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 as untidy as her father was tidy。 She put down the geometry exercise…book and impatiently opened the letter。 The letter was from the princess’s dearest friend from childhood; this friend was none other than Julie Karagin; who had been at the Rostovs’ name…day party。
Julie wrote in French:
“DEAR AND EXCELLENT FRIEND;—What a terrible and frightful thing is absence! I say to myself that half of my existence and of my happiness is in you; that notwithstanding the distance that separates us; our hearts are united by invisible bonds; yet mine rebels against destiny; and in spite of the pleasures and distractions around me; I cannot overcome a certain hidden sadness which I feel in the bottom of my heart since our separation。 Why are we not together as we were this summer in your great study; on the blue sofa; the confidential sofa? Why can I not; as I did three months ago; draw new moral strength from that gentle; calm; penetrating look of yours; a look that I loved so well and that I seem to see before me as I write to you。”
When she reached this passage; Princess Marya sighed and looked round into the pier…glass that stood on her right。 The glass reflected a feeble; ungraceful figure and a thin face。 The eyes; always melancholy; were looking just now with a particularly hopeless expression at herself in the looking…glass。 She flatters me; thought the princess; and she turned away and went on reading。 But Julie did not flatter her friend: the princess’s eyes—large; deep; and luminous (rays of warm light seemed at times to radiate in streams from them); were really so fine; that very often in spite of the plainness of the whole face her eyes were more attractive than beauty。 But the princess had never seen the beautiful expression of her eyes; the expression that came into them when she was not thinking of herself。 As is the case with every one; her face assumed an affected; unnatural; ugly expression as soon as she looked in the looking…glass。
She went on reading:
“All Moscow talks of nothing but war。 One of my two brothers is already abroad; the other is with the Guards; who are starting on the march to the frontier。 Our dear Emperor has left Petersburg; and; people declare; intends to expose his precious existence to the risks of war。 God grant that the Corsican monster who is destroying the peace of Europe may be brought low by the angel whom the Almighty in His mercy has given us as sovereign。 Without speaking of my brothers; this war has deprived me of one of my heart’s dearest alliances。 I mean the young Nicholas Rostov; whose enthusiasm could not endure inaction; and who has left the university to go and join the army。 Well; dear Marie; I will own to you that; in spite of his extreme youth; his departure for the army has been a great grief to me。 This young man; of whom I spoke to you in the summer; has so much nobility; so much real youthfulness; rarely to be met with in our age; among our old men of twenty。 Above all; he has so much openness and so much heart。 He is so pure and poetic that my acquaintance with him; though so transient; has been one of the dearest joys known by my poor heart; which has already had so much suffering。 Some day I will tell you about our farewells and all that we said to each other as we parted。 As yet; all that is too fresh。 Ah; dear friend; you are fortunate in not knowing these joys and these pains which are so poignant。 You are fortunate; because the latter are generally stronger! I know very well that Count Nicholas is too young ever to become more to me than a friend; but this sweet friendship; this poetic and pure intimacy have fulfilled a need of my heart。 No more of this。 The great news of the day; with which all Moscow is taken up; is the death of old Count Bezuhov; and his inheritance。 Fancy; the three princesses have hardly got anything; Prince Vassily nothing; and everything has been left to M。 Pierre; who has been acknowledged as a legitimate son into the bargain; so that he is Count Bezuhov and has the finest fortune in Russia。 People say that Prince Vassily behaved very badly in all these matters and that he has gone back to Petersburg quite cast down。
“I own that I understand very little about all these details of legacies and wills; what I know is that since the young man whom we all used to know as plain M。 Pierre has become Count Bezuhov and owner of one of the largest fortunes in Russia; I am much amused to observe the change in the tone and the manners of mammas burdened with marriageable daughters and of those young ladies themselves; towards that individual— who I may say in passing has always seemed to me a poor creature。 As people have amused themselves for the last two years in giving me husbands whom I don’t know; the matrimonial gossip of Moscow generally makes me Countess Bezuhov。 But you; I am sure; feel that I have no desire to become so。 About marriage; by the by; do you know that the universal aunt; Anna Mihalovna; has confided to me; under the seal of the deepest secrecy; a marriage scheme for you。 It is no one more or less than Prince Vassily’s son; Anatole; whom they want to settle by marrying him to some one rich and distinguished; and the choice of his relations has fallen on you。 I don’t know what view you will take of the matter; but I thought it my duty to let you know beforehand。 He is said to be very handsome and very wild; that is all I have been able to find out about him。
“But enough of gossip。 I am finishing my second sheet and mamma is sending for me to go and dine with the Apraxins。 Read the mystical book which I send you; and which is the rage here。 Though there are things in this book; difficult for our human conceptions to attain to; it is an admirable book; and reading it calms and elevates the soul。 Farewell。 My respects to your father and my compliments to Mlle。 Bourienne。 I embrace you as I love you。
“P。S。—Let me hear news of your brother and his charming little wife。”
Princess Marya thought a minute; smiling dreamily (her face; lighted up by her luminous eyes; was completely transformed)。 Suddenly getting up; she crossed over to the table; treading heavily。 She got out a sheet of paper and her hand began rapidly moving over it。 She wrote the following answer:
“DEAR AND EXCELLENT FRIEND;—Your letter of the 13th gave me great delight。 So you still love me; my poetic Julie。 So; absence; which you so bitterly denounce; has not had its usual effect upon you。 You complain of absence—what might I say; if I ventured to complain; I; deprived of all who are dear to me? Ah; if we had not religion to console us; life would be very sad。 Why do you suppose that I should look severe when you tell me of your affection for that young man? In such matters I am hard upon no one but myself。 I understand such feelings in other people; and if; never having felt thern; I cannot express approval; I do not condemn them。 Only it seems to me that Christian love; the love of our neighbour; the love of our enemies; is more meritorious; sweeter and more beautiful than those feelings that may be inspired in a poetic and loving young girl like you; by the fine eyes of a young man。
“The news of Count Bezuhov’s death reached us befo
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