain。 These puffs of smoke; and the reports that followed them; were; strange to say; what gave the chief charm to the scene。
“Poooff!” suddenly there flew up a round; compact ball of smoke; with shades of purple; grey; and milk…white in it; and “booom!” followed the roar of the cannon a minute later。
“Pooff…pooff!” two clouds of smoke rose; meeting and mingling into one; and “boom…boom;” the sound repeated what the eye had seen。
Pierre looked round at the first puff of smoke; which he had seen a second before a round; compact ball; and already in its place were wreaths of smoke trailing away to one side; and “pooff”…(then a pause) “pooff…pooff”—three more flew up; and another four at once; and at the same intervals after each other “boom…boom…boom…boom;” rang out the sonorous; resolute; unfailing sounds。 At one moment it seemed that those clouds of smoke were scudding across the plain; at the next; that they were stationary; and the copses; fields; and glittering bayonets were flying by them。 From the left side these great clouds of smoke were incessantly flying over the fields and bushes; with the stately roar resounding after each of them。 Still nearer; in the low meadows and copses; there darted up from the musket…fire tiny puffs that hardly formed into balls of smoke; and each of these; too; had its tiny report echoing after it。 Tra…ta…ta…ta sounded the crack of the muskets at frequent intervals; but thin and irregular in comparison with the rhythmic roar of the cannon。
Pierre longed to be there in the midst of the smoke; the glittering bayonets; the movement; and the noise。 He looked round at Kutuzov and his suite to compare his own impression with that of others。 All like him were looking before them at the field; and; he fancied; with the same feeling。 Every face now was lighted up by that latent heat of feeling that Pierre had noticed the day before; and understood perfectly after his talk with Prince Andrey。
“Go; my dear fellow; go; and Christ be with you!” said Kutuzov; never taking his eyes off the field of battle; to a general standing beside him。 The general; who received this order; ran by Pierre down the descent from the mound。
“To ride across!…” the general said coldly and severely; in answer to a question from one of the staff。
“And I too; I too;” thought Pierre; and he went in the same direction。
The general mounted a horse; led up to him by a Cossack。 Pierre went up to the groom; who was holding his horses。 Asking him which was the quietest; Pierre got on it; clutched at the horse’s mane; pressed his heels into the beast’s stomach; and feeling that his spectacles were slipping off; and that he was incapable of letting go of the mane and the reins; he galloped after the general; followed by smiles from the staff officers staring at him from the mound。

Chapter 31
THE GENERAL after whom Pierre galloped trotted downhill; turned off sharply to the left; and Pierre; losing sight of him; galloped into the middle of a battalion of infantry marching ahead of him。 He tried to get away from them; turning to left and to right; but there were soldiers everywhere; all with the same anxious faces; preoccupied with some unseen; but evidently serious; business。 They all looked with the same expression of annoyed inquiry at the stout man in the white hat; who was; for some unknown reason; trampling them under his horse’s feet。
“What does he want to ride into the middle of a battalion for?” one man shouted at him。 Another gave his horse a shove with the butt…end of his gun; and Pierre; leaning over on the saddle…bow; and scarcely able to hold in his rearing horse; galloped out to where there was open space in front of the soldiers。
Ahead of him he saw a bridge; and at the bridge stood the soldiers firing。 Pierre rode towards them。 Though he did not know it; he rode up to the bridge over the Kolotcha; between Gorky and Borodino; which was attacked by the French in one of the first actions。 Pierre saw there was a bridge in front of him; and that the soldiers were doing something in the smoke on both sides of the bridge; and in the meadow among the new…mown hay he had noticed the day before。 But in spite of the unceasing fire going on there; he had no notion that this was the very centre of the battle。 He did not notice the bullets whizzing on all sides; and the shells flying over him; he did not see the enemy on the other side of the river; and it was a long time before he saw the killed and wounded; though many fell close to him。 He gazed about him with a smile still on his face。
“What’s that fellow doing in front of the line?” some one shouted at him again。
“To the left;” “to the right;” men shouted to him。 Pierre turned to the right; and unwittingly rode up to an adjutant of General Raevsky’s; with whom he was acquainted。 The adjutant glanced wrathfully at Pierre; and he; too; was apparently about to shout at him; but recognising him; he nodded。
“How did you come here?” he said; and galloped on。 Pierre; feeling out of place and of no use; and afraid of getting in some one’s way again; galloped after him。
“What is it; here? Can I go with you?” he asked。
“In a minute; in a minute;” answered the adjutant; and gallopin
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